Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video


Relatively recently appeared a new direction in the needlework - weaving from the rubber band. In this article, it will be told about weaving from elastic bands. A few detailed instructions will help you easily learn this type of creativity.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Overseas passion

Weaving from the rubber glance came to us from the USA. There in 2019 Malazian Chong Chun NG came up with this kind of needlework. He watched his daughters who tried to weave volumetric baubles. A caring father decided to help girls, but he did not succeed. Then he came up with the machine, consisting of a small board and carnations driven into it. During the night, Chong ended up on his machine a whole bunch of bracelets and happy girls treated them to school. These beautiful accessories did not remain unnoticed, everyone could not find out how to blame the same.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Family Council decided to invest all the money in the production of a machine for weaving and sets with rubberbers. The idea was on the hairs of failure - no one was in a hurry with the purchase of an incomprehensible toy. Then Chong Chun NG asked his children to lay out on the Internet video with master classes on weaving not his machine. This gave an impetus to selling the invention, called Rainbow Loom, which means "rainbow weaving". Indeed, elastic bands that are part of the sets have a rich color palette, there are even neon and glowing.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

People began to get involved in rubber weaving, creating unique accessories, toys, figures, and even clothes. Bracelets woven from rubber bands wear not only schoolchildren and adolescents, even a global stars adorn themselves.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Rainbow Fenusheki

Depending on the selected tool for working with rubber bands, weaving happens:

  • On the machine;
  • On hands;
  • On hook;
  • On pencils;
  • On a fork;
  • On slingshot.

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The slingshot hook and the machine are included in the standard Rainbow Loom set.

But do not rush to buy the original, it costs it quite expensive, and you can even try to weave from rubberry, even without machine and special tools, it's very simple.

The simplest way of weaving is weaving on the fingers. For him, a special tool is required, only hands, gum and desire to create are needed. Want to try, then proceed!

Take one elastic band and twist it with a digit eight, pull on your fingers.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Put two more iris.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Now you need to throw off the loop into the center. To do this, take the lowest gum on one finger and stretch through two top loops in the middle between your fingers. Repeat on the other hand.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Add more rubberry and throw off the bottom row.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Continue to spill to the bracelet length you need.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

In the last row, remove the loops from the fingers and tension on a special clasp that is included with rubber bands. The second end of the clasp bracelet is attached on hand.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

This pattern is called "Fish Tail". Its manufacture can be repeated using pencils, plug, slingshot.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Whatever tool you choose, the result will always be at the height.

"French Spit"

This instruction step by step will tell how to make a stamping bracelet.

Another type of weaving is called "French Spit." Work needs to be performed on slingshot. It is a plastic tool with two horns and a handle. For the manufacture of the bracelet you will need:

  • Slingshot;
  • Hook;
  • Gum two contrasting colors;
  • Clasp.

Snings are kept in the left hand, and all operations are right. The recesses inside the roar must be turned to the master.

The first gum is dressed in the eight, that is, twisted in the middle and dresses with loops on the horns of the slingshot.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Jump the iris and one more color from which you started the product.

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Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Using the hook, throw off the lower loop with the root to the center.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

At the twisted loop received in the center, strengthen the S-shaped clasp. Next, the colors of the rubber band alternate.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

In order for the pattern to be obtained even, you need to adhere to such a weaving scheme: an average elastic band is always dropped from one post, and from the second is the lowest. Hook a hook average elastic band on the left column and drag it into the center.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

From the right horn, stretch the bottom loop in the middle.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Do not forget about the sequence of colors! Attach the following gum. From the center, the rubber band is discounted in the event that it is between the iris colors. Accordingly, from the second column you need to remove the bottom elastic.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Alternating colors and using the scheme, continue the bracelet weaving to the end.

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

In the last row you must have two loops on each slingshot horn. To complete the product, you need to throw off the lower loops in the center, and then transfer the remaining two loops to one pin and strengthen the fastener on them. Bracelet ready!

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

Weaving from gum for beginners on the machine and on a slingshot with video

The advantage of weaving bracelets from the rubber band is their easy execution.

Video on the topic

For this type of weaving, it is best to use a special Rainbow Loom machine. It is a panel with spicks that can be rearranged. Each of them has a notch, it is designed for easy hook introduction when transferring rubber bands. On the machine you can perform various products, ranging from phenosheks and cords, ending with various figures, plants, animals, fruit. Using the schemes and a little patience to make it simple enough, the main thing is to study the basics. And in this you will be helped by the lessons and master classes on weaving on the Rainbow Loom machine.

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