Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)


Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Why not create a garden from houseplants at home, in an ordinary apartment? Outside the window is not always spring or summer, and so I want the greens and multicolored flowers to surround you all the time. That is why it is recommended to create your own personal home oasis that can please the eye throughout the year.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

One of the first steps will be the choice of places and plants. It is important to note that creating a home garden from houseplants will not only raise your mood every day, but also to strengthen health.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Selection of indoor plants under the interior style

It can be bolden to note that plants are a certain element of the interior, sometimes even very important.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

There are many proposals on the market not only the room colors themselves, but also scenery to them. Pots of any shape, type and size, additional wicker, and much more can be found in the range of any flower store.

Speaking about the choice of indoor plants under the style of the interior, let's consider the three most popular directions at the moment.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Fusion and plants for him

This style is characterized by combinations of different materials in the interior decoration. The highlight is the harmony of things from completely different styles.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

In order to highly emphasize the selected direction, you can purchase exotic room plants and combine them with conventional homemade. This will give our interior very colorful and interesting atmosphere.

Loft and selection of suitable indoor plants

The interior of this style is almost impossible to imagine without a garden from houseplants. The highlight of the style is high walls that deliberately made a little carelessly, using brick inserts and ceiling beams.

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Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Excellent accents in a vegetable plan will be high trees in Kashpo from stone, or the option to use such tanks that visually make a picture that the plants grew here independently due to the abandoned room. It can be very interesting to beat this option, which will give the room a certain spirit of adventure and adventurism.

High-tech and indoor flowers

The basis of the high-tech style lies in the lightness and maximum functionality of the room. For such an option, you can choose exotic plants that will dwell into a porridge of monophonic discreet color. It is best to select kashpo from plastic options, much less often use ceramics of bright color coloring.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden in each of the apartment zones

Since some universal place to accommodate a garden from room plants does not happen, it can be done in any of the apartments. Depending on the selected plants, you need to try to maximize them the most comfortable conditions, taking into account the penetration of light, temperature regime and microclimate as a whole.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from houseplants in the living room

As a rule, this is the most spacious and illuminated place from the whole apartment. Here you can put high strabject plants, something from the types of ficus or citrus.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Indoor plants and garden in the bedroom

A secluded place where I would like to create a maximum comfort for a comfortable stay. It is not very recommended to place too much plants, because in the dark time they absorb a lot of oxygen, and in turn theyigh carbon dioxide, which can cause headache.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

From Practical Recommendations: Do not buy plants in the bedroom with flowers (for example - Gardenia), it is better to purchase a pot with a lavender, which has been a charitable to sleep with its aromas.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Flowers and plants for the garden in the kitchen

If you decide to make a garden from indoor plants in the kitchen, then it is best to select flowers with dense leathery leaves. This is due to the fact that it will be so easier to care for them in the conditions of the kitchen and the possibility of falling fat on the plants.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Here it is good: aloe, chlorophytum, spathifulum, asparagus, etc.

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Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Bathroom and home plants for her

Not a very popular place to place plants, but as an option, too, can be revived atmosphere.

In the bathroom it is worth picking plants that need an increased moisture. From plants options, it can be sensipolya, orchids, ferns, marrantovaya and small aid plants.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Please note that it is better to place them in the presence of a window in the bathroom, as well as additionally backlighting in the form of phytolamp.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Hall and plants loving shadow

As often in the hallway there is a problem of lack of light, it is better to place flowers that love shadow (ivy, aspidistra).

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Mini-gardens from houseplants

To decorate any room, you can create your mini-kindergarten, which will decorate and emphasize the interior and atmosphere in the house.

Built-in Sadik

This is one of the popular and permanent forms of the home garden, which is placed in the apartment. It looks as follows: the container is embedded in the floor, and it contains pre-prepared soil or compost, which is reminded from its content to the greenhouse option.

This garden option is better placed in spacious halls or loggias.

Sadik in the blue

In the plates you can mix and make a garden that can grow together. Plant compositions are usually durable, and they can be enjoyed for several years.

To make such a garden, you will need a round rode. There is a standard planting scheme of plants, but you can make your own adjustments at will.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

If we take the usual standard landing, the rule says that the plants get along with the background (for example, it may be ivy), it is pushing or bushy plants in front of it (you can also plant blooming). In order to slightly soften our homework, on the edges we can place ampel plant species or dwarf ficus.

Before creating the garden, think about drainage holes, since the oversupply of water can attract the destruction of plants.

Garden on a saucer

Such a garden can be arranged in small sudins, one of which can be a saucer. Indoor plants that can be used at the same time are cacti or succulents. Additionally, the sudine can be cordoned by various decor, or manual coloring.

Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Live screen

It will be very good for such a "live screen" in the form of a visual section of the living area from the kitchen. This is usually done with the help of partitions or racks, but a rather interesting move will make several niches, where to put pots with plants. This option will really revive the atmosphere in the house.

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Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

Suitable plants for the "garden section" of the premises will be: Ivy, SzindapSus, Singonium, Ficus, Cissor, Cissor, Ficus Benjamine.

Master class "How to make a room garden" in the apartment

And so, you decided that you wish to create a househouse at home. Here are the alleged items that you need to pass so that your idea is embodied in reality.

  1. Choosing a box . Usually, the choice of boxes in the store involves oblong plastic trays of white, green or black colors. This is the easiest option, but you can search for something more interesting, for example, a drawer of wood and bamboo. Any options can be described beautifully and decorated, so there is a matter of taste and pricing policy.

    Of the practical recommendations, avoid bright boxes, as sometimes they can distract attention from the room plant itself.

  2. Selection of plants . Here the main rule is the choice of plants of approximately the same requirements for the number of light, water and heat. Mainly the focus goes to a decorative appearance, and blooming options - as an additional color to the overall type of your garden.
  3. Drainage layer th. This is a very important condition for the normal growth and development of plants. To do this, you will need to purchase gravel, and lay it on the bottom of the box with a layer of approximately 5-8 centimeters.

    Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

    Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

    Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

    Garden from room plants in the apartment: closer to nature at home (37 photos)

  4. Installing pots in a box . On top of the drainage, place a thin layer of filling material, and place the pots in the alternation you need.
  5. Control irrigation . You can independently water the plants by defining an approximate schedule and the amount of water. Also acquire a special control system for watering, which will control the water level.
  6. Filling material between pots . This is the final step of creating a full-fledged garden from room plants. It will be necessary to decompose the wet compost layer, which will have to take the space between the edge of the pots and the drainage layer. It is important to consider the factor that one should not put the compost near the roots of the plant.

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