Fire doors GOST 31173 2003


GOST relative to metal fire doors, requirements for them and features of operation.

What requires GOST?

Fire doors GOST 31173 2003

To protect production, personal property and other values ​​from damage due to fire, as well as to maximize the location of the fire itself, it is necessary to install special fire-fighting doors. They are capable not only to withstand a very high temperature, but also comply with all standards and safety requirements. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers responsible approach to the fulfillment of their work, which means to choose a really high-quality product, you need to know which particular features should be inherent in fire doors. It is about it that will be discovered.

In most cases, metal doors with fire resistance are installed for spare output. In accordance with the current GOST 31173-2003, they must have locks, but, at the same time, it is fairly easy to reveal. GOST prescribes making metal fire doors in such a way that even a child can take advantage of them if necessary. Considering the fact that when the fire occurs, the door handles can be very hot and leaving burns to contact, GOST obliges to do a special button on the doors, or to connect the opening mechanism with the middle barbell, keeping the minimum force that is necessary for opening.

As for the opening door itself, it should be disclosed towards the output for the most convenient, safe and efficient use. It is thus you can minimize the accumulation of a large number of people directly at the exit.

Special attention should be paid to the material used for finishing. First of all, it should not be afraid of direct impact of fire, melting and all the more fuss.

In the event that at least one of the above nuances is observed, it may be extremely negatively affecting the life and health of people. If all the rules and requirements that GOST 31173-2003 prescribes are fully observed, it will not only prevent the spread of fire, but also it is likely to keep someone's life.

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If you pay attention to those requirements that are presented to fire safety, and, as a result, to fire-fighting doors, at various enterprises, then they are essentially almost the same.

  • First of all, the door should withstand the effect of direct fire as long as possible, but it does not melt and not deform;
  • prevent the propagation of smoke and carbon monoxide;
  • Easy to open.

Features of production

Fire doors GOST 31173 2003

In accordance with GOST 31173-2003, for thermal insulation and design of fire doors, it is allowed to use only those materials that are not susceptible to fire, even under the influence of direct fire. Similar requirements are presented to consumables. Among other things, the handles, fittings, locks and other elements must have a minimal thermal conductivity. Only in this case, they will preserve a fairly low outdoor temperature and will not cause a burn when contact with the skin. Decorative finish is simply absent.

As for the exterior finishes, it is possible to use only those compositions and paintworks that are refractory, which is provided for the door, additional protection against fire is provided for the door.

Based on the above requirements, a license that allows producing metal fire fighting doors, not all manufacturers have. The main condition for obtaining it is the presence of special equipment capable of issuing the products of the appropriate quality.

Where are the fire doors apply?

Fire doors GOST 31173 2003

Despite the fact that the production of fire-fighting doors requires the use of specialized materials with refractory properties, the cost of the products themselves is sufficiently acceptable.

As a rule, such doors can be installed as the main objects, or should be installed, there are production shops and premises, boxes of a hundred, private houses, warehouses, as well as special-purpose premises.

In fact, this list can be continued almost indefinitely, the main thing is that the fire-fighting door is installed in the premises that need to be protected from fire.

Features of the design of fire doors

Fire doors GOST 31173 2003

Construction of fire doors

In accordance with GOST 31173-2003, 2 types of features are distinguished on which special attention should be paid:

First of all, we are talking about the availability of documents that allow a particular organization, to produce metal fire doors, that is, the presence of a license. In addition, each door must have a corresponding quality certificate and an individual passport, where the main characteristics of the product, allowable temperature modes and other parameters are indicated.

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If it is necessary to study GOST 31173-2003 in more detail, it can be noted that each fire-fighting doors must have certain visual features. Consider them in more detail:

Mandatory feature of the design of the fire doorsNote
Lack of through holes and cracksCheck it is simple enough. You can provide a light difference in two adjacent rooms. If the lumens are visible, it means that the door has slots and its quality no longer matches the one that should be in accordance with GOST
You should pay attention to the seal, which passes around the perimeter between the box and the metal door cannolThe sealer should not even have small cracks, and to the touch to be the most elastic
An important role is played by the softness of the closerFor the most efficient, safe and comfortable use, the closer must move rather smoothly, but do not require additional efforts to function
Pay attention to canopiesAs practice shows, many firms install canopies, but they completely forget that in the new product there is not always a lubricant. Among other things, considering the specifics of the metal door itself, used for loops lubrication, should also have refractory characteristics and properties, that is, withstand higher temperatures
Locking mechanismIt is strictly not allowed even the lungs "snacking" in the castle. It should work as smoothly and not to require great effort when opening and closing. Otherwise, it can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences.

What is GOST R 53307-2009?

Fire doors GOST 31173 2003

to the office

GOST R 53307-2009 is used when testing a metal fire gate. It is he who is a guarantee that the product corresponds to quality and is able to maintain not only the property, but also the life of a person.

For those products that have successfully passed tests and received the appropriate certificate, there are some important features, such as the highest fire resistance, allowing you to install these metal doors in the offices, private houses, as well as in large enterprises. Among other things, in accordance with GOST R 53307-2009, all products possess the following characteristics.

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Resistance to ignition is significantly increased by using high-quality basalt wool as a sealing material, which in itself has high firefighter properties and is resistant to ignition;

Use as the main material high strength, heat-resistant steel. It is capable of to withstand the effect of direct flame for a very long period of time, while there is no melting and deformation;

In accordance with GOST R 53307-2009, a special heat-resistant tape should be held along the contour of the metal fireman. Its main purpose is that in the event of a fire and the effects of high temperature, the tape begins to expand, filling it all the moves. Thanks to this feature, carbon monoxide and smoke will not be able to penetrate the room through the doorway, and therefore there will be nothing threatening the life and health of people. Among other things, the caustic smoke and soot will not damage the property, covering it with a layer of soot or impregnating the unpleasant smell of Gary.

What could be metallic fire doors?

Fire doors GOST 31173 2003

In the industrial shop

To date, there are no special restrictions on the shape, size or color of the metal fire doors. In fact, it can be painted in any colors and have any, including non-standard form.

As for the limit of fire resistance, he usually varies from 30 minutes to several hours. For the most part, this indicator directly depends on such parameters as the composition of the metal and its thickness, as well as other parameters of the materials.

There are often the situation when metal fire doors are installed in those private houses, where to assorted separate baths, saunas, or small manufacturing workshops. Among other things, fire safety requirements prescribe the installation of such refractory doors in such premises:

  • electrical room;
  • indoors where gas boilers are heating;
  • indoors where diesel or gasoline generators are located,

As well as other equipment capable, in the event of a major malfunction, cause harm to property and health of people.

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