How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video


With the advent of multi-colored rubberry, our world has become much brighter. This unusual material allows you to create various things that are able to become a stylish decoration. Knowing how to weigh a wide bracelet made of rubber, you can make for yourself a unique accessory suitable for any object of your wardrobe.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

Unusual story story

The gum appeared on the handwelred market in 2019, Chong Chun NG came up with them. His daughters loved to mess with various ribbons and tried to make bracelets from them. Chong liked to watch the work of his bass, and he decided to try himself on a creative field. As it turned out, his hands were absolutely not adapted for such activities. Then Chong decided to ease his task and made a small machine from the woods and cloves. During the night, he slipped his daughters to resume beautiful bracelets of different configurations. Father's creations appreciated everyone around. He decided to show his invention to the world and issued a patent.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

The Chinese company, which produced toys, gladly fulfilled the first order of Chong Chuna NG. He received a batch of sets consisting of rubber in various colors and plastic tools for weaving - machine, hook and slingshots. The invention was assigned a Rainbow Loom brand, which is translated as "Rainbow Weaving Machine".

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

People who do not understand the meaning of this device have not hurried to buy it. The idea of ​​Chong almost failed. The family did not lower his arms, but decided that it was necessary to help people understand the principle of work on the machine. The daughters and niece of the master were removed on the video lessons on weaving and posted them to the network. This gave a huge impetus to the sales of sets. Rubbermen quickly spread the world and took their niche in the hearts of the needlewoman.

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Due to the originality of the material, an abundance of schemes and tools, from multi-colored rubber bands can be weave anything - bracelets, key rings, toys, various figures and even accessories and clothing. Love this occupation people of all ages. Even kids cubs can cope with the simplest products.

Techniques and tools

Colored rubber bands is an interesting occupation. The wide color palette and shades give space for creative fantasy. At first, all used only standard tools from the Rainbow Loom set - a rainbow machine and a slingshot machine. But the masters do not like to stand still and come up with various weaving techniques, allowing unusual things, not even having standard tools. So, we can weave:

  • On standard machines;
  • On forks;
  • On fingers;
  • On chopsticks and pencils;
  • On hook;
  • On comb.

Such an assortment of weaving technician allows you to create many different products, even without a machine. Most of all loved people of rubber bracelets.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

"Scales of the Dragon"

One of the most beautiful wide bracelets is unusual name - "Scales of the Dragon". Indeed, the openwork mesh resembles the scales of this wonderful fabulous creation. We invite you to explore the master class for beginners to manufacture this bracelet. To work, you will need:

  • Rainbow Rainbow Loom Machine;
  • Gum;
  • Plastic hook;
  • Clasp.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

To form a first row, connect the machine columns with rubber bands twisted eight, pairwise. The more columns you connect, the wider will be the "scales of the dragon". The second row of twisted gum dresses over the first so to connect empty places. To start weaving, it is necessary to remove the lower loops on those columns where there are two. Persay the loop with a crochet and drag through the column.

The following row contains direct rubber bands that connect two columns. The loops are filmed in those places where they go in two layers. In the fourth row, the columns are connected, starting from the second. Remove the lower row. Next, it is necessary to phasepointly repeat the actions for the third and fourth rows, i.e. Tenten the iris alternately, then from the first tooth of the machine, then from the second. Do not forget to remove the bottom layer. Peering to the size you need.

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To complete the work, move the loops from the extreme columns to the neighboring. With the center of the canvas you need to do the same. Simply put, you need to minimize the number of loops by connecting them in pairs and dropping the lower layer. In the remaining loops (their number directly depends on the width of the product) you need to go fasteners. You can watch the whole work process in pictures below:

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

A stylish bracelet with a pattern in the form of a mesh, made on a braid machine, ready! Selecting different colors, you can make unique accessories.

Bright "rain"

The lack of the machine is not yet a reason to abandon weaving from the rubber. We offer you to create a bracelet using your own fingers instead of a tool. To work, you will need only gums of your favorite color.

Pour the eight of the elastic band on the little finger and the index finger. The next eight is attached to the large and medium fingers. The third eight dress up on a non-name and thumbs. The second row is recruited on the pair of fingers in the same order, only iris no longer needs to be twisted. The process of fastening the rubber band is step by step shown in the photo:

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

Now go directly to weaving. For starters, throw off the two lower gums from the thumb, then from all the others. Again, put on a number of straight rainbow, connecting the fingers pairly as described above. Remove the lower loops. Repeat actions before getting the desired length. Carefully remove the last loops and inhale the fastener.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

Woven on the fingers bracelet "Rain" is ready!

"Spit mermaids"

The unique accessory resembling a wide braid can easily be performed on a slingshot. This machine enters the set of rubber bands and reminds the tool of the same name for pranks.

On the horns of the slingshot there are grooves. They facilitate the introduction of the hook when weaving. They need to be faced with themselves.

To fulfill the bracelet "Spit mermaid", take:

  • Rocking machine;
  • Gum two colors;
  • Hook;
  • Clasp from set.

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The first row of any bracelet always consists of a gum twisted in the form of a figure eight. This will provide the product a fortress.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

On the right teeth, pull the folded halve of the contrasting color, in this case is green.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

The blue gum is dressed straight, it will form an edging of the braid.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

From the right column, remove the lowest looting as shown in the photo.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

Now you need to wear a twisted green rubber band on the left slingshot tooth, then direct iris blue.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

Cook the bottom loop and remove them into the center, as in the photo.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

Repeat the stages of weaving, alternating slingshot teeth.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

In the last row, you put on a single elastic band and remove the entire bottom layer. In the two loops, the retainer is inhaling.

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

Elegant and unusual "braid of mermaids" is ready!

How to Eust Wide Bracelet from Elastic Step For Beginners With Video

Video on the topic

You can continue to study the weaving of wide bracelets from the rubber, using the video lessons provided in this section.

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