How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?


Living indoors with high humidity is not just unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. Dampness in combination with warm air create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, fungus and mold-causative agents of heavy allergic reactions, respiratory diseases. Also, the dampness in the room leads to a damage of furniture items, decor.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

Applying knowledge to get rid of dampness, you can quickly restore a healthy microclimate, get a feeling of comfort and comfort to the house.

Why dampness appears

Before starting the struggle with high humidity in the apartment, it is necessary to clearly understand the reason for its appearance.

The main reasons for the appearance of dampness:

  1. Insufficient ventilation.
  2. Permanent moisture sources (leaking roof, plumbing, condensate on windows, constantly wing the outside side of the house).
  3. Insufficient home heating.
  4. A poor-quality, fixed with impaired technological process insulation of the external walls of the house.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

Methods for elimination of dampness

After the sources of constant humidity are defined, you can choose the appropriate method of eliminating the problem.

Method 1: Frequent ventilation

It is enough to regularly ventilate the room to forget about the problem of high humidity. It is especially important to open windows to ventilating after cooking, wet washing and bathing procedures.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

Method 2: We use heaters and dryers

If constant ventilation does not help solve the problems of high humidity in the room, household appliances will come to the rescue - heaters and dryers. In the offseason, when the central heating is not yet served in the apartment, and on the street, raw and dummy, maintain heat in the house and, together with this, solve the problem of high humidity will help heater.

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The dryer will reduce the humidity in the apartment in the summer.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

Method 3: Use damp tablets

In any store of household goods, you can purchase special pills absorbent moisture. The kit also includes a special moisture absorbent (the container where the absorbed moisture absorbed from the air).

On a room with an area of ​​20m, a single tablet is sufficient, which for three months will fight with high humidity.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

Method 4: We use silica gel

Small packages with silica gel embedded in a box with shoes and other genuine leather accessories will be salvation for those who suffer from high humidity in the apartment. It is enough to collect a dozen of such bags (the more, the better), after which they decompose them in places of the greatest dampness.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

As an option, instead of bags, you can use Silica gel Rosychy (sold in any pet store). Absorbent balls lay in tissue bags that hang around the apartment.

Method 5: We use indoor plants

Extra room plants, the leaves of which absorb excess moisture from the air. These include: geranium, fern, lemon, myrth, laurel, singing.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

Using houseplants can not only get rid of dampness, but also bring bright colors to the interior.

Slightly prevention

A number of preventive measures will help forever forget about the problem of high humidity in the apartment:

  1. After bath procedures, the door to the bathroom must be left slightly ajar.
  2. Turn on the hood every time you are preparing food or boils the kettle.
  3. More often, we leave metal-plastic windows on microwing.
  4. After wet cleaning, all surfaces need to wipe dry.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

Simple advice to get rid of dampness in the apartment will help to maintain not only interior items, but also human health.

How to get rid of dampness and fungus in the room (1 video)

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment (8 photos)

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment?

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