Wallpaper in the kitchen


When you ripened to repair the kitchen, then at first you have difficulty choosing wallpaper. Which canvas will benefit your room, hide all its defects and emphasize the advantages? In addition, many not the last place also occupies a matter of value. After all, all though buy quality wallpaper, but not at an overplicated price.

Wallpaper in the kitchen

Cheerful and dynamic kitchen interior

The best option is practical and inexpensive canvases.

Today in every construction store the range of products presented is very rich. It will provide you with a directory, according to which you will be easier to decide on the right option. If the price is not a fundamental factor when choosing a material, there should be no special problems, because you can order wallpapers according to your ideas, and after a certain time your order will be embodied in reality.

Wallpaper in the kitchen

Silkographic Wallpaper with Natural Pattern

Nowadays, natural canvases have become great demand, because they look very impressive, although completely impractical for the room, in which constant cooking is happening.

Therefore, when choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you should not stop your choice on products from bamboo, textiles, flax, silk. Even the most powerful and high-quality extract will not allow the color and beauty of wallpaper patterns for a long time. Very soon they will begin to absorb the smell, and soot and fat are formed on their surface.

Wallpaper in the kitchen

Typical example of natural, beautiful, but completely impractical kitchen interior

If you have a small amount of money, then you should stop your attention on the cheap canvases from paper. But it will not be easy to save and in this option will not work, because literally after 3 years, such wallpapers for the kitchen will come to unsuitability. Therefore, choose paper cloths with a special impregnation, thanks to which you can protect them from the negative effects of the sun, dirt, fat, soot.

Wallpaper in the kitchen

Paper wallpaper options for kitchen

If your choice fell on finishing materials with protruding acrylic patterns, then you can forget on wet cleaning in the kitchen. Consequently, with time, fat and dirt will be accumulated on the walls, to cope with which even the most effective detergent.

Criteria and requirements when choosing kitchen wallpaper

Many hostesses first choose the canvas according to color preference. But this is not entirely correct, first it is necessary to be guided by the following characteristics:

Wallpaper in the kitchen

The focus on the wallpaper is made specifically, in order to take a look from the industrial part of the kitchen

  • Strong resistance. This indicator when buying kitchen canvas should have the highest values. Modern kitchens can boast the presence of large window openings, as a result of which the room is filled with a large number of scoring rays. When unstable canvases use for pasting walls, then over time, under the influence of the rays of the Sun, they acquire yellowness. As a result, they lose their attractive appearance, therefore the permutation of furniture in the kitchen will become impossible, because all defective places will become noticeable.
  • Density. It is this criterion that is responsible for durability of cloths. Stop your choice is on the most dense wallpaper. It is on such a surface that the mud will not occur, because the pore is minimal.
  • Moisture resistance. Wallpaper throughout the time will be subject to frequent wet cleaning. When you purchased high-quality moisture resistant web, then they are not terrible even cleaning compositions. If you want to use the combination of cloths, then in the zone where there is a risk of fifth and dirt on the wall of spots and dirt, it is worth showering moisture-resistant materials.
  • Perepecility. This criterion is mandatory for kitchen walls that need to dry very quickly after wet cleaning. It is necessary that the microclimate of the kitchen room does not suffer for this reason.
  • Possibility of coloring. Even if you blocked very high-quality canvas, over time, their color loses its saturation from frequent wet cleaning. To not glue the wallpaper again, you can simply update them with the painting method.

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Which canvas are best suitable for the kitchen

After the criteria for choosing kitchens can be understood, one can already decide with the types of wallpapers, which, according to experts, are best suited for such a premises:

Wallpaper in the kitchen

Kitchen in retro style, wallpaper with chicken

  • Paper cloths with impregnation. This option refers to budget. It is appropriate for those who enjoy frequent repair, they can be used by the presented type of wallpaper. But to achieve the original interior, in this case, it is unrealistic.
  • Paper blades based on vinyl. This option should also be attributed to the economy class. But it is advisable to glue them only on smooth walls, where there are no dents and protrusions.
  • Wovers from foamed vinyl. This option has not been greatly popular, because on their surface you can see various gastronomic motifs. Today they have already come and are not particularly interested in buyers. According to many builders, this option is not suitable for pasting walls in the kitchen.
  • Vinyl canvas. For such wallpapers, moisture is not terrible or light. This is the perfect option for surfaces that have small holes and cracks. Thanks to the vinyl wallpaper, it is possible to hide minor defects. There will be no fungus on such a finish, so you can carry out wet cleaning as often as you want. But when the material is selected, it is necessary to contact such an important parameter as density. To do this, it will take part of the wallpaper in your hand. If it is taking, it is not worth using it for the kitchen.
  • Fliselinic canvas suggest the application of vinyl to the fliesiline base. These wallpapers are distinguished by high density, they do not impenet, do not rush, perfectly smoothed after sticking. You can also wash them using various detergents. The most important advantage of such a material is to save glue, because they need to process only the surface of the wall. Dry cloths can be applied to the prepared walls. There are varieties of flieslinic wallpapers that are allowed to paint.
  • Fiberglass canvas. This option is characterized by excellent records of vapor permeability, fire safety. Thanks to anti-game and anti-allergenic qualities, these canvases can be washed as much as you like and repaint in any color. In addition, glass windows always have a spectacular look.

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Wallpaper in the kitchen
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Fliseline wallpapers in the kitchen - the advantages and disadvantages of the use of flieslinic wallpapers in the kitchen, examples of interiors, painting walls.
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Washing wallpapers - use in the kitchen wallpaper that can be washed regularly, and do it with household chemicals and brushes.
Wallpaper in the kitchen
3D wallpapers in the kitchen - the use of three-dimensional patterns on the wallpaper canvase, to create an advanced, modern and unusual interior.
Wallpaper in the kitchen
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Color solution

Many specialists advise you to choose the option of wallpapers, which then you can repaint. Then you can change the color of the canvase at any time.

Wallpaper in the kitchen

Application of vinyl wallpapers in the kitchen

It is very important when choosing a color to consider the fact that all the details and items spectacularly looked with each other. To do this, use the following recommendations:

  • For a small room, the canvas should not have too dark color and large drawing. This option is noticeably reduced to the room.
  • Visually to increase the space can be bright and low-speed colors.
  • When the windows overlook the cold side, the kitchen should be filled with warm colors. Here you can use peach, cream and yellow shade.
  • For southern sides, a great choice is green, gray, blue.
  • If you want to give the kitchen originality, then it is necessary to enable the combination process. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to give the room unlike all standard designs. This interior will be exclusively yours, author.

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Wallpaper in the kitchen

Kitchen wallpaper combination

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Wallpaper in the kitchen
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Wallpaper in the kitchen
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Repairs in the kitchen is a very responsible work that intends to first carefully selection of materials. It is from their quality and will depend on the duration of operation and the appearance of your kitchen room. If you have not yet decided, then use the advice of professionals, then you can embody all your dreams.

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