Foundation from plastic pipes under the veranda with their own hands


Foundation from plastic pipes under the veranda with their own hands

Foundation from plastic pipes under the veranda with their own hands

Let's analyze a rather interesting way of a basement device from PVC pipes. This type of foundation is suitable for light buildings or buildings. In our case, it will be the foundation of the terrace. Next, I will tell you how to make such a foundation and how much it costs it.

In our case, it will require 7 pillars for the foundation device. The depth of the pipes is 1.8 m (depends on the depth of the fruit of the soil) and above the ground they will perform 0.8 m.

PVC pipes will act as a non-removable formwork, which will be rejected and poured concrete. Pipes are taken in size 3 m, with a diameter of 160 mm with a thickness of a wall of 3.2 mm.

Cost of building materials:

• PVC pipe 160x3.2x3000 - 700 rubles; 7x700 = 4900 r

• Dry cement-sand mix 300 brand:

- 6 bags of 50 kg - 150 rubles / bag = 800 r

- 9 bags of 30 kg - 109 p / pcs = 981 p

• Armature with a diameter of 10 mm 6 pcs 11.75 m - 23P / m + cutting = 1711 p

The total cost of materials amounted to 8,392 rubles.

Tools for the foundation device:

• manual drill with a diameter of 200 mm;

• Bulgarian;

• drill;

• scrap;

• Shovel.

Technology device of the foundation from PVC pipes

Foundation from plastic pipes under the veranda with their own hands

First of all, you need to make markup and determine the drilling places of the holes under the pile.

Foundation from plastic pipes under the veranda with their own hands

It is quite difficult to try the hole with a depth of 1.8 m rather difficult, therefore, first throw up a shovel of a depth of 50 cm, then the brown make a hole with a depth of 1.3 m.

In the process of drilling, you need to monitor the vertical and periodically check its level.

Foundation from plastic pipes under the veranda with their own hands

In the hole with a diameter of 200 mm, we install a pipe of 160 mm and pour one bucket of the solution first. We raise the pipe by 15-20 cm so that the solution fill the space around the PVC pipe. So we will be at the bottom of the concrete heel, which will increase the area of ​​the Oppulating and will not give the powder forces to lift the pipe.

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Foundation from plastic pipes under the veranda with their own hands

Foundation from plastic pipes under the veranda with their own hands

After 20 minutes, you can install framework frames. It is necessary to make them from 3 rods of reinforcement and grind knitted wire.

Pour pipes to the top of the solution. In the process of fillings, the mixture must be sealing, for these purposes a rod from fittings will be suitable.

Foundation from plastic pipes under the veranda with their own hands

Do not forget to install anchor bolts for fastening the strapping bar.

The mixture for filling the foundation is usually prepared by hand in buckets. For mixing using nozzles for a drill.

After 7 days, the construction of walls can be continued.

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