Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos


A very large number of products can be made with your own hands, both for the garden and for the garden or the country area. There are several types of crafts - decorative and useful. They will fall to taste not with one adult, but also to children, attract them to the manufacture of some crafts, they will like it. It is only worth not to forget to follow the process, and ultimately come to success. This article contains ideas for the garden.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Pugala and stuffed

In the old days, the scarecrow was created for one goal - to scare non-crumbling birds, now it is used in decorative purposes. Nowadays, scarecrow for the country area will be a special design decision, it will also look attractive.

Let us create the scarecrow in this way: from the pole in human growth and transverse crossbar, we build the basis - a cross, he will be inserted into the ground with its sharp end.

On a note! For the head stuffed, a package of light coloring or a bag of cotton fabric is used.

Fill the bag with foam rubber or dry grass, depict the mouth on your head, add your eyes from buttons, decorate the hat and attach your head at the top of the founded base. Using old clothes, dress the stuffed, to do this, put it on the basis, buttoning all the buttons, then stuff the torsch with the filler, and then encourage the bottom to avoid filler falling.

As palms, you can use old gloves or cut them out of plywood, and make the legs from different socks. In the hand, it is possible to put a bouquet of dried colors, an umbrella, a leather for a garden or any other item, adding colorful parts, create an unusual garden scarecrow with your own hands, which will cause a smile.

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Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Watering pots

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

These pots are perfect for the first phase of breeding vegetable cultures at home. You can use the windowsill to look behind them. The procedure itself is very simple.

Required materials and tools:

  1. Plastic container 2 liters;
  2. Mix for potted plants;
  3. Seeds;
  4. Fat cord (cotton or polyester);
  5. Screwdriver;
  6. A hammer;
  7. Knife (blade). To cut plastic containers.

Cut the plastic container in half.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Make a hole in the center of the cover of the bottle with a screwdriver and hammer, twisting the lid in advance.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Cut about seven centimeters of thread or cord and fold it in half.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Then make the cord through the hole in the lid and tie the node so that the cord does not fall out.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

This cord is required to absorb moisture to deliver it from the lower storage with water to the ground. Thus, the sprout will take the required amount of water for itself.

Screw the cover on the bottle and insert the top of the bottle top down into the bottom.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Make it for the convenience of marking on Tare with a marker.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

To the bottom of the container, add water, and to the top of the ground and seeds.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

It is only necessary to pour the ground from the top to fling the cord and the earth. Then it is necessary to add water only into a specialized space for it.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Here is such a wonderful watering system turned out of plastic bottles.

From this material you can also make a sprayer to easily pour grass or beds. We take a bottle, make holes in it and attach to the hose using the scotch, do it hard and carefully. Not only plants will be delighted with such things, but also children.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

From bike wheel

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

A variety of ideas

For seedlings, an excellent option will be the use of shells for eggs. In them, the seed will germinate, and at the right moment the plant will simply need to be planted with the container. After that, the shear will become a good fertilizer.

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Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

If a pet or any wild animal is dried in beds, then the ideal solution will be the following idea.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

We take plastic forks and stick them into the ground in each planted plant, they will be a reliable protection against curious animals.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

If birds attack on the harvest of strawberries, then you can try to save the crop as follows. We take small stones and apart them so that they look like strawberries, and decompose them under the bushes two weeks before the crop matures. The feathers will try and will understand that those are not edible, and by the time the maturation of these berries will not be noticed red berries among the bushes. This method will work with tomatoes, only instead of stones take not the necessary red christmas balls.

Ideas for gardening of plastic bottles with your own hands with photos

Now you should not be upset if dishes crashed, now it is really fortunately. After all, from large fragments, markers can be made with the name of plants in the garden, as in the photo above. Thus, it will not be necessary to spend money and time on purchased markers, and fragments will not become unnecessary garbage. More such markers can be created from plastic shoes, branches and sticks from under ice cream.

Video on the topic

Finally, a few more videos with ideas for the garden.

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