Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material


I want to start with the fact that people are divided into two categories: Some of the word putty are dirt, dust and inconvenience, others consider it a great way to give an ideal evenness to the most curved surfaces. For a long time, working with nexvoyed hands, I realized that probably there is no material of the universal one. The ability to apply it for external work, to level the surface under painting and other variants of decorative finishes - all this is undoubtedly a huge advantage of the shtcloth. Everyone got used to associate a putty with concrete planes, but today I will tell you what a putty on a tree, how to choose putty for a tree, and I will also tell you about working hands.

Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Putty on wood

Get acquainted with putty for wood

Due to the various compositions and components, it is possible to use putty for wood for internal, and for external work. Modern technologies make it possible to produce two main putty for wood, which in turn have a large number of species of various purposes.

Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Parquet Finish Putty Wood

The tree putty is used to eliminate small defects, such as cracks and gaps, holes from self-tapping and nails, as well as minor voids. Material manufacturers produce putty for the tree of different shades - it allows you to work with many types of wood and accurately merge with the treated surface. Conducting work with your own hands allows you to save spending on the correction of tree defects, which may appear after some time of use and in the case of mechanical damage.

In my case, an epoxy putty was used, but I want to tell a little about other types of mixture:

  • A mixture based on a solvent - this mixture is the initial of all other types, it is used for work in the woodworking industry. In everyday life, its use is not desirable, since putty toxic. However, she has obvious advantages: a large color range and the possibility of using heated floor

Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Putty for parquet

  • Putty for wood on a water basis is not completely toxic, convenient to apply to the surface with their own hands due to their elasticity. They do not have the smell, and the excess of the applied mixture is very easy to remove - it is enough to say on the surface with a damp cloth. The material is a durable, resistant to moisture and even protects the tree from the fire. Such a putty on the tree will qualitatively hobs the defects of walls and floors.

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Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Wooden putty.

Important! The aqueous spacing is stored slightly longer solvent-based mixtures. Even with damage to the package, it will dry up much longer, and its application is possible even on polished surfaces.

  • On an oil basis - it is used for exterior work and is excellent for facades under the subsequent painting. She has excellent water-repellent properties, besides, putpuckle is not afraid of adverse climatic conditions. The advantage over other solutions is that they would have crackled and trembled in such conditions. Despite the fact that it is perfect for work under painting, it is possible to pick up the hue of you like and not to carry out further staining. If you fulfill the finish with your own hands, it will help save additional funds. You can buy a putty with various packing from 0.5 kg to 15 kg in one container - Agree it is very convenient if you finish a large area

Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Finishing of wooden surfaces with putty do it yourself

  • Acrylic wood putty - one of the most popular and most favorite mixtures. She has excellent performance and it is used for various repair work with their own hands. Due to various additives and plasticizers, it can be used for a kitchen and a bathroom, despite the increased humidity in these rooms. The tolerance of heavy loads is another significant advantage of the solution. It is due to this property that it is actively used as a putty for the wooden floor. For clarity, I decided to make a small table of characteristics of the acrylic mixture:
Acrylic or polymer putty
ElasticityHigh elasticity allows you to fill the smallest emptiness and cracks. Clogs the joints of the boat
ShrinkageShe is not, so it is enough to apply the material once, and it will retain his form
DurabilityDepends on the operating conditions, 3-10 years and longer
PriceThe high cost compared to other species, however, the long service life is able to recoup the cost.
ColorThere is a wide range of color palette
EcologyMaterial is not toxic, its use is possible in sanitary zones

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Epoxy mixes

Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Putty for wooden surfaces

This type of putty is suitable where the use of others is impossible or meaningless. The epoxy mixture is capable of eliminating damage to wooden structures quickly and for a long time. It is easy to work with it and sharpen the necessary surface with your own hands will not be difficult even to an amateur, not a professional.

  • On an oil basis - it is used for exterior work and is excellent for facades under the subsequent painting. She has excellent water-repellent properties, besides, putpuckle is not afraid of adverse climatic conditions. The advantage over other solutions is that they would have crackled and trembled in such conditions. Despite the fact that it is perfect for work under painting, it is possible to pick up the hue of you like and not to carry out further staining. If you fulfill the finish with your own hands, it will help save additional funds. You can buy a putty with various packing from 0.5 kg to 15 kg in one container - Agree it is very convenient if you finish a large area

Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Finishing of wooden surfaces with putty do it yourself

  • Acrylic wood putty - one of the most popular and most favorite mixtures. She has excellent performance and it is used for various repair work with their own hands. Due to various additives and plasticizers, it can be used for a kitchen and a bathroom, despite the increased humidity in these rooms. The tolerance of heavy loads is another significant advantage of the solution. It is due to this property that it is actively used as a putty for the wooden floor. For clarity, I decided to make a small table of characteristics of the acrylic mixture:
Acrylic or polymer putty
ElasticityHigh elasticity allows you to fill the smallest emptiness and cracks. Clogs the joints of the boat
ShrinkageShe is not, so it is enough to apply the material once, and it will retain his form
DurabilityDepends on the operating conditions, 3-10 years and longer
PriceThe high cost compared to other species, however, the long service life is able to recoup the cost.
ColorThere is a wide range of color palette
EcologyMaterial is not toxic, its use is possible in sanitary zones

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Epoxy mixes

Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Putty for wooden surfaces

This type of putty is suitable where the use of others is impossible or meaningless. The epoxy mixture is capable of eliminating damage to wooden structures quickly and for a long time. It is easy to work with it and sharpen the necessary surface with your own hands will not be difficult even to an amateur, not a professional.

Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Wooden surface finishing powder

I really liked working with this putty, and therefore I made a table with a list of its advantages:

Aggressive resistanceThe processed plane is perfectly opposed to various chemicals, which is very important for some types of structures. Even if aggressive substances are constantly affected on it, it is capable of keeping the strength for a long time.
Quick duration of durabilityThe solution fully solids for 10-24 hours, after which you can produce any decorative processing. This is a huge advantage when the time is minimum, and the hunt will do everything with your own hands and at the highest level
Excellent base for coloringIf there will continue to be stained with wood, the epoxy mixture becomes a great basis. An interesting feature is that the application of the primer layer is not necessary, because the paint can be applied immediately to the dried area
Ability to processUndoubted advantage in the possibility of sawing and even clogging of nails without disrupting the integrity and strength of the structure
No shrinkageSince the shrinkage is absent, it is possible to align even with one layer of epoxy putty for wood. Other formulations do not have such a property.
No smellNo need to apply the means of protection, however, the air ventilation is still desirable
Mechanical resistanceCan be used for outdoor structures from wood, since after complete frozen epoxy, the floor becomes resistant to abrasion

Putcloth on wood: Choose the most suitable material

Wood putty trim

There are very few flaws from putty, and the most important of them is the price. If you have to handle large areas, then less expensive methods will be used for someone. The second drawback is the mandatory staining of the treated wooden structure, because the material is not compatible with the vessels and impregnation.

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