Soundproofing plaster - a wonderful way to get rid of extraneous noise


Even living in a private house, I am terribly strained outside the street from the street. Neighbors, fiercely proving something to each other, dogs, barking about and without it. I can not even imagine how people live in apartments, where even the whisper of the neighbors behind the wall is heard. I was very interested in the question, whether it is possible to get rid of this flaw or at least to somehow improve the sound insulation of the house and when it came time to repair in the house, I ran into an interesting material called soundproofing plaster. It is about her I want to tell.

Soundproofing plaster - a wonderful way to get rid of extraneous noise

Soundproof plaster

Noise suppression methods

Probably every second faces the problem of noisy neighbors who for some reason prefer to noise in the most inappropriate time for you. For accommodation near the busy tracks, I generally keep quiet. That is why all sorts of wall materials have long begun on the construction market, which help to cope with the noise background.

Soundproofing plaster - a wonderful way to get rid of extraneous noise

Plastering the wall with soundproofing plaster

Each material has its advantages and disadvantages, so I decided to make a table about each of them:

StyrofoamLow cost, accessibility, the ability to perform work with your own hands, light weight does not make it difficult to install and does not give an excessive load for the wallsLow noise suppression indicators compared to other sound insulation elements, follow-up decorative trim
Sound insulation platesGood acoustic characteristics, environmentally friendly for people, durable material and easy installationHigh cost due to which the material is more often used for studios and expensive structures, installation is carried out strictly according to the technology
Acoustic insulation (MAT)Low cost, good sound insulation indicators, sold in rolls, can be cut into piecesIt is used during the walls of the walls of plasterboard, as it is stacked inside the frame, when buying a heat-insulating element, it is necessary to check whether the solution has acoustic characteristics
Sound-insulating plasterThe most popular method, acceptable price and the possibility of work independently, is not harmful to human health, it does not require additional finishes, but you can weaken and glue on top of the wallpaperSome believe that plaster is not a good noise reduction solution, but it is 35% better coping with the task in contrast to other methods. It is necessary to adhere to technology, long process

On the example of the table it becomes clear that you can use for the walls any convenient way for you. However, if the goal is to make noise as much as possible, it is necessary to apply that sound insulation plaster. But a few more reasons why I gave your preference to such plaster:

  • Performance of work, perhaps with your own hands and pretty quickly, especially if there are certain skills
  • For walls no prior alignment and thorough preparation
  • Stucco Do not love small pests, such as rodents or insects
  • Two ways to apply on the walls: manual and machine
  • It is this sound insulation material that applies in restaurants, vessels, business centers and various industries - this suggests that the plaster has long established itself as a high-quality sound insulation element

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Soundproofing plaster - a wonderful way to get rid of extraneous noise

Finishing soundproofing plaster

And although I was delighted with her, but I can not hide some drawbacks:

  • Soundproofing plaster is not cheap material, so it is necessary to calculate the costs in advance, especially if the repair will be made with the help of a specialist, and not do it yourself
  • Further finish, if such is held, then these are additional costs for time and money

Interesting! Have you ever paid attention to the silence who have fallen on you when visiting a restaurant or entertainment complex? In the theater, for example, unnecessary sounds, it is generally not heard - this can be achieved, only using sound insulation plaster. It is also called acoustic.

Why do many consider acoustic plaster myth?

Soundproofing plaster - a wonderful way to get rid of extraneous noise

Soundproofing plaster for walls

It was interesting for me that such plaster had achieved excellent indicators and why in many forums, I read both a lot of positive and a huge number of negative feedback. In fact, often sound insulation indicators deteriorate precisely because of the wrong use and application of unsuitable decorative finishes. But all his time.

So the sound-absorbing properties of the plaster received due to their porosity. It contains granular, light fillers, whose particles are not more than 5 mm. More precisely, it can be clay, vermiculite or crushed pumice. That is why the material has a low density. The reflection of sound comes from obstacles, and now imagine how it will be reflected from the porous and loose mass? It is in this way that the sound is muted due to the plaster.

Most negative reviews do not have soils, since it is thick and density, like enamel, very clogs in a sound insulation plaster, reducing its acoustic properties. Errors covering sound insulation plaster Enamel or wallpaper worsen the qualities of plaster and force many people to doubt the properties of this material. If you want to avoid such serious mistakes, then you need to use water-dispersion paint for staining, which absorbs well and does not score the structure of the sound insulation material.

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Properties and selection of material

Soundproofing plaster - a wonderful way to get rid of extraneous noise

Soundproofing Stucco

In principle, I did not find any particular differences in the application of such plaster and some other solution. However, some nuances still exist, and they should talk about them. Soundproofing plasters must have a certain range of properties, and here are some of them:

  1. Structure in plaster should be dense and not have emptiness and microcracks, because it is they who are sound conductors
  2. After the end of applying on the walls, the surface must be homogeneous, it is the key to high sound insulation
  3. In more noisy rooms it is necessary to make a thicker layer of plaster
  4. Finishing in this way will be durable, and this is an additional joy for the owner and all tenants

Soundproofing plaster - a wonderful way to get rid of extraneous noise

Stucatory wall decoration

When the process of choosing the composition is going, it is necessary to pay attention to such nuances:

  1. The higher the values ​​of noise absorption, the better the plaster
  2. Pay attention to the manufacturer declared by the manufacturer. If the machine method is specified, it is better not to apply a solution with hands

Important! If the thickness of the applied layer is equal to two centimeters, the noise level will decrease several times!

  1. If there is an elevated level of humidity in the room, it is better to use a mixture based on cement, and in a dry room there is enough plaster solution

To date, the leader of the sound insulation plaster for the walls can be called a solution of production of KNAUF

. This is a well-known company that has won the building market due to its high-quality sound insulation materials. Stuccoing Knaufs All ONORM standards, and the price / quality ratio speaks for yourself. I chose this mixture to finish the walls in my house and I must say that it remained pleased with the ease of application and the qualities of sound insulation of this material. By the way, manufacturers have thought out all the options and released plaster, which are applied both machinery and manually.

Applying sound insulation plaster on the walls

Soundproofing plaster - a wonderful way to get rid of extraneous noise

Soundproofing plaster for decoration of walls in the apartment

As I said, the technology of applying a sound insulation mixture is not particularly different from other plasters. All the same technologies must be adhered to, otherwise you can spoil the coating and significantly reduce the quality of noise absorption. So:

  • To begin with, any surface requires preparation. Therefore, thoroughly clean it from spots of fat, dust and dirt. Existing cracks and dents need to be covered with cement mixture, as they are sound conductors
  • When the surface will completely dry on it, it is necessary to apply deep penetration to the primer - this is necessary to improve adhesion, that is, the hitch of the plastering solution with the wall
  • To increase the effect of sound insulation to the surface, you can fix the metal grid. Thanks to her after the end of the work, an air layer will remain, which will pay off possible sound oscillations.
  • The difference with ordinary plasters is that in the case of a sound insulation mixture, you do not need to use beacons, as they will be sound conductors. To circumvent this situation, you need to attach them at the beginning of the design, and after applying plaster to tear them off and close the pits
  • For good indicators, the layer of plaster should be an average of 20-30 mm, but it is impossible to apply such a thickness at one time. Therefore, it is recommended to make layers of 10 mm, so the entire surface will be sinking evenly and the risk of cracks will decrease to a minimum. All subsequent layers need to be applied after complete drying of the previous
  • To align the surface, use the rules, and remove the extra mixture with halfter. If you are new to and do not have a good experience, you should not buy a large-size tool. Better start with little and pick a hand for subsequent finishes
  • Gypsum compositions are maintained using a sandpaper - it allows you to span a surface very quickly. If you used cement solutions, a foam grater is suitable.
  • Next, the case of your taste, you want to cover with decorative plaster, you want paint. Just do not forget about the advice that I gave above, and do not spoil the properties of sound insulation plaster in the wrong coating

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Combined method

Soundproofing plaster - a wonderful way to get rid of extraneous noise

Plaster soundproofing

There is another way to improve sound insulation in a house or apartment and it is called the combined method. It consists in the fact that it uses two materials: foam and acoustic plaster. Initially, the surface is covered by a layer of foam, the thickness of which is 2 cm, and then plaster with sound insulation characteristics is applied. The absorption of sound that passes through materials with different density is much stronger than with a homogeneous coating . Be sure to follow the instructions for mixing sound insulation plaster, any deviations can significantly affect the quality of the finishes and its purpose.

If you are strained by noisy neighbors, and the sound of cars driven near the house and can bring you out of them at all, then the option using sound insulation materials is waiting for you! If you have enough skills and time, and the room allows you to steal an extra pair of centimeters, then using the combined way, you can also forget about outsiders.

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