Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen


With the onset of hot days, the question of protecting the dust from dust and direct sunlight becomes especially relevant. Moreover, these factors affect negatively not only in general condition, but also have a detrimental effect on carpets, furniture and other interior items. How to solve this problem? Blinds will come to the rescue in this situation. They can be plastic, wooden, aluminum, manufactured from fabric and even paper (see photo). Moreover, paper blinds that can be purchased in many stores, including IKEA and Lerua Merlen, in some cases are most preferred.

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlin

Paper blinds on the window

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlin

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlin

History of origin

Before moving to the review of paper shutters on Velcro, we learn how and when the first similar designs appeared. The exact date of the appearance of the blinds is not installed. It is only known that even in the Middle Ages, the Arabs used a certain similarity of horizontal structures, which consisted of separate flavors of the fabric. They were closed in the dwellings of the doors and windows, protecting themselves and their property from strangers. There is also a legend that jealous husbands came up with jealous husbands in the east, hiding their wives from the views of other men.

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Officially, in this form, in which Mi we see them now, the blinds began to be manufactured in 1841. It was then, John Hampton was bought a patent for their production. Until the 40s of the last century, the manufacture was used mainly wood, then the metal began to be used, and after World War II, a variety of synthetic materials went into move.

A simple solution

To date, in Lerua Merlin, Ikea and other stores, you can find not only paper velsel blinds (see photo), but also a variety of horizontal, vertical, solid fabric designs. But the advantage of paper in front of them, first of all, is their cheapness and simplicity of installation. Such structures on velcro are attached, which allows them not only to quickly install, but also to quickly remove.

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Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

Paper Blinds on Velcro in Ikea and Lerua Merlen

To install ordinary blinds, you will need more time and labor, drilling holes and special tools. Of course, their mount will be more reliable and they will be more functional, but paper structures on Velcro will become an excellent solution when the family budget is limited, and the dwelling still wants to do more cozy. Also paper blinds on velcro, which can be purchased in Ikea and Lerua Merlin, will become an excellent solution for village houses and cottages (see photo).

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