Choose a bathroom dryer


The bathroom dryer in the bathroom especially reverses large families, and also allows you to reduce the time when leissing the wicked clothes in the winter. The best dryer in the bathroom is selected based on the area and configuration of the room, in this article we will try to choose the best option to dry clothes across multiple criteria.

Bathroom: How to choose the dryer

According to the significance of domestic affairs, laundry linen represents one of the most important positions after cooking and cleaning. Washed lingerie is not difficult to dry in summer - in just an hour outdoors it will dry completely. Another thing is winter, rainy cloudy autumn, when for drying wet clothes may take weeks.

Choose a bathroom dryer

Folding dryer in the bathroom will help significantly save space

To facilitate the drying of linen in the bathroom, install special dryers, the size and model of which are chosen from the following criteria:

  • The height of the room is a very important parameter for using attachments that are fixed on the wall. Such models do not occupy a lot of space and are able to dry a significant amount of wet underwear in a short time.
  • Bathtub area - This parameter is taken into account when the floor sliding dryer is selected for drying.

Consider in more detail the device dryers for linen of different models, their advantages and disadvantages.

Wall mounted

Choose a bathroom dryer

The dryer of this type is almost imperceptible in the folded state.

A very convenient option for small bathrooms - a folding dryer for linen wall-mounted, it does not occupy a lot of space, in the folded state practically imperceptible.

You can put the wall dryer only when you need to spend raw underwear for drying.

If the bathroom is equipped with exhaust ventilation, the drying drying process will be reduced several times, helps to quickly dry the wet heat from the heating devices. Wall models in turn can be divided: folding, rope, sliding, electrical.

According to the manufacturing material, metal, plastic, aluminum structures of dryers are distinguished.

Foldable model

Foldable laundry dryer - this is a modern modification of the ropes stretched over the bathroom, which have known for a long time. Two panels are attached to opposite walls, and the fastening can be at the ceiling level or in the middle of the wall.

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Reliable ropes or cords are attached to the panels. If the dryer is not operated for a while, one of the parts is removed from the scene and fixes on another panel. Cords for linen when folding the device, draw inside the case automatically. The wall-mounted laundry device is equipped with rows of ropes, there are models with 4 or 6 rows of cords.

Choose a bathroom dryer

If necessary, the design can be folded in a few seconds

The advantages of folding wall models can be considered the following factors:

  • Low cost - plastic case and rope cords are inexpensive, so the dryer assembly has a fairly affordable price for the population with a different degree of income.
  • The possibility of mounting in small bathrooms and combined bathrooms - the wall model is perfect for small-sized apartments.
  • Simple installation - independently hang the wall-mounted device on the wall can be even a woman.

A simple and familiar wall-mounted laundry device also has some minuses:

  • A small operational load - the weight of wet things placed on the ropes for drying cannot exceed 7 kg.
  • Schedules of cords - observed in models that are not equipped with a tightening mechanism.
  • Low quality plastic - when exposed to negative factors, plastics can crack.

Sliding model

Choose a bathroom dryer

Metal dryer will serve you for many years

Bathroom dryer in small size may have a form of harmonica, while the support metal console is attached to the wall.

Parts of the sliding device are connected using durable rivets. There are several hollow tubes from the metal, which serve as a wet underwear holders between the surveillance parts.

The design is in small dimensions, durability, durability, can keep the considerable weight of wet linen. Drainage devices (sliding) can be used for storing bath towels.

The disadvantages of these designs can be called a restriction on drying large things, as well as the impossibility of accommodating simultaneously on the rods of things with a lot of weight.


Floor linen dryers for the bathroom can only be operated in rooms with a large area. These models are quite convenient, they are steadily standing on the floor surface, often instead of the legs floor models are equipped with wheels, which makes it easier for transportation with possessing clothes.

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The device filled with things can be rotated, move, roll back into the opposite angle, just allowed the bathroom area.

Look at the video, how not to make a mistake in choosing an outdoor dryer.


Ceiling dryers are the most convenient option of devices for small and combined baths. How to dry underwear, if the bathroom works as a stretch ceiling? Models of ceiling models are not designed for the installation on the stretch designs of the ceiling, in this case you have to choose another version of the dryer.

Dryers for linen (ceiling) differ by type of construction:

  • Stationary - models representing classic rope structures that are fixed on the ceiling using brackets.
  • Telescopic - models are equipped with sliding metal holders, which are subject to adjustment along the length of the rod.
  • Sliding - consoles or "accordions" that are attached to the ceiling.
  • Wall-ceiling dryers - fixing these devices can be provided simultaneously on wall and ceiling surfaces. One of the popular models is the Dryer "Liana", which, if necessary, descends down to hang up the linen, and in one movement rises to the ceiling with stuffed wear ropes.

We recommend watching video how to install ceiling "Liana".

There is another model of wall dryer for wall-ceiling fix - Gimi Lift 160. The elevator uses well-deserved popularity, the design is able to withstand the weight of wet clothing to 15 kg. The rifle of the rod is carried out using solid cables. Fixing the dryer is allowed on the walls and ceiling. Drying linen with this device does not cause any difficulty.

Electrical models

The electrical dryer is a cascade of metal tubes, fixed in the form of a staircase, is used for drying linen and as a heated towel rail. When installing an electric dryer, it is worth noting one nuance - a model consumes electricity, therefore costs for paying utilities.

Look at the video how to use the electric dryer at home.

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The functionality of these models is limited - it is impossible to simultaneously arrange a large number of things for drying on the crossbars. In each case, the selection of the model of the dryer must rely on the operating conditions and the size of the bathrooms.

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