How to choose the paint for wallpaper for painting


With the help of paint for wallpaper, you can in a short time and with minimal material costs to update the usual interior. This is especially true if it is not possible to carry out large-scale repairs due to any circumstances. The best solution in this case will repaint walls in another color.

The modern market of paints and varies the widest range of paints for wallpaper. It is only necessary to find out which kinds of this material exist, and for what type of wallpaper they will fit.

How to choose the paint for wallpaper for painting

Types of paints for painting wallpaper

Modern materials for staining of wobbly canvas differ not only at cost, but also by certain properties. All of them can be divided into three types: latex, water-emulsion and acrylic.


PVA-made on the basis of glue, it initially has a white color, but by coloring can easily give the required shade. As a rule, the water-emulsion formulations are used to finish the ceiling wallpaper, however, are often used on the walls.

They are the most accessible among those listed. And thanks to environmental safety can be used to finish children's rooms.

How to choose the paint for wallpaper for painting

The disadvantages of this coverage should include instability to moisture and burnout ability when bright sunlight getting.


Maximum resistant to moisture, acrylic paint for painting wallpaper is not afraid of abrasion and mechanical damage. It has a matte texture, but it does not make it less popular and in demand. Thanks to the widest color scheme, you can easily implement any designer ideas into reality.

Acrylic paint possess a number of benefits:

  • easy to apply;
  • does not spread;
  • dries quickly;
  • does not fade under the action of sunlight;
  • Refers to breathable coatings.

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How to choose the paint for wallpaper for painting

Thanks to the excellent performance, it is ideal for finishing the premises with high humidity.

The disadvantages of acrylic paints for wallpaper can be attributed to their high cost. However, it is largely justified by the listed advantages.


Its main distinctive features is the highest quality and unique beauty. It forms a luxurious silky structure and truly impressive with his smoothness and gorgeous gloss. It is the latex paint for wallpaper for painting more expensive than others, but the cost pays for ideal properties and a long service life.

It is worth noting that latex-based wallpapers are customary to divide into several species that differ in the degree of gloss and resistant to moisture, which will certainly be indicated on the packaging.

How to choose the paint for wallpaper for painting

Choosing a suitable paint for wallpaper

  1. Any of the listed paints is suitable for painting wallpapers on a paper basis. The optimal option is to choose latex products. They can be applied a very thin layer. At the same time, the canvases themselves will not be lost, and their operational properties will be much better. The use of water makeup will allow you to save significantly.
  2. Flizelin wallpaper can be painted with acrylic or latex species of paints. Not everyone knows that this type of wallpaper can be painted not only with outdoor, but also on the reverse side. To do this, you need to apply paint on the back side of the web and, after complete drying, paste on the walls. The paint sticks out from the front side only in those places where the polymer is missing. In this case, the tone will become somewhat different, and the surface will acquire an interesting texture.
  3. For dyeing of vinyl wallpaper, only acrylic paint is suitable. You can also paint them on both sides. In this case, the texture will continue, but the shade will become somewhat different.
  4. If you decide to paint the fiberglass wallpaper options, you can emphasize their beauty and uniqueness. In this case, it is worth using latex and acrylic products. They will help to show and reveal the wallpaper data texture.
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Color spectrum

Paint for wallpaper under painting is presented in the widest assortment, which makes it easy to select the desired shade. Not only classic, but also extravagant tastes will be easily satisfied.

If you want to create a romantic atmosphere in the room, you should give preference to pastel colors. When creating stylish interiors, you can choose cold light colors. Bright shades will give the room some highlight and uniqueness.

How to choose the paint for wallpaper for painting

If you want to paint the walls in this or that color, most likely, you will need a tinting, which involves mixing multiple colors using a computer or independently.

At home you can create the desired color by adding the coloring pigment to the main color. Make it just enough if there is a certain practice. However, it is worth remembering that the paint for wallpaper under painting on the wall after drying will have several other shades. Based on this, after adding the pigment and obtain the desired result, you need to apply it on a small section of the wallpaper and wait until complete drying.

Computer tinting allows you to immediately determine how much pigment is needed in order to create a specific shade after drying it. If the acquired amount of paint is not enough, the subsequent tinting will allow to obtain the same exactly shade that in the case of independent color to achieve extremely difficult.

To determine if the selected shade is suitable for you, you need to test it. To do this, you need to buy a small pot of paint and apply it to a square meter of wallpaper. After its complete drying, it will become clear whether you are satisfied with the result.


The type of wallpaper affects the type of paint, as they all differ in absorption. At the same time, the amount you define only approximately because even the same type of cloths of various manufacturers may differ in terms of characteristics.

If the wallpaper is not absorbed, 1 liter of paint is needed on 10 square meters. If they absorb well, 1 liter is enough for only 8 square meters. After that, it will remain counting the total area of ​​the room and find out the required amount of paint. Of course, it is better to buy it with a slight margin.

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If you want to reduce the consumption of paint, before painting the wallpaper it is necessary to process to them. For this, a little diluted wallpaper glue is suitable. Wallpaper paint is applied in two layers with an interval of 12 hours.

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