Wood table lamp do it yourself


Wood table lamp do it yourself

Wood table lamp do it yourself

Greetings all respected! Somehow I noticed that the niece lacks light on the desk, and decided quickly (Yeah quickly, 2 weeks did, it's all my favorite job) to put the desktop lamp. Of what ? Well, of course, from the tree, from what else)) found a couple of woods, Faneru, a cartridge, a M10 bolt well, and a wire with a switch and began to think how to connect together. Helped as always the Internet. I found in pictures more appropriate, it seemed to me, but I didn't find guides on the assembly, I had to invent something.

It seems that everything shines and is spinning for more than a year, so the experiment was successful. )

The idea of ​​connecting the details of the ceiling details is certainly so-so, but it rests and works.

1. First we make a ceiling. Cut 4 identical details. Fasten.

Wood table lamp do it yourself

Wood table lamp do it yourself

2. Making a suspension with the cartridge. M10 bolt with a hole holds a cartridge

Wood table lamp do it yourself

Wood table lamp do it yourself

3. We collect again.

Wood table lamp do it yourself

4. Pre-assembly.

Wood table lamp do it yourself

5. Shlifuy, put off and final assembly.

6. cover impregnation.


Wood table lamp do it yourself

Wood table lamp do it yourself

If someone else does, take the power wire longer, the diode light bulb and the switch respectively elsewitch. Write if you write questions, I will answer)

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