Budget version of the garage from sleeper


Have you been dreaming for a long time to build your own place to store the car, but are afraid that it flies to a penny? It means an inexpensive and practical garage from recycling - this is the option you need. It is not worth using as a basis, because many have long taken to armared such a simple, and at the same time a brilliant idea, like a garage from sleepers. It remains only to find a sufficient amount of material and you can proceed to work.


Before building a garage from the sleeper, you need to study some features of this material. The main advantage of his advantage is an easy weight - it is he who allows you to save on the additional strengthening of the foundation time and money. However, even for the most lightweight design of the garage requires at least a small, but base, because your car will be stored here.

Budget version of the garage from sleepers

In the foundation under the garage, there are no special wisdom and the whole process occurs in the traditional way:

  • First dig a trench around the perimeter of the selected area. With the weight of the sleeper, it can be completely shallow - only 20-30 centimeters.
  • The "pillow" is stacked on her bottom, consisting of rubble, clay and sand. This is done so that the sleepers are not in contact with the soil. In addition, such layers further make it easier to align the leveling of BRUSEV.
  • After the trench is ready, you can start laying out the material. Individual elements in no way should come into contact with each other. Moreover, there is a small gap between them so that the air can circulate freely.
  • For greater reliability, the bars are fixed with metal brackets. Experts recommend driving holes for brackets on the place of installation.
  • In order to provide high-quality waterproofing of the foundation under the garage from the sleeper, they can be lubricated them with bitumen, and to lay a layer of insulating material on top. Ruberoid or any film isolation can be in his role.
  • From above, concrete fill and the monolithic base is left until complete drying.

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Budget version of the garage from sleeper

Please note that the use of worn bars is not the best idea because there are no guarantees of the durability of such a design. But more or less suitable sleepers will serve several decades.


As with the construction of any other garage, we will need columnar supports that are inserted into the concrete even at the stage of laying the foundation of the garage from the sleeper.

Budget version of the garage from sleeper

Next is the edit turn:

  1. The very first row is attached with the help of stovered bolts in a step of one meter. The bars need to lay the plastics, applying wide faces to each other. This method can slightly increase the consumption of material, but the garage will turn out to be more warm due to a smooth cut without intervals.
  2. At your disposal there may be different in the form of a sleeper, but for each wooden row, you must try to pick up the same items so that the design came out as smooth as possible.
  3. Neighboring blocks need to connect "in the spike", as well as to be copper with the same bracket.
  4. Between the rows of sleepers should also be fixed with pins or brackets. At the same time, do not forget to make indents from about half the meter from the ends before drilling holes.
  5. The corners of the design require additional strengthening, so every three bar should install a metal corner. In addition, additional rigidity can be ensured using steel bands nailed diagonally. It is desirable that these elements have a thickness within 4 millimeters, and a length of about 20-30 millimeters.
  6. If you plan to install windows in the garage from the sleeper, their design needs to be satisfied. In the saint between the window opening, the vertical bars is made, where the double-glazed windows are fixed.

With the installation of the roof on such walls there should be no problems, since the rafters are very easy to attach to the bars and in this an additional plus of such a material.

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At the end of all the work, you need to take care of insulation and high-quality decoration of the structure.

Budget version of the garage from sleeper


For those who doubt the need for finishes, allocate three significant reasons for inclusion all the same, the cost of finishing in the construction budget garage from Speall:

  • The re-used wooden log house looks not the most pleasant way, and both outside and inside. That is why it is better to give the design aesthetic and finished view using an additional layer of material.
  • The tree and in itself well saves heat, however, in case of a man-made cold wall, the walls are best insulated at least the most simple insulation.
  • To increase the service life during production, the sleepers are impregnated with a special substance - creosote. It is not only distinguished by a specific smell, and also quite toxic, which makes stay in such a garage not the safest.

In order to warm up the house qualitatively, first need to close the largest gaps. Here you can take advantage of ordinary construction foam. Such natural material as a tree is very important to "breathe", which means that it is desirable to apply non-foam sheets to use, but mineral fibers that will ensure normal air circulation.

Budget version of the garage from sleeper

Outside the construction I recommend to separate siding or clapboard - with the general inexpensive cost of this material you can give a decent appearance to the garage for many years.

The roof design can be seen tiled or covered with the most ordinary slate - it also protects well from external factors.

After the windows, the gate are installed, the inner space is started by shelves and racks. When the construction is ready, it will need some time on the shrinkage, it should be remembered during the operation of the garage.

Thus, it can be concluded that the garage of the sleepers is a practical and budget solution to the problem of car storage. The most important thing is to have a quality material and carefully follow the instructions at all stages of work.

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Video "Building from Speall"

The video shows how to build a house from sleepers.

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