Craft craft with your own hands


Craft craft with your own hands

Crafts from cones are an excellent option for those who wish to create something unusual for their home.

Spruce and pine bumps to get quite simple, it is enough to go to the forest or a park, where there are similar trees, and they are usually found even in the largest cities.

Crafts from such natural material will be able not only to decorate your home, but also work perfectly for the exhibition in kindergarten.

Crafts from cones

Of course, it's difficult to do something from some cones, especially worthy and interesting. Therefore, you should immediately stock with such materials:

  • cones for crafts;
  • marker;
  • plasticine;
  • leaves;
  • acorns;
  • feathers;
  • Splits.

In fact, everything will be limited to only the fact that it will come up with your fantasy, because the presence of the entire complex of the above materials is not necessarily.

Interesting crafts from the cones, the acorns and fir leaves do the easiest way, for this you can simply attach ankorn to the shishke, fixing it with glue.

You will have a pretty composition that resembles a fairy-tale man who has his own head with a hat on it.

Craft craft with your own hands

This option will be especially interesting for the baby, who has already been three years (it is also less, but should be followed so that the child does not swallow the prepared details).

How to make a crawler

Crafts from the cones are best done with the plasticine. It is great for creating clothing for custinous men, accessories, auxiliary elements.

Craft craft with your own hands

Using cones, you can make a whole exposure that will fully reflect the forest. So, take several cones of different sizes and paint them with green paints (best watercolor).

Craft craft with your own hands

After that, the bumps should be glued to the pre-prepared surface.

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As a surface, you can take a box of candies, or rather its cover. There will be both flights and a smooth and white surface that can be easily painted with paints and wovers.

Among the cess exposure, there are excellent crafts from foils from which animals, little men, clothes for them can be made.

Craft craft with your own hands

There is a main component - paint, with the help of which the whole picture of the color scheme will be created.

A particularly interesting handicraft will be a big hedgehog designed from several cones. To give him a form, you can take a large claw plasticine to which the cones will be attached.

Craft craft with your own hands

In this case, it should be especially carefully close to the shape of the transshipment, because the hedgehog should have a narrowed face, nose.

By the way, the nose can be made from the cap from a conventional bottle, eyes from the buttons, and as a base for which you post your hedgehog, will serve as a moss, collected together with a small layer of the Earth somewhere in the forest. Decorative Moss will be able to hide the shortcomings, if any will be in the already finished handicraft.

Craft craft with your own hands

Especially originally look like crafts from cones with their own hands when they are painted with different colors. So, several cones made in the form of birds, you can paint in yellow, brown, black, gray.

Craft craft with your own hands

And some birds can be especially exotic and include blue-yellow, red-green paints. Eyes for birds are also made from the cones, for this you can simply take a broken or spoiled bump and disassemble its teeth.

Every teeth can be an eye, nose, beak - looking? what are you doing. It is here that paints are important, because staining the crawl, it is difficult to guess the unfamiliar person, its details are made of it.

So, a snowman who goes through the snow-covered field can also be made of cones. A rag scarf will be especially appropriate here, which will give aesthetics and a special highlight composition.

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Craft craft with your own hands

In addition to products from cones associated with figures and compositions, cones are used to decorate the interior. Crafts from croup, foil, paper can be used in the complex, they decorate windows, furniture, kitchenware.

A particularly unusual version of the living room decoration is to ride a bump on the rope and hang it over the window.

Craft craft with your own hands

Of course, such design is not suitable for any interior, but in most cases it will be appropriate, original, and most importantly, will bring something natural to the house, which is especially important for those who do not grow indoor flowers at home.

If your goal is to decorate the shelf, which lacks certain accessories, a great solution - to place the box on it, the cover of which will be linked with cones instead of a bow. Here will come in handy and fir branches, fixed by ordinary glue.

Another original solution is to paint the bumps in different colors (for each cone will be allocated its color) and place them in a transparent vase.

Craft craft with your own hands

Such a vase is suitable for decorating any interior, and if a twig will be placed, with which the leaves are removed, and the same cones are glued instead, the interior will play with new paints.

Craft craft with your own hands

However, there are plenty of options, how to make a crawler from the cones with your own hands, and which one would not have chosen, the main component is your soul, the part of which must be inserted into the product.

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