Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana


Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana. Do not want to tie a trendy handbag for a business woman? A very stylish handbag A la Dolce Gabbana will hit all your loved ones with its beauty. The most important thing is to choose a suitable yarn and beautiful golden fittings, and the accompanying schemes of knitting handbags will help you implement this idea.

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

Very stylish version of the knitted handbag with the "goose paws" pattern.

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

The size of the finished knit bag - 24 x 21 cm.

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

For more detailed decoding of symbols, look at the previous publication:

How to crochet in chinese schemes.

Knitting face knitting handbag. Knitting the "goose paws" pattern. In the black diagram, black yarn is indicated, and blue - white yarn.

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

Knitting the face of the front side of the handbag from the photo is higher (the very first picture, uw striped squares).

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

Knitting Space Side Handbags:

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

Valve knitting diagram:

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

Knitting handle knitting diagram:

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

Fashionable hook bag. A la Dolce Gabbana

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