Crafts "Golden Autumn" with photo decor photos


Crafts "Golden Autumn", with photos of which you can get acquainted in this material, become particularly relevant when vacation and country work is already behind. We have more free time and can dedicate him to your home, children and the creativity that is like. Today we will tell you how to do, inspired by autumn nature.

Decorating the dining table

Many will agree that the main place in the house is a dining area. It is there that the whole family is going to breakfast or evenings for a cup of tea and long conversations. Therefore it is very important that this particular place was nice to the soul of every household and guest. There are many ways to design a table, in the autumn style. Here is some of them:

  • Candles.

This practical element of the decor, perhaps, is best associated with home comfort in the cool season. You can decorate the dining table as a large candle and several medium sized. For decoration of the candle, you can use spruce cones, nuts or, as on our example, - corn.


Offer to your child to participate in creating such a composition, because even a schoolboy of 2-3 grade will cope with such a task.

  • Decorative basket.


Elements for this craft can be found literally under their feet. Being with her family in the forest, do not forget to collect a variety of cones, twigs, chestnuts and nuts. Houses prepare a wicker basket and vegetables or fruits. You can also add cereal and living, dried flowers here.


Fill the basket with a flushed floral sponge and insert flowers and cereals in a sponge. Collect the composition from the rest of the elements by masking the floral sponge, and put the basket on the table. She probably will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • Candles and acorns.

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Another example, as with the help of candles, make an unusual and very spectacular decoration for the table. The photo shows an example with artificial acorns, but they can be easily replaced by real.


If you managed to find enough acorns, then building such beauty will not be a problem for you. Each acorn on one side is covered with a thin layer of transparent glue and is fumped into sparkles. When the glue dries, sprinkle the sparkles on the acorns of the hair with a lacquer so that they keep tight. Next, you need to find a suitable stand with low sidelights, put candles there and pour around acorns in sparkles. All is ready. Such a simple idea, but how unusual it is.

  • Autumn leaflets of beads.

From the beads you can do almost everything, the main thing is to be patient and beaded!

To make such leaves, we need:


  • beads (yellow, green, red);
  • scheme;
  • Thin wire;
  • corrugated paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.


Getting to work.

Our sheet has five elements in its composition. Three elements will be more, two on the edges will be smaller. When working on the leaf, we will use the technique of parallel weaving.


We put on the wire the first three beads and skip one end of the wire in two things, tighten.


To make a new row, put on one end of the wire again the top of the beads and skip through all three things the second end of the wire, tighten.

Again, we put on one end four things, and the second end of the wire we skip through them. We do the same, put on five things.


Next, we take the right segment of the wire and we ride three beads. Now the same end is done through our triple. On the left segment they do the same action.

Now we work according to the scheme. Having reached the final fourth lines, fasten the lateral parts of the leaf.

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To make leaves even more similar to autumn, you can use in one leaflet beads of different colors.


Cutting the wires. The whole skeleton must be carefully covered with glue and wrap in corrugated paper. Our leaves are ready. From this beauty you can make a great bouquet for a gift or put in a vase at home.

Autumn postcard


What we need to work:

  • scrapbook;
  • lace cotton;
  • paper knife;
  • Rowan twig;
  • transparent sheet;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Blank for postcard.


First of all, we cut out the desired shape of our paper on the card blank. On our postcard as the first layer, we left brown paper, and the next layer will be color.


Of the two sheets we make two rectangles of different sizes. In the photo they are shown along with the base.


The biggest segment is gluable with a soft scotch.


On this tape, plant a cut per capita shape.


We do the same with a color rectangle.

We glue to the lace bilateral flat tape. Next, we glue the lace on our color rectangle, which is already attached to the postcard.



A transparent sheet glued on the lace.


The tip of a rowan twig twist with a spiral.


Also do the rest.


Tight ribbon typing twigs together.


Squeeze berries per postcard with a clear glue.


Our postcard is ready, it remains only to write a wish.


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