Gas column cleaning order


Gas column cleaning order

In any gas column after a certain time of operation, a layer of lime scale is accumulated. For normal operation of its equipment, of course, it must be cleaned. That's just about how to quickly and effectively clean the gas column from scale with the help of healthy tools and at home, not every user knows. Previously, this procedure was most often trusted by qualified specialists. However, in practice, such a service is undoubtedly expensive. Observing some rules, you can easily do it yourself.

Gas column scheme with piezorozhig.

Cleaning the gas column: What do you need to know?

Any competent master will confirm that if the room was carried out in the room with the formation of construction dust, if there are animals in the house or in the apartment there is a thrust overlap, the gas column works as a "vacuum cleaner", that is, pulls the garbage that settles in the burner. The gas supply does not come unevenly, as a result of which the burner begins to smoke. In the pores of the heat exchanger, soot is formed because of this. And while the formed soot will not bother the heat exchanger completely, water entering the mixers, every time it will warm up less and less. The soot will be poured from the gas column, and characteristic cotton is possible when the equipment is turned on. Before that, in no case can you bring! If the gas column clap, you need to urgently access the qualified wizard or try to clean it yourself.

The first thing you need to consider is to clean the gas column you can not bring the situation. Available somewhat simple, but effective water softening options. For example, if during the operation of the equipment you use a good filter, most of the raid will settle on it, and it is much faster to perform its replacement than to clean the gas column. However, this is not the only available option.

Gas column cleaning order

The diagram of the internal device of the classic gas water heater.

One of the most simple and cheaper ways is the use of an electro-diagram. This fixture is attached directly to the pipe and has an effect directly on the aqueous stream, which passes through it. As a result, the formation of scale in the gas column is much less intense.

If you have not previously knew about such a simple method of combating the problem and still brought it to a critical point, you will have to disassemble the column and try to remove the flare yourself. It is necessary to clean the column from the plaque in any case, even if it is very difficult, uncomfortable and expensive, otherwise you will have to throw away the device.

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In the process of carrying out work on cleaning equipment from a limescale and science, you will need the following tools:

  • crushing cruciform;
  • screwdriver flat;
  • funnel;
  • a set of horn keys of the desired size;
  • Acetic essence.

Why is it better to use a acetic essence? Because it is an affordable and quite effective means in the fight against lime bloom and scale. However, other means can be used.

Gas column cleaning agents

Considering the application of the use of liquids for flushing gas equipment heat exchangers, it is necessary to immediately say that it is best to use a specially intended industrial tool. Without such an opportunity, it is possible to use citric acid or vinegar instead.

In various sources, you can meet recommendations on the washing of gas columns with hydrochloric acid. Remember that the washing of hydrochloric acid can spoil your equipment.

Gas column cleaning order

Scheme of a flow gas heater.

If, as a result of the use of vinegar, a safe reaction of acetic decalcification occurs, stronger acids are capable of damaging the inner surfaces of the heat exchanger. If you decide to use citric acid to remove clogging, then 200-250 g of citric acid for 5 liters of water will be optimal proportions.

In the process of cleaning the gas column, it is already in a disassembled state, it is necessary to pay attention to both gas nozzles. There is a soot from the combustion, and during operation they can be clogged, as a result of which the fire will burn unevenly, and the effectiveness of heating decreases.

If you decide to invite the wizard to clean the gas column, then ask him at the same time to clean the gas nozzles. In case of self-cleaning, it will be enough to remove the lid from the gas column and collect dirt and soot using a conventional vacuum cleaner. To achieve a better effect, take a soft brush and under the vacuum cleaner through the inner surfaces.

The most effective way to combat pollution and scale is to prevent its education. Currently, there are a lot of different filters and funds intended for cleaning gas equipment and magnetizers for heating systems that can ensure normal operation for heating systems. Much more conveniently 1 time in 2-3 years, simply change the filter filler than to wash the column every year.

Magnetic converter: The column will not slap

Gas column cleaning order

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Wall-mounted boiler scheme.

The most affordable and easiest version of the simultaneous means for softening and removing scale is a magnetic converter. Here, all work falls on powerful permanent magnets that occupy the entire body of gas equipment. The device itself is a small size - 10-15 cm long. He looks like a book that dresses on the pipe. To install such a device, you do not need to cut or dismantle the pipes. The device is simply screwed from above.

The magnetic converter has enough long life. No other softener will be able to provide practically uninterrupted service for at least 25 years. Such a service life in the instrument guarantee rare-earth metals, which, even after a long time, practically do not lose their magnetic properties. Of these, magnets are made - the basis of this device.

Among the disadvantages of such a device, it is possible to note its high demands for incoming water. The device does not work with hot liquid. Water should go through the water supply at a certain speed and in no case run in several directions at the same time.

Flawling heat exchanger gas column

The quality of the operation of the heating system directly depends on how much the gas column is contaminated. With constant warming and circulation of the liquid, deposition are formed in the form of scale and scale, which prevent the passage of water flow and heat exchange.

And if your column clogged, you will need to wash the heat exchanger, which, having minimal technical skills, can be carried out independently. Equipment manufacturers recommend pursing this at least once a year. Although the frequency of cleaning depends on the quality of water in the region of your residence.

In addition to characteristic cotton, one of the indicators that the column has come to clean is the color of the flame. If the flame becomes yellow and smoking, then the purity becomes already dangerous.

Gas column cleaning order

Mounting scheme of the gas column.

If you decide to clean the gas column yourself, remember the sequence according to which this is done:

  • Disconnect the gas. Remember that it is disabled;
  • Disconnect the control device, after which you unscrew the pipes for feeding;
  • Remove the gas column with loops, put it upside down on a flat surface;
  • with the help of a rubber pear or a syringe, pour the cleaning fluid inside;
  • Leave the column for a couple of hours.

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After 2-3 hours, hang the column in place, install the equipment, connect the pipe along which the water supply is carried out, substitute a bucket under the column or another suitable container for collecting watering water. Next, you can gradually turn on the flow and rinse until the water becomes clean. This may need some amount of time, depending on the degree of pollution. As a rule, just a few minutes. You can connect the remaining hoses. Check the connection reliability. After checking, you can turn on the gas supply for several minutes. Turn off the gas and, making sure the absence of smell, turn on again.

Cleaning the gas column from scale

Before starting the scale, it is necessary to remove the top casing of the speaker: with a screwdriver, release the mounts, carefully remove the casing and set it aside to prevent soot from entering it.

The next stage is the inspection of copper pipes. First of all, it is necessary to determine how to determine how hot water is excreted, and how cold it goes. Separately above the burner are the pipes in which water is heated. It is on this site that the scale and a lime bloom is going, and it is he who needs cleaning.

At the next stage, with the help of a horked key, you will need to unlock the compounds of copper pipes. It should be done in such a way as to release exactly the plot that is located above the burner. Water that is available in these pipes is merged into the bank (so it will be easier for you to determine the amount of acetic essence or other cleaning fluid that needs to be pouring into the pipes).

Next, take the acetic essence, the required volume of which is already known, and gently pour it into the beginning of the pipe (that end, through which cold water enters the system), and the other end needs to be tightly closed. In accordance with such an inexpensive and simple, but very effective method, you can independently clean your gas column, namely its copper tubes from lime plates and scale.

To achieve maximum cleaning degree, it is necessary to leave acetic essence in the system at least 8 hours. After that it is necessary to merge, rinse and simply collect equipment in the reverse order. Regular cleaning of gas equipment will not only improve its work, but also will prolong the service life of the unit.

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