Fireplace device on loggia and balcony


Fireplace device on loggia and balcony

Even the most tastelessly equipped and modest room can be turned into a beautiful leisure area by installing a fireplace on the balcony. If for these purposes to highlight a small corner near the wall, then you can subsequently enjoy a pleasant virtual or a real light when spending evenings in a circle of relatives and loved ones. But is it practical to mount the fireplace in such a small space?

The need for device

Fireplace device on loggia and balcony

Before planning the arrangement of the studied decor element, it is important to take into account the fact that the fireplace can be not only an ornament, but also a construction that gives heat. Regardless of which size it has a hearth, it can maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. For the loggia, there will be a fireplace with dimensions 50x60 cm to prevent the premises in winter. Using such an assembly in winter, it is important to remember that to obtain heat should include the device an hour per hour before the rest of the rest to warm the balcony.

Types of fireplaces

Fireplace device on loggia and balcony

With the arrangement of balconies and loggia for recreation with the family, the following types of products have proven firmly:

  • Electrograms;
  • biocamines;
  • Decorative fireplaces.

The selection of this or that equipment depends on the tasks and the purpose of the room.


Fireplace device on loggia and balcony

Electrocamine - an excellent option for a small loggia

The fireplace mounted on the balcony gives comfort to the room and fits perfectly into the home furnishings. Electrical construction has a lot of positive characteristics:

  • the chimney is missing and it does not have to clean;
  • Care does not take much time, just to change the water or a burnt light on time;
  • During operation, carbon monoxide and other combustion products are not highlighted;
  • You can use it all year round;
  • The presence of the thermostat prevents excessive overheating of air.

If it is decided to warm the balcony and make just such a heating, then the fireplace is an excellent option. After all, it is always nice to sit near the warm design with an interesting book or drink tea with friends. On how can be installed biocamine, see this video:

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The principle of operation of the electric fireplace is identical to the heater, only it has a picture on which the burning flame is depicted. It is enough just to turn on the device in the outlet and set the heating mode.


Fireplace device on loggia and balcony

Biocamine efficiency at 100%, since all the heat remains indoors

Such aggregates recently became very popular. If there is a desire to ignite the real hearth, then a fireplace should be purchased, which works on biological fuel. In such structures there is a real fire, and they look very modern and stylish. To ignite it, you should take advantage of ethyl alcohol, which has no decay products, and also do not smoke. For this reason, they are safe, as well as environmentally friendly.

In such a fireplace, various aromatic oils can be added. The aggregates are reliable, when burning biofuels, energy is released by 40% more than when using wood, and the efficiency is at a level of 100%, since all the heat remains in the room.

Non-standard solutions

After familiarization with all sorts of options, you can make a choice which design to purchase and install, but sometimes you want to use your unusual option. One of them is a decorative model. It does not warm, do not smoke and does not require special training. On how to make biocamine on the balcony, see this video:

You can perform such a fireplace with your own hands using the remedies. To do this, it will be enough to disassemble the old cabinet to create wall structures. For decor, use decorative plaster, paint or ceramic tiles. In order for the designs to give a more realistic species, you can take real logs in the park, process them and put it with a lounge next to the furnace. For consumer effect, you can also use LED tape, which, although it does not warm, but resembles a glow of fire.

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