Knitting Fabric Blocks


Knitting Fabric Blocks

These unusual scarves and jewelry are created by an unusually talented person literally from "Klobkov" of different fabrics. I was delighted with the ability to connect the scattered components in solid work with the help of the nodules and the hook, getting according to the truth - real works of art.

If you master this technique, the abyss of opportunities will open before the Creator - from small torn pieces of fabric knit unique things, clothing and accessories.

And the technique, as I understood, is the following - the fabric is taken and rushes (it is rushing, and not cut) on strips. Strips are binding to nodules into one long rag "thread", which twists in the ball. And then from this "yarn" knit the product.

Special drawing - when binding blocks of different tissues, leave long fringe tails, which will be picturesquely tremble, for example, on a scarf.

Knitting Fabric Blocks

Knitting Fabric Blocks

Knitting Fabric Blocks

Knitting Fabric Blocks

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