How to open the door if the key or castle broke


The situation when the key breaks down in the lock, and the door remains locked - not uncommon. Incorrect position of the inserted key or simply too sharp turn in the lock can lead to its breakdown and, accordingly, it is impossible to get into the desired room or, on the contrary, it is impossible to get out of it. How to enroll in such a situation? There are several different options whose use can help solve the problem.

How to open the door if the key or castle broke

Replacing the core of the castle

If the key broke

The easiest way to solve a problem with a broken key is an attempt to extract it from the castle. For this purpose, you can use conventional cosmetic tweezers. True, there will have to make significant efforts.

A more radical way to open the door in such a situation - drill the castle. However, it may suffer both the locking design itself and the appearance of the door.

The following methods require accurate fulfillment of all recommendations and the presence of some tools. The key is retrieved as follows:

  • A very thin sawing from the jigsaw is taken. It must be gently inserted into the castle to the clums up. To very slowly turn the pink so that it is cluttered with the teeth for the crumpled part of the key. Now it is necessary to slowly pull the pink on yourself so that together with it from the locking mechanism, the debris came out.

How to open the door if the key or castle broke

  • To extract the key, if the impressive part of his debris looks out of the castle, the most ordinary pliers are quite suitable. It is important to perform a strong capture of the broken part and pull it out of the door.
  • 3. If the debris remained somewhere inside the locking mechanism, then it will be best to use the piece of steel wire and try to extract the key.
  • You can try to disassemble the design of the lock itself.
  • The following method will require high accuracy: apply a powerful and rapid glue on a fragment, which remained in your hands. Then try to accurately combine it with the broken part, let it dry and quickly remove the "renovated" key. For future use, it will be unsuitable.

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How to open the door if the key or castle broke

Open locked interroom doors.

Locking locks with a latch, which are equipped with some interior doors often break and a situation may occur in which you will need to urgently enter the locked room (especially if one small child remained) or on the contrary, get out of it.

It is very easy to open the slapping interior door with the tongue. This design is easily opened with a thin and flat object. Suitable a knife with a wide blade or a regular plastic card.

How to open the door if the key or castle broke

If the lock on the handle does not turn into any of the sides, then with a screwdriver, it will be enough to surround the fastening screws and remove the locking mechanism itself. You will not find a screwdriver - not trouble. Such screws are easily twisted the most ordinary nail file.

If the latch mechanism has worked in the door, that is, you smelled it, then you can open the lock like this: to cover the wire into any free hole so that the spoiled key reacts to move and drop out of the grooves of the mechanism.

To open broken locks of interroom doors there are more radical ways:

  • Apply the pressure method. For this method of opening the lock, you will need a mount or small scrap, which are inserted into the opening between the door clove and the box. Pressing the tool will lead to a change in the position of the riglels and the door will open.
  • In especially emergency cases, it is possible to cut a loop to open interroom doors using a turbine or a grinder.
  • Singing the cylinder is also an effective method for opening interroom doors. Due to the accurate blows of the hammer on the surface of the cylinder breaks the fastening screw.

You can get acquainted in more detail with the methods of opening interroom doors in various video instructions laid out on the network by various craftsmen.

With interior doors and stuck the key, independent doors opening methods may well be effective, but the metal entrance doors to open one or even with the help of a neighbor will not be so simple. It is better in such situations not to save on time and means and contact a specialized company. You will be guaranteed to help with solving the problem and the beautiful appearance of the door design and the lock mechanism will preserve the maximum.

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