Doors do not open with alarm keychain in frost


And motorists, and pedestrians are well known our weather conditions in winter. In some regions of the country, the thermometer's mark may descend to critical showers when the human body is very hard to cope with the frost. Therefore, nothing surprising that problems arise with the operation of technology. In minus weather for many age cars working on a diesel engine, it is difficult to even start. And the opening of the door is the complexity with which you have to fight most drivers in a cold time.

Doors do not open with alarm keychain in frost

Alarm broke down

Therefore, natural is the question of how to open the doors of the car in the frost, if they do not open with the alarm keychain. We'll figure it out what to do, in order not to harm your "Iron Comrade", but to quickly penetrate inside. For clarity we will use video materials.

The problem that arises suddenly

Very often happens next. In the evening, we leave the car in the parking lot or in the garage, everything is in order. I arrive in the morning, you need to go on business, even urgently, and it does not work out the machine. And if you still have passengers - the problem takes on a more serious turn. The situation is glowing, an adequate solution is required, and most importantly - effective. Therefore, very often it comes to the most "ingenious" ideas, the consequences of the implementation of which are then correcting, which affects the nerves and wallet.

Therefore, first needs to be understood.

Why not work

If the machine does not open, and on the street frost, it does not mean that the reason is in the freezing of the castle. Of course, it is most likely. Inside the mechanism, water or pairs, which per night froze, and the result is the lock of the castle ice. Very often, the alarm keychain still opens, and there is no key. The reason is that the larva of the castle is most often freezed.

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Doors do not open with alarm keychain in frost

Castle does not open

Nevertheless, quite often and keychain is not able to save the situation. As a rule, in such cases the door more about the seal.

Also a common cause, if the keychain does not work, - planting the battery or the rupture of the car alarm circuit.

How to act

What is still doing to effectively and quickly penetrate your car, overcoming this frosty barrier? Let's deal with the situation.

  • So, first you need to check all ways to open. Perhaps some of those you do not use in standard situations (for example, the key) will work. And then you do not have to take additional actions.
  • If no natural way helps, you can squander into the castle the defrostor. There may be even a brake fluid, which is most often in the garage. However, not every lock system is capable of responding to such actions. In addition, there are not always similar substances at hand. Sometimes they may be in the car itself. Therefore, this approach cannot be called very efficient and universal.

Doors do not open with alarm keychain in frost

  • Another option for opening a car in the frost is a warming up of the castle. If there is such an opportunity, you can roll back into heated box to wait in it when the ice melts. The method, of course, is not particularly common and effective for a number of reasons, in particular, complexity with a rollback procedure and finding nearby boxing with heating.
  • And you can try and a few non-standard move - warm up the key itself, inserting which in the lock, you can open the door. To warm up, you can use a newspaper torch or a conventional lighter. Do not forget that the hand should be protected from fire and heating, so you need to put on a glove. So, we heat the key as much as possible and insert into the lock, try to turn. The procedure will have to repeatedly repeat - just so you can achieve a positive result.

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Immediately note that using open fire is not the best solution, to put it mildly. In this case, the destruction of the layer of paintwork can be achieved, the sealant and plastic elements of the car can melt. Therefore, negative consequences can be much from such a rapid act, but its effectiveness is under a very big question.

  • You can try an alternative - breathing to warm it. Just need to create conditions so that the heat air flow is really directed to the castle. In parallel in the hand you can warm up the key that the complex can give the result. But it is not necessary to forget that we will blow a couple, which means that the situation can also be aggravated by the situation.

Doors do not open with alarm keychain in frost

  • Use hot water tanks or drink. In this case, many make a mistake, watering the castle with boiling water. This is a warranty of water freezing on the surface of the door and in the castle, if it falls there. After all, boiling water will cool quickly, and then frozen in the frost. Therefore, you only need to apply a hot object, rather than pour the castle. To mow, it is required not one bucket of boiling water, that under normal conditions - unpaid task.
  • You can also use a soldering lamp or an industrial hairdryer.
  • There is still a non-standard option. Using the hose, connected to the exhaust pipe of another car, you can try to defrost the castle of the high temperature of the exhaust gases. There is a danger of burning burns and carbon monoxide poisoning (if you carry out a closed room procedure).

Doors do not open with alarm keychain in frost

Appeal to a specialist - real output

If nothing of the specified helps, only unreal ideas climb, I already want to break the glass - it is worth calling a specialist. Moreover, you can not waste time, do it immediately as soon as the problem arose. This only at first glance may seem that it will have to wait longer than try to solve the problem on its own. In fact, everything happens exactly the opposite.

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Do not forget that independent inept actions can lead to irreversible consequences, including health problems, so it's not just a lost time. Qualified technical assistance is a real step to effectively solve the problem. The specialist will also give a delivel tips, how to avoid such situations in the future.

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