Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles


Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

In this article, I propose to consider interesting Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles : Sea foam, patent pattern with harness, two-color braids and a droplet.

Read more about "Knitting schemes of beautiful patterns with knitting needles" read in today's article.

Oshiving and applied in practice these original patterns, you can get an exclusive knitted thing.

To perform this gentle openwork pattern, a merceerized cotton yarn "Soso" 50 g / 240 m and knitting needles No. 3 was used.

You can use any classic yarn of monotonous or fantasy color. Very nice and air will look at this pattern, if you link it with yarn from Kidmoker.

The knitting needles need to be 1-2 rooms more than indicated on the label of the Moke.

Pattern scheme "Sea foam"

Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

The main element of the pattern is the stretched loops, the length of which is adjusted by the number of nakidov. The loops for this knitting pattern of a beautiful pattern of the knitting needles need so much so that the residue 3 (1 p. For symmetry and 2 edges can be obtained at 6).


Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

In order to peck 3 p. Of the three it is necessary to peck 3 p. From the left knitting needles together for the front wall (1st n.), Then they are tied up the same 3 p. Together on the back wall (2-alar p.) And again 3 p. Together behind the front wall (3rd n.). All loops do faith.

Providing 5 p. Of the five, it is necessary to enter into 5 left hinges this time, to enter 5 times, tie to the 4th left. As the 2nd, and the 5th century. As the 1st.

To perform the front loop with three turns after the introduction of the right spokes in the desired loop, makes it 3 in the movements from yourself. Then stretch the needle with the loop.

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On the right spice it turns out a loop with three turns. The next row of the Caidis is reset, and the loop of the desired length is obtained.

Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

As can be seen from the explanation and scheme of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles, reproduction of the "marine foam" drawing is not so difficult. It turns out an elastic, openwork cloth.


Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

Knitting patterns of beautiful patterns with spokes based on patent or English gum is quite confused, but it is worth trying and deal with them.

I believe that here it will be better to use the classic smooth yarn of medium thickness, which includes wool. As a result, it turns out a strongly stretching canvas with uniform embossed texture.

Pattern scheme

Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

The patent pattern with the harm is performed first from the 1st to the 38th row, and then repeats from the 3rd to the 38th. The number of scaled loops during division by 24 should give a residue 2 (edge).


Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

Following the instructions of the knitting pattern of a beautiful pattern with knitting needles, you can get a magnificent, bulk fabric, however, the yarn flow will be quite large.

To prevent its deformation, it is recommended to tighten the working thread when performing patent gum.

Two-color braids

Knitting schemes of beautiful patterns with knitting needles are not limited to complex, requiring many years of experience with options. You can create an original cloth from simple braids, just using yarn of two colors.

Use the yarn of medium thickness and the knitting needles recommended by the manufacturer (indicated on the label).

Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

Pattern scheme

Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

The rapport of this pattern is 12 p. The total number of loops during division by 12 should give a residue 2 (edge).

The pattern of the scheme is quite simple, but you need to closely monitor the color shift. All persons. Rows are performed by persons. loops, and izn. Rows - Iz. hinges.


+ chrome. P.;

- thread A;

- thread in;

- Kos 3 × 3 with a shift to the left (loop on the auxiliary needle before work);

- Kosh 3 × 3 with displacement to the right (loops on the aux. Spice behind work).

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"Droplets" from shutted loops

Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

Another knitting pattern of a beautiful pattern with knitting needles will help create an easy openwork pattern. Any classic smooth yarn is suitable for work.

Pattern scheme

Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

The pattern of the canvas in the form of droplets is obtained due to low loops on a background of 2 × 2 gum. In even rows of hinges, in drawing, Nakida - involnenny.


Schemes of knitting beautiful patterns with knitting needles

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