How to make flowers from organza for curtains


Curtains, being a bright and important element of the interior, some time can bother not to attract your appearance, as it was some time ago. But you should not hurry to buy something new, you can try to transform what is available. For example, with the help of colors from organza, which will not be difficult to make it yourself. About the ways of their manufacturing for the decor of the curtain you will learn.

How to make flowers from organza for curtains

Organza flowers

About material

Organza is an easy, air and beautiful fabric, which has been widely used in interior design, sewing wedding dresses and accessories, creating various decorative elements. Look at the photo to make sure what beautiful flowers can be created from this material for curtains. Only at first glance it may seem that everything is difficult. After reading the instructions described below, you can make sure about the opposite.

How to make flowers from organza for curtains

Method of gluing petals

To create such decorative colors for curtains, you need to prepare materials such as transparent durable glue, scissors, paper (cardboard), candle, bright bead and, of course, organza itself.

  1. Cut from paper circles or flowers of different diameters. You can use a circulation or circulating the objects of the circular shape. How much should you prepare such elements? Their quantity depends on how much the bulk product you want to get.
  2. Apply paper blanks to fabric and supply. Then we make cuttings on the outlined lines and get patterns with which we will continue to work.
  3. Now the edges of each workpiece must be melted by means of a candle, making it very carefully so that the petals do not strongly cleaned from high temperature. Depending on whether the inner or external part will be directed, it is possible to achieve the effect of "twisted" either inside each workpiece or outward.
  4. Now we take the biggest workpiece, lubricate it with a center with glue and apply a little smaller in the diameter of the petal. Climb, again we lubricate glue and apply another workpiece, etc.
  5. In the middle of the product, we attach a bright bead that will hide the remnants of the glue and be simultaneously a bright addition.

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How to make flowers from organza for curtains

Please note that if your billets from organza have the appearance of flowers, then they should be glued in such a way that the petals do not impose on each other, but only in contact with each other. In more detail, all the work is described on the video presented.

Method of assembling petals threads

This is another simple way to make flowers from organza for curtains. The following materials will be needed for work: the fabric itself is, the candle, scissors, threads, beads or beads, glue.

How to make flowers from organza for curtains

Cut from fabric 8 squares of the desired size, which depends on how big flower you are going to do. Then each square you need to add diagonally and cut it in such a way that the petal is turned out. Each billet from organza is falling over the candle to make beautiful edges. After all these manipulations, we take one petal, we add it diagonally, we flash the edges of the seams "forward needle", we are tightened and fixed (as in the photo).

How to make flowers from organza for curtains

We also do the same with the rest of the workpieces. Now we collect all the petals and fasten them in the center by means of a thread so that the flower turned out. In the middle, we plant a bead or beads using glue for these purposes.

How to make flowers from organza for curtains

Here are such ways you can make flowers from organza for curtains with your own hands. They can be the most diverse both in size and in color (see photo). The most important thing is that they combine with the main material that decorates the window. Well, it is possible to use them for the decoration of pickups, lambrequins, and even curtains. It all depends on your taste and fantasy.

How to make flowers from organza for curtains

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