Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video


New materials for needlework are more and more opportunities to implement creative writing masters. Multicolored gum are not exception. This article will be told about weaving with Lumigurum rubber, for beginners, a selection of common artworks, accompanied by photo instructions, will be perfectly suitable for beginners.

Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

About rubberry

Multicolored gum and weaving tools appeared on the market in 2019. Their inventor is Chong Chun NG, who helped his daughters to make bracelets. To facilitate the weaving process, he came up with a special machine. And when Chong realized that a new type of creativity would be born, he decided to share it with the whole world. He called his creation Rainbow Loom, which means a rainbow machine for weaving.

Having received a patent, the inventor ordered the first batch of sets consisting of a machine, rubber, slingshot and a hook for weaving. No one in a hurry in a hurry in a hurry for the purchase of an incomprehensible toy. Chong showed resourcefulness and asked her daughters to remove video with master classes on weaving on its machine. After that, the master appreciated the new kind of needlework.

What is just not weave from the rubber bands - various figures, key rings, covers for phones, toys and even clothes. The world shocked the news of the dress from the gum sold for 170 thousand pounds of sterling.

Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

And the bracelets created by their own hands is unlikely to come out of fashion. They decorate themselves even the famous people.

Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

Toys Lumigurushki

The technique of making figures and toys from the rubber band is called Lumigurumi. Apparently, this word happened from the name of the Machine Chong Chuna NG Rainbow Loom and the world-famous needlework by Amigurumov engaged in the manufacture of crocheted toys.

By the way, the figures themselves also bear the name of the equipment. As a rule, such toys are easy to perform and consist of several small details.

See what cute animals can be made of rubber:

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Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

Performing work data requires some skill in working with a machine and hook. But everything is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance.

Bird Rada

In addition to the tools created by Chong Chong NG - Machine, hooks and slingshots - Masters use non-standard things in weaving. So, we can weave:

  • On the machine;
  • On hook;
  • On slingshot for weaving;
  • On fingers;
  • On pencils;
  • On table forks;
  • On comb;

Using various tools, you can get very beautiful things. For example, weaving technique on the comb allows you to make wide bracelets, or create a canvas for large products like a tablet case.

We suggest to blame on the hook of a small key chain in the form of the main character of the cartoon "Evil birds". This souvenir will appreciate not only children, adults he will also like to do.

For the manufacture of a key fob, you will need:

  • Rubber bands of red, black, white and orange colors;
  • Hook.

Put on a white gum twisted in three turns on the hook. Thug through winding two white gum. Repeat the same action with orange rubber bands. On the hook should be two double loops of white and orange.

Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

Through the orange loops, drag the twisted halve. Transfer one white loop so that it becomes the first on the hook. Two red rubber tested through all loops. Kuvuk bird is ready. Add one more red pair. Screw to the hook a white gum in four turns. In her middle, place a black gum twisted three times. Put on the hook white loops of the start of knitting and stretch a pair of white rubber over the extreme (white) loops. Two red couples alternately stretched through white loops. Enter the hook under the extreme red loops and hang them on the hook. Add two more red rows from the edge. The following two rubber bands need to be stretched through extreme hinges and through the hinges that form the eye of the bird.

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Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

Add a red pair to extreme loops. There are four double loops of red red on the hook. Carefully remove them from the tool and enter it on the other side. Repeat the weaving, starting with the addition of the eye. When on the hook there will remain six double loops of red, reset them on a pair of red rubber bands. The remaining loops stretch over each other and tighten the knot. Additionally stretch black gum over eyes and red under them. This will give the bird density. All nodules hide. Keychain is ready!

Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

If the photo instruction seemed difficult to you, you can watch a video in which it clearly shown how to make a evil bird.

Machine and circuit equipment

The rainbow machine is a small plastic platform with spindlers fortified on it. These pins can be moved and rearrange. Inside each column there is a small excavation that facilitates the introduction of a hook under the gum. The principle of operation of the rainbow machine is the same as other tools. First, the hinges are thrown on the columns as it requires a certain scheme for weaving. And then, these loops are reset, forming a series of twisted rubberry. This tool allows various bracelets and figures.

To familiarize yourself with the work on the machine you can see this video.

This technique allows you to make bulk toys. It is very similar to crochet, only instead of threads used rubberry. First, the ring or chain of loops is recruited on the hook. Then, weaving continues in a circle. Owl, made in such a technique, is shown in the photo below.

Weaving from gum Lumigurumi for beginners on a hook with video

Video on the topic

About how to make this owl and other toys, you can find out by looking at a small selection of video lessons.

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