Garage from a wooden bar do it yourself from A to Z


The garage refers to the species of economic buildings, which, at first glance, can be made of absolutely any materials. In fact, it is not entirely correct: deciding to build it out of wood, you can be sure that the walls of the construction will be breathable, they will be able to skip moisture pairs, neutralizing the possible unpleasant odors, but maintaining heat. Let's find out how to build a garage from a bar with your own hands.

Dignity of the garage from the bar

Make such a construction with your own hands, it turns out, it is very easy: the construction materials available today are already fully prepared for use, they are processed by special compositions that exclude the danger of posting or sunbathing, and also do not need additional fit. Of the unconditional advantages, which differs in the axle construction, separately select the following:

  • Environmentally friendly building material of the walls makes it possible to create indoors a favorable microclimate. This moment is particularly relevant if the garage room is planned to be used as a domestic workshop (and it happens quite often);

Garage from a wooden bar do it yourself from A to Z

  • The optimal level of humidity. Wooden walls ensure the preservation of normal humidity in the room, not allowing its increase, and therefore - your car is better stored;
  • Easy construction. The tree is considered a material that has a well-leaning processing, respectively, in the presence of minimal construction skills, you can independently build a garage from a bar with your own hands, not attracting expensive specialists from the part;
  • Attractive appearance. Such a building perfectly fit into the overall concept of your site.

The only controversial point that should be noted is an increased fire hazardous structures, which is why they should be regularly covered with special anti-view compositions.

Stages of construction

Garage from a wooden bar do it yourself from A to Z

Like any wooden building, the garage from the bar requires the mandatory construction of the foundation. What it will be - slab, pile or tape - you decide on your own, the main thing is that the tree does not come into contact with the surface of the soil, otherwise it will very soon, your garage will begin to refuse. Ideally, the foundation should rise above the ground level by about 20 cm. In addition, between the top of the foundation and the lower bars of the garage walls, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing material.

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As a rule, the walls are formed from a specially prepared timber, laying elements in a log house. You can easily facilitate the task, and order a staffed log house, leaving only the construction assembly. In this case, the price increases quite a bit, and the scale of work is significantly reduced.

As for the floor, it can be made both wooden and concrete. If you stop in the second option, then consider it at the stage of bookmark the foundation: by selecting the option with the plates, you simultaneously form and install the floor.

Garage from a wooden bar do it yourself from A to Z

Roof options can be different: it can be a single or double. From what kind of roof you choose, the method of organizing rafters will depend on. To think over the organization of additional insulation is only if you plan to give your future garage.

Technology construction

First of all, it is necessary to build a foundation. With the slab option more or less understandable, let's look at the option of a column foundation. First you need to decide on the size of the construction site, clean it from the upper fertile soil layer and thoroughly dissolve. Next, we decorate the markup with the help of pegs and the twine.

Garage from a wooden bar do it yourself from A to Z

A columnar foundation must be installed in all corners and around the perimeter of the future garage, while the distance between the columns cannot exceed 2 m. They take them from brick or concrete blocks to cement mortar, not forgetting to pre-form a special sand pillow. When the cement finally freezes, the layer of waterproofing is placed to the top and cover all the rubberoid layer. Now it's time to put a mortgage bar, which is embedded by floor overlap, made from the bar with a diameter of 4 cm.

The distance between the mortgages directly depends on which the load on the floor is planned in the future: removing the garage room, it is better to lay the lags denser, at a distance of no more than 1 m away from each other. All subsequent rows of timber laid on each other, connecting them between themselves with the help of brazers. When the construction of the walls is finished, to the upper crown, it is necessary to cut a rafter frame, forming it, depending on the selected roof shape. As soon as the roof is installed, it is better to immediately cover it with roofing, using any favorite material - rubberoid, professional flooring, slate, ondulin or tile.

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Garage from a wooden bar do it yourself from A to Z

Special attention is paid to the so-called "skates" - they need enhanced waterproofing. Now you can proceed to internal work. If a garage option is selected on the foundation, you need to put the floor. It is made from headboards, strengthened to the mortgage screws. Paul, like the inner walls of a wooden garage, are mandatory to be treated with an anti-view to protect themselves from unexpected fire.

Now form a gentle entrance to the garage: it is performed from the boards (60 mm) laid on the support bar, which is attached to the bottom mortgage. It is important to solve the angle of inclination correctly - it should not exceed 30 degrees. That's all, it remains only to install the gate. It is noteworthy that the garage from the bar is a fairly strong structure, which with ease withstands the installation of both swing and lifting automatic gates.

Video "Building a garage from a bar"

From this video you will learn how to properly build a garage from a bar with your own hands.

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