How to align the walls in the bathroom with your own hands


It often happens that when moving to a new apartment we find naked uneven walls, sometimes even with cracks. It is clear that before finishing them it is necessary to align in order to qualitatively wallpaper or stuck tiles. For cladding of walls, PVC panels or mosaic is also needed perfectly smooth surface.

Often, repair in your own apartment we make our own. The article will talk about how to level the walls in the bathroom yourself, what materials and technologies apply for repair, which features should be taken into account when performing repair work.

Choosing a method of alignment depending on the wall

How can the walls can be aligned? Construction use several options. One of them is aligned with the help of plaster (building mixtures), the other - using drywall.

How to align the walls in the bathroom with your own hands

The choice of alignment technology depends on those materials that will be used for finishing. Both plasterboard and plaster are suitable if the walls are painted or finished with mosaic or PVC plates. And only the plaster is suitable for trim tiles so that this material is firmly held on the surface.

If there are only in separate places on the wall surface of the error, then it is best to fix them with gypsum building mixtures for alignment. This method of alignment of surfaces is the cheapest and simple, but it can not always solve the problem.

Stucco alignment

This is a classic version of the wall alignment. It is remarkable in that under the surface obtained with its help, there are no voids. If everything is done correctly, all the requirements of the technology are observed, it turns out a smooth solid surface that serves for a long time.

To perform plaster works, certain skills and skills are needed. But not having sufficient qualifications, you can perform such works on your own.

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The entire process of alignment of the walls should be divided into several stages.

  1. We establish beacons - guides, which will ensure a flat surface. From the correctness of the lighting installation depends on our work. Lighthouses are installed using a spider plumbing system. I lower two plumbs along the edges of the wall, align, tensioning tightly, the lower part is reinforced at the bottom. So we will provide a smooth vertical. Now they bring horizontal guides to the plundes - we note the place to install beacons, which will fix on the wall in the plane, which is limited to horizontal guides. To install beacons, we use alabaster.

How to align the walls in the bathroom with your own hands

  1. We apply a binding layer. After installing beacons, we apply a layer of liquid solution on the surface of the wall. It takes it with the help of a plaster bucket. The binder layer is necessary in order to fill absolutely everything, even the smallest cracks, holes, pores and pores in the wall material. As a result of the splashing of the solution, a good sticking of plaster to the wall is ensured.
  2. Apply plaster. To do this, use a limestone or cement-sandy solution. We throw it between the beacons and recall the rule, the ends of which are based on lighthouses. We expect a plastering layer and rub it with a plastic or a wooden grater intended for these purposes.

How to align the walls in the bathroom with your own hands

Sometimes at the initial stage of working on alignment of walls in the bathroom, you must install the reinforcing grid. This is necessary in the case when the layer of plaster is thicker 2 cm and when there is poor adhesion on the leveling surface.

The grid is attached to the wall with dowels or self-drawing, then set the beacons and plastering the walls. Do not forget about the primer, which increases the adhesion between the materials.

Aligning walls with plaster, sometimes use a machine method. From the plaster on the lighthouses, this method is characterized by the composition of the solution, which is used, and the way it is applied: the gypsum mixture is applied to the wall using a special device. With this method of work plaster, work is performed faster, and the high quality plaster is obtained.

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Alignment of plasterboard

If the repair period is limited, then to align the walls, we use special moisture resistant plasterboard. It costs more than the usual, but indoors with high levels of humidity use is the best option.

This material makes it possible to fulfill all work in a short time. It is not difficult to mount it on the wall, so it is much easier to align the walls in the bathroom than plaster. Plasterboard sheets are cut by a construction or conventional sharp knife.

Initially, cut the top layer of cardboard on the line, carefully we take it at the place of the cut and then cut the next layer of cardboard. This is done quickly, and it turns out relatively smooth.

How to align the walls in the bathroom with your own hands

The most important thing is to correctly mount the metal frame on which the sheets of plasterboard will be attached. This process is also carried out in stages.

  1. We determine the frame of the frame on the trimmed wall. At the very bottom, fasten the guide profile. Then, exactly such a profile is attached to the adjacent walls - insert it into the floor guide and fix the dowels strictly vertically. So we get two points of the future surface. Now under the ceiling mounted the ceiling guide, both of its edges insert into the wall profiles.
  2. Now install the fasteners. At a distance of 60 cm from each other on the wall spending from the floor to the ceiling parallel vertical lines. (So ​​that the framework is more durable, the distance between the verticals can be 40 cm). At these lines, we fix the P-shaped brackets at a distance of 60 cm - they will hold the bearing profiles.

How to align the walls in the bathroom with your own hands

  1. Install vertical. CD profiles insert into the upper and lower guides. Attach screws to brackets having a P-shaped form. In order not to disrupt the frame assembly plane, you need to pull the thread horizontally between the guide profiles on the walls.
  2. We complete the alignment of the walls in the bathroom: we are cutting the frame of plasterboard sheets. This process is not completely complex. But you need to pay attention to the mount by self-drawing: they need to be screwed into everything without exception profiles in a step of up to 150mm. If there are several sheets of drywall, the profile must be equipped under the joint.

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Aligning the walls of plasterboard, you need to take care, and to hide some communication for this "wall": wiring or plumbing pipes.

How to align the walls in the bathroom with your own hands

Plasterboard mounting scheme in the bathroom

Here, in fact, all. Wall is covered. Now even the unprofessional is clear how to level the walls in the bathroom.

You need to say what. The bathroom is a special room. Here is an increased level of humidity, which can lead to the appearance of fungus or mold. Therefore, the walls should not pass moisture and be sealed, and there should be good ventilation in the room.

Video "Stucco walls with their own hands. Alignment of walls »

Video about phased alignment of walls with your own hands using plaster.

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