Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video


Rubber for weaving - wonderful material. From it you can create a lot of small crafts and useful things. We offer you to master the technique of weaving the cover for a telephone from a rubber, it can be created with your own hands using detailed step-by-step instructions with photos.

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

About material

The inventor of this type of creativity, like weaving from colored rubber band, is Chong Chun NG. His daughters loved to weave various baubles, but they didn't get very good. Then their father came up with a fixture, significantly facilitating the process of weaving. The technical education of this person allowed him to realize the Rainbow Loom weaving machine. Initially, he was a small platform from the board with cloves driven into it. Bracelets for daughters woven on the machine, like others. Then Chong decided to open his invention to the whole world and made a patent.

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

The first batch of sets for weaving was sold very badly. But Chong did not give up, he asked her daughters to help and remove the process of weaving on his machine. It was this that gave a big impetus to the sales of its invention. Weaving from the gum captured the whole world. People of all ages create bracelets, accessories, toys, small souvenirs from rubber bands. A new trend was weaving clothes from this material. Maybe it is not comfortable in the sock, but causes great interest to others.

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

Techniques of work

Rainbow Loom sets are a large number of rubber bands and special tools for weaving, assembled in one box.

Ringing from rubber crochet is called Lumigurumi. It is executed, as a rule, circular rows. This technique allows you to create bulk toys and sufficiently large things - covers for phones and tablets, clothing for dolls and people. Almost everything that can be created using a hook and threads can be done from rubber.

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Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

The paper does not always use standard tools included in the Rainbow Loom kit. It is usually working on a hook, on slingshot and on a rainbow machine. Some needlewomen came up with new weaving techniques using other tools:

  • Comb;
  • Table forks;
  • The pencils;
  • Fingers.

This means that there are beautiful crafts without a machine.

Case pouch

The simplest configuration of the case for the phone is a bag pouch. It is a handbag in which the phone is horizontally or vertically placed. Such a product will reliably store the device from damage and contamination. The wonderful property of the hub case is the possibility of his wash. Just remove the case and rinse in soap solution. And if you get tired, it is easy to change the configuration or color gamut.

Thanks to the large palette of the colors of the rubber band, you can make several outfits for the phone that will be harmonized with your handbag or clothing.

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

We offer you to use a detailed step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of a hook bag on the hook.

The initial stage of the manufacture of the cover is weaving the chain of rubber. Its length is equal to the size of the phone plus a small increase so that it can comfortably accommodate inside. This is done as follows. On the hook dresses a gum twisted eight. You need to stretch through the second rubberry through the first and hang her loops on the hook. Continue to grow elastic to obtain a chain of suitable length.

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

Knitting the bottom is performed by circular braces of the initial chain. To begin with, it is necessary to make a lift loop, i.e. just to score another chain cover. Next, the hook is introduced into the third loop from the one that hangs on the hook. Stretch the gum through the initial chain loop and hang her tips on the hook. On the tool will be four loops. Stretch another gum and reset these loops on it. Continue to swell the initial chain on both sides. Connect the first and last loop with a rubber band. Rodyshko is already ready.

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The rest of the weaving is performed by circular rows. At the beginning of each row, the loop of the rise is made, at the end of the looping are connected by a rubber band. Having achieved suitable size of the case, weaving must be finished. For this, the last two loops detacitate each other and tighten the knot. Decorate your phone case with various pendants. In the process of weaving, you can use rubber bands of various colors and make original clothes for the phone.

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video


This kind of cover is a packaging for the phone in the form of a frame. It is great for smartphones or sensory devices. The screen remains open.

In the manufacture of a cover, you can immediately proper a hole for the camera and charger.

From step-by-step master class you will learn how to weave such a case for a smartphone. To perform this work, use the Rainbow Loom machine. It is a plastic platform with removable pins. Each pin has a small recess intended for easy hook access to weaving loops. So, for work, take:

  • Rainbow machine;
  • Multicolored gum;
  • Hook.

To begin with, dismantle the middle row of the machine. The recesses of the remaining columns must be viewed from each other. The first row is performed by tensioning on the columns twisted eight gum. You need to start with the second pin of the lower row. Draw a loop, twist the gum and put it on the third pin of the upper row. Repeat this operation with the upper side. The letter H is obtained on the machine. It is necessary to make four such interlacing, then skip a couple of columns to form a hole for charging, and there are four more letters X. In the second row of gums are riveted eight on each pair of columns of both rows. In the third row, you can change the color of woven rubberry. Throw them to each column of both rows. From each column, throw off the crochet a pair of gum of one color. Pull the rubber bands on each column again and remove the lower row of the loops. Repeat the weaving according to the color shift three times.

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To perform the window, you need to remove the loops with five central columns of the lower row to the center. Further, the gums are recruited without these rows and the lower loops are dropped. It is necessary to proper 15-16 rows, and then score a loop on every free column. Full weaving from the third column. Continue work to the desired size. Depending on the size of the camera of your phone, skip one or two columns.

Completion of weaving is made in the same way as the beginning - type the letters x, and then pairly connect the columns with rubber bands. Reset the bottom row. Transfer loops from the top row of the machine to the bottom. Thug them through each other and reset. Case for smartphone is ready.

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

Rubber Weave: Cover for Crochet Phone With Schemes and Video

Video on the topic

We offer you to watch videos with master classes on weaving covers for phone. So you are visually considering the process of making clothes for your phone. Pleasant creativity!

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