We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?


Do you want from the first days of spring to enjoy the bright colors in their plot? Start preparing for landing in advance. First, grow seed from seeds on the windowsill, and in the spring, take it to the open ground. Of course, gardeners are experiencing that many containers with a seedy will create a feeling of chaos in the apartment. Avoid mess in the house and our recommendations will help not harm the interior.

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

How to prepare a place for seedlings

First of all, you need to choose a place in the apartment where the seedlings will be located. For cultivation, in addition to high-quality soil, timely irrigation, a sufficient amount of light is required. Gardeners are very often used for such a goal. A green blooming corner will delight the eyes and cause a sense of peace.

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

What is needed for this:

  1. Release the windowsill from foreign objects.
  2. If there is not enough space, then use special racks, the products in which the height of the shelves are adjusted are convenient.
  3. The windowsill insulation, add artificial lighting, it is not necessary to acquire expensive phytolamba, quite ordinary lamps.

Important. The container with a seedy can not be placed on the window of the south side, the straight sun rays do not affect it. The plant can get sick and dry.

Crates for seedlings Easily turn into exquisite decor elements with decoupage technique. Very original will look the box, decorated with a cloth, from which the curtains or tablecloth are sewn. You can also create a beautiful composition from seashecks and marine stars and set next to the seedle. Shells in tandem with natural materials, such as tree or twine, are particularly organically.

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

In which containers grow seedlings

Some gardeners prefer to grow seedlings in pots. But many small items will not add beauty to the windowsill, but on the contrary, create a visual disorder. And large items, such as a large box, will help hide the defects of the coating and will attract a look.

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We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

Types of boxes for seedlings:

  1. Green bushes in a drawer will look original, they will decorate the room at any time and will help you create a cozy atmosphere. It is worth noting that the tree has the property of thermal insulation and therefore in wooden boxes the flowers will be protected from temperature drops.
  2. Plastic containers will help grow healthy seedlings, as they have excellent thermal insulation and high strength. Modern material is well clean, the fungus is not afraid, affordable. Due to its ease, suitable for the interior in any style.

In stores a large selection of all sorts of shape and color of boxes. All of them are divided into sections and are an excellent replacement for disposable cups or plastic bottles. They are comfortable, because seedlings can be arranged, and their opaque walls of products help protect the root system of plants from light.

Council. If you want seedlings faster germinated, create a mini-greenhouse with a lid or polyethylene. Thanks to the moisture coating, it will not evaporate.

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

Seedlings in the interior

Seedlings promote the creation of a healthy microclimate in the house, its green bushes absorb carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen. And also they contribute to the interior of the notch of naturalness, freshness. The cultivation of seedlings requires a gardener to comply with a number of recommendations and if they are performed, you can achieve good results . As soon as the street is placed in the street without night frosts, feel free to transplant seedlings into the open ground. And then in the spring you can surprise all the neighbors blooming flowerumba.

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

Seedlings on the windowsill. How to grow seedlings (1 video)

How to place seedlings in the apartment (6 photos)

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

We grow seedlings: how to harm the interior?

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