Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)


Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Once street fireplaces were considered the subject of luxury and wealth, but now it is a fairly ordinary thing in any country house or in the country. They are functional and designed for comfortable stay and cooking food.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

In order to purchase a street fireplace, it does not need much effort, besides you can try to make it with your own hands. It is enough just to get the desired drawings and determine the details of the construction.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Types of street fireplaces

Of course, there are many versions of a street fireplace that can be built on its land plot. Therefore, we will now get acquainted with some of them.

Russian oven.

She reminds its appearance of the ordinary Russian oven, only located in the house, but outside beyond. It will differ only in what has instended side walls that reduce the consumption of firewood during cooking. Also, the furnace retains warmth well, so it can be prepared for various dishes, ranging from a kebab, ending with a homely suicon.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Furnace brand

This is a kind of reduced Russian oven. Suitable for cooking any dishes. It has the opportunity to fry, stew, bake, tomorrow and even smoke. It is important that for smoking it will be necessary to leave several coal in the five, by adding them with dry sawdust. A good fireplace option on the street for those who like to cook on fire.

Read also : Place for a fire at the cottage - make the focus with their own hands.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Tandar, or Asian oven

The main profile of this stove is cooking meat. On this fireplace, you can roast a large kebab, solid carcasses, poultry and game. Additionally, there is the possibility of smoking products with cold and hot ways. The only thing for what a tandyer is not suitable is the preparation of culinary baking.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)


Private view of mangals and fireplaces, which is designed specifically for cold and hot smoked. It has two cameras, a fuel and chimney. The principle of operation is quite simple. Firewood is burning in the fuel and give smoke that enters the smoking chamber and goes through the smoke tube. This is a hot smoking option. For the cold, it will be necessary to install a cast iron or steel container filled with sawdust over the fifth.

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Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Barbecue oven.

Basically intended for the preparation of kebab, or dishes that are prepared on the grill or grille. In such a fireplace on the street you can quickly prepare dishes from fish, chicken and meat. For uniform roasted, it will be necessary to constantly turn the meat. Remember that the bake barbecue is not suitable for cooking oriental dishes.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Classic street fireplace

It can be made with a stand for skewers, as well as a barbecue grid. Excellent preparation option, both meat and fish dishes. By the way, folding such a fireplace on the street is not at all difficult, it can be done with your own hands.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Important moments of installing fireplace on the street

In order for your street fireplace to be safe for you and your neighbors, consider the following items of its installation:

  • It is not recommended to mount it near shrubs, trees or wooden structures. This can be fraught with negative consequences.
  • Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

  • It is best to choose an open space to install, which will be well ventilated.
  • You should not put a fireplace in a lowland, because if it rains, and you will have to cook food, you can just be in a puddle.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Construction of a street fireplace with their own hands: Step by step instructions

Basically, the usual classic street fireplace is most often installed or build. For its construction, we will first need to decide exactly where it will be located, as well as find a scheme of the structure.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Then we buy all the necessary materials that may be needed in this matter. In order to build a mangaal with your own hands we will need:

  • Brick.
  • Cement.
  • Water.
  • Clay.
  • Crushed stone.
  • Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

  • Ruberoid.
  • Wood.
  • Plumb.
  • Construction level and wooden square.
  • Capacity for breeding solution.
  • Shovel.

Stages of work

The first and most important task will make a good and solid foundation for our object. It is very important, because the whole future design will stay on it.

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Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

So, proceed to work.

Basis of construction

  1. To begin with, we make markup, where our street fireplace will be located. We allocate and clean the platform under it.
  2. Next, the shovel needs to dig up the pit. Its depth should be at least 70 centimeters deep into. The size of the pit needs to be made by 100 millimeters more on each side of the design itself.
  3. When our pit is ready, on the bottom we pour crushed stone and it is tightly tamped.
  4. Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

  5. The next step will be cement bay, in proportion 2: 1. To enhance our foundation, you can additionally use fittings.
  6. From the boards, it will be necessary to install a formwork and then it is still finally pouring into a solution and pretty sprinkle surface.
  7. The formwork is disassembled after the complete pouring of the concrete in about 20 days.

Laying of street fireplace

The second stage after we made a solid foundation, there will be a brickwork. The main thing here is to adhere to the basic rules in construction.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

At this stage, it is worth considering that the factor that our design will contact with fire, respectively, should withstand high temperatures. Therefore, a slightly clay and chamotte powder (approximately 10% of the total mass) cost to the solution. It is these materials that will give the right heat resistance, and our oven will not fall apart. By the way, in places the most high temperatures it is recommended to use heat-resistant brick.


  1. From the very beginning you need to make a solid plane of bricks. It is important to note that it should be very smooth. Therefore, we cover our foundation to the rubberoid, which ensures the waterproofing of the structure, and put the first row with a whole brick.

    Please note that the responsible moment will be followed by a smooth level of masonry, which is simply obliged to be perfectly parallel land. To do this, use the level, the best thing is better, which could get from one wall to another.

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Another point is the corners of the design. Also use the level and triangle. Before that, you should first simply post a brick and check everything in order. And only after that put it on the solution.

  2. Further put the following ranks of the fireplace. They are already needed with dressing. This means that the next row overlaps the seam of the previous one.
  3. After several rows, install grate. They will be air conductor to the flopping department. To do this, put them on the brick and outline with a pencil. Next, we use the grinder with a circle around the stone and make some decrease in the masonry. The depth must be equal to spicy, and the width is greater than a pair of centimeters.
  4. Final step - installation of the door and damper. For strength, a few rings of metal should be welded to its frame. Immediately before installing the door are processed asbestos cord. It will provide the desired plane of the fret and will not give the smoke.

Street fire

The almost final stage will be the installation of chimney on our fireplace. It is needed in order to bring the smoke and provide air circulation.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

For street fireplaces, the variant of the modular chimney is best used. It is easy to install and provide the output of exhaust gases.

This design can be bought, because it is in a free sale. It has the necessary isolation, and even a person without experience will be able to establish, following the instructions. The main thing to adhere to such principles:

  • Start the installation always from the aggregate itself.
  • When folding elements, note that they are attached tight. This is very important during operation.
  • In no case do not allow the cracks in the design.
  • Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

    Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

  • The depth of the attachment of the elements is not less than half the cross section of pipes.
  • For connections, access must be free. It will ensure timely cleaning of the design and all its elements.
  • You can not make joints in partitions and walls.

Finishing work

Well, our design is ready and left only to betray her beautiful view. For finishing works, the fireplace on the street can be used tiles or plaster. Additionally, decorate its pattern or any other design elements.

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

As you can see, it is quite possible to independently build a fireplace on the street with your own hands. The main thing to adhere to some rules in the installation and construction. After completing all the work, you can arrange delicious barbecue and kebabs at home.

Stock Foto Beautiful street fireplaces, stoves and barbecue

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

Fireplace on the street with their own hands: oven, brazier and barbecue (60 photos)

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