Knitama knitting scheme


Knitama knitting scheme

One of the most original ways to decorate the edge of the product is knitting knitting knitting For which you can find on the Internet.

This design gives clothing, home textiles and accessories finished view.

Knitted border can be used instead of traditional gum, when there is no need to push the cloth.

Read more about "Knitim Kaima, Schemes", read in today's article.

Knitama knitting scheme

Knitama knitting scheme

Kaima options

One of the most original variants of the design of the bottom, sleeves or the neck of the product, as well as creating a beautiful edging around the perimeter of the blanket, tablecloth or paletenten, is knitting with knitting knitting. Schemes for it can be presented separately or with the scheme of the main web.

There are 4 main ways to design clothes and accessories.

Rolled or ribbon border

It knitted in the form of a narrow strip separately from the product, and then sewn into it like lace. This method does not require preliminary measurements and is very convenient to eliminate the finished canvas.

Rolled border can be performed both along and across the main knitting.

Knitama knitting scheme

Knitama knitting scheme

Country Caima

It knit together with the product itself, starting or ending with it. They distinguish the upper and lower copyright kaym, depending on which edge of clothes it decorates.

Knitama knitting scheme

Kima, scored

It is a type of top border. This option is applied if you need to make an edging from the end of the product or there is a need to increase its length. The loops for it are gaining around the edge of the finished canvase.

Knitama knitting scheme

Knitama knitting scheme

Kaima from individual elements or cord

The edging made in this way may consist of pendants of different lengths or one narrow tape laid and fixed in the form of loops or waves.

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Knitama knitting scheme

If the work begins with a border, which smoothly moves into the product, it is performed on a narrowing, that is, the amount of loops gradually decreases. Thus, the last row of Kaima becomes the first number of the main pattern.

If knitting ends with a border, it is performed on the extension. It is used to decorate the neck or hem skirt associated with a belt.

Patterns for Kaima

Very gentle and feminine it turns out a border that contains the elements of the azhura.

It gives clothes, accessories or home interior items. Special romantic style.

Such a decorative element can replace lace, frills, swollen.

Kaima knitted, usually has a wave or gear edge.

At the same time, the scheme consists of repetitive rapports, in which the places of adding and rehabilitation of the loops alternate.

Neat, smooth border, it turns out if you perform several rows with a simple sweatshirt. This method is good for clearance cuffs, neck, nose of a sweater or jacket, with both female and male models.

Knitama knitting scheme

Those who decided to master the knitting knitting needles, the schemes can find both with a longitudinal, and with a transverse pattern. At the same time, the same yarn can be used as for the main canvas or contrasting color.

There are patterns for Kaima, which are obtained very spectacular when knitting with multi-colored stripes.

Knitama knitting scheme

Knitama knitting scheme

Caima from hanging rings

Knitama knitting scheme

First you need to associate the required amount of rings. To do this, you need to dial 5 loops on the auxiliary thread, perform the cord with a face and 10 cm long.

Sprinkle Thread, open loops of the first and last rows to rebuild each other, closed the ring.

Under 3 horizontal jumpers, enter the knitting needle and, capturing the working thread, consolidate it. Dial 3 loops, to stick the cord of the face. String 5 cm and cut the thread.

The same needle to dial new 3 loops on the next ring, but the cord is 2.5 cm long.

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When all rings are suspended on the cords to one needle, you need to dial on another needle * 5. P, then transfer 3 persons. p. Cord *. Repeat the rapport until all rings are on the needker. Finish a number of 5 remuneration. n. Next to knit 5 × 3 gum in drawing.

Openwork kayma with triangles

To perform the lower openwork border, the number of loops should be multiple 11, plus 2 edges. When alternating openwork triangles with dense, wave-like border is formed.

In the last row, all loops go to the main canvas.

Knitama knitting scheme

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