Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors


One of the best ways to develop small fidgets is the manufacturer of appliqués, in kindergartens, educators use this technique when working with a child. This article will tell why the appliqué technique is so claimed and what is the benefit of classes. And, of course, you will hand over a lot of ideas that are easily embody with your baby.

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Technique of work

The name of the technique comes from the Latin word Applicatio, which is translated as applying. Actually this is the whole point. Different parts are glued to the background and form an artistic composition. Apply this type of creativity not only when working with children. You can use different materials to decorate the items of clothing or furniture. The process of making craft itself can be divided into two stages:

  • Cutting out;
  • Gluing.

Depending on the age of the child, teachers use different work tactics. For the younger group, the manufacture of applications begins with simple geometric shapes. Of these, you can make interesting figures. The first thing to the kids explain how to use glue correctly and what place on the background there should be a one or another figure. Over time, the tasks are slightly complicated, and the picture can consist of several parts. Toddler at the age of 2-3 years old are prepared by carved parts, since they cannot independently cope with scissors. The task of the teacher in the game form to teach the child to distinguish colors, forms of items, to make a whole of individual parts. The presence of solid-caliber parts will help teach crumbling the difference in quantities and quantity. Using the example of the work of the teacher, children consider step-by-step performance, and then repeat the actions to create a picture.

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

The task of the educator of the middle group is to teach children to use scissors. It is not so easy to them, so the surveyed skills must be fixed at home.

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Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Children of the senior and preparatory group should clearly navigate in the colors and shapes of items, gently work with scissors and glue. For this age group, group classes are very helpful. Performing a common picture, children learn to cooperate, work in the team. They are offered to independently select the flower gamut of the work performed. In the preparatory group, the child should be able to work with plot pictures, cut minor details on the template and make an image of them.

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

This complex kid skills will teach work in the applique technique.

Useful classes

Great influence on the development of the child is the small motorcycle hands. Brain centers performing various functions are closely from each other. Experts note that the work of the speech center directly depends on the stimulation of the nerve finisters and palm. The more the child simulates the motility, the better his speech is developing. In addition, the manufacture of applications brings other benefits:

  • By creating applications, kids use manual tools, various materials are torn on the texture than actively stimulate the speech center of the brain.
  • In addition, there is a distinct formation of such concepts as size, form, amount, color of the subject, symmetry, determination of the direction. That is, attention and memory develops.
  • Working with bright details of colored paper causes positive emotions, contributes to the development of aesthetic perception. The child learns to see in simple things something more, learns the feeling of measures and beauty.
  • Collective work brings a lot of benefit, because the earlier you teach the baby to listen to someone else's opinion, the responsiveness it will be in life.
  • Application creation forms very important character traits - accuracy, perfection, discipline.
  • Getting approval and pleasure from the work done are very important for the child. He also wants to be significant and get praise. Therefore, educators of kindergartens use programs in which the creation of crafts is timed to the holidays. They work with children, helping to create gifts for moms, dads, grandparents, decorations on the Christmas tree or a group and much more.
  • The manufacture of such crafts in kindergarten stimulates the child to work at home. When using scissors, the baby will be able to independently make an applique as a birthday present.

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Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Ideas for creativity

The first thing comes to mind with the word Appliqué is a picture glued from colored paper. But this world of wonderful creativity is not limited.

The educational program of preschool institutions involves creating crafts using various materials. Combining colored paper, throwing and natural material, you can create very beautiful appliques.

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

They can be subject, scene and decorative. Subjects depict separate static items, such as animal figures, plants.

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

For the plot application, the presence of one or more characters, which depict some action. For example, a flower meadow with butterflies and bees or a lake with swans, riding a skier and so on.

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Decorative applications are more often confined to holidays and differ in abundance of ornaments composed of various materials.

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

There are also flat and bulk pictures. Flat are obtained using colored paper, cardboard, fabrics, and other materials are helping to achieve volume - felt, beads, leaving material, pasta, cereals.

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Innovation for kids

Especially for kids have developed new sets for creativity. They assume the creation of bulk applications without glue and scissors. All parts of such a set are equipped with a glue layer. It is enough just to remove the protective layer and place the item on the laid place. Such sets for creativity are very popular, because they are eco-friendly, bright and allow you to save parents to cut out parts. A big plus is that it is possible not to worry because of the spilled glue.

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Appliques in kindergarten with colored paper without glue and scissors

Video on the topic

Of the video selection provided below, you can draw a few more ideas for useful classes with the baby.

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