Using a fully glazed balcony


Glass balcony or loggia - space, organized and decorated due to a constructive approach to the development and creation of a design project. Work on such a project is carried out taking into account the fact that the balcony today is, first of all, a strictly limited area used by housing owners for short-term recreation.

However, even in those options when it turns into continuation of the kitchen or living room there is an opportunity to create an unusual setting to use complete glazing.

Design features

Using a fully glazed balcony

Glass balconies have become a completely new original solution in the design of the outside of residential and office buildings. But in addition to an unusual exterior of buildings, one of the advantages of such a structure can be called the ability to create a unique interior of the room itself.

Panoramic view, airiness, full-fledged natural lighting - all this attracts increased attention of specialists and ordinary attention to such structures.

Using a fully glazed balcony

The main condition for creating a glass balcony is its safety.

The desire to make a glazed balcony not only beautiful, but the main thing is completely safe forces designers, architects and designers to contact aluminum structures, the main advantage of which is a high level of strength and low weight.

Another unconditional plus is the possibility of insulation on balconies and loggias with a large area of ​​glazing. To create such a structure, a profile consists of several layers will be required. External - metal, and internal - made of polyamide materials.

The multilayer aluminum profile can be used in a variety of systems when assembling sash equipped with various opened devices. Most often, this profile is used when creating structures in which a deaf glass is used.

Design characteristics

Using a fully glazed balcony

The feature of the middle layer is the ability to create a so-called thermal bridge with it and ensure the thermal survey, making a profile equipped with such a layer insulated.

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By building excellent thermal insulation, it guarantees and excellent protection against outside sounds, dust and contamination penetrating from outside.

Types of glass structures

Using a fully glazed balcony

Before the glazing of the balcony, select the fastening system and opening the sash

Balconies and loggias, fully made of glass, basically have a system:

  • deaf or folding;
  • swivel;
  • Swivel-folding or sliding.

There are also so-called non-standard solutions, among which systems equipped with fraumuga or long structures. If each design sash is quite high, Framuga will greatly facilitate both use of it and care. Framuga may have a small size and located in any part of the glass, allowing the room at the right time to air the room. For details on the sliding system, see this video:

If you have to completely glazed the balcony, the length of which is large enough, first of all, it should be necessary to provide the need for opening elements and correctly calculate their quantity.

The simplicity of care and ventilation depends on the last indicator of opening flaps, but each of them increases the total cost of the design.


Using a fully glazed balcony

If you are afraid of height on a fully glass balcony, you can glazed the bottom of the matte glass

Light, as if soaring glass loggias and balconies forcing people to experience unique sensations and therefore conquer increasingly popular among residents of multiple-depleted megacities.

However, often they have such structures cause not only delight, but also fear. Consumers are interested in the level of safety of such structures to be confident and calm.

Such confidence gives knowledge that glazing balconies and loggias are taken particularly strong material:

  1. Reinforced, when creating a specially created metal mesh, installed between layers of glass. The most important advantage is the ability to withstand a high degree shock load.
  2. Consisting of several layers of glass, which use a particularly durable film or liquid liquid. The level of strength and stability of loads and damage to such glass increases several times compared with the usual material.
  3. Tempered by heat treatment. Under the influence of heating, with the subsequent sharp cooling, the strength of the glass in such a design increases at eight - nine times, allowing the obtained material for glazing, decoring it and making it thoroughly polished or even applies to the surface pattern. Read more about the so-called "French balcony", see this video:

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Advantages of use

Using a fully glazed balcony

Tempered glass "Triplex"

Glass, designed to create transparent fences in balconies and loggias, does not have surface curvatures, and according to specialists, its strength exceeds the strength of some elements of the supporting structure.

However, to create such structures, racks and profile from the most modern alloys, feature and main advantage of which are stability not only to mechanical damage, deformation, loads and corrosion, but also to the negative effects of natural phenomena in the form of precipitation or sharp air temperature change. Read more about hardening glass for fences, see this interesting video:

Using a fully glazed balcony

Frameless glazing is increasingly popular

Frameless glazing becomes increasingly popular, the essence of which is that the glasses are attached to one line without installing racks and frames. On the guide glasses move, opens and closing smoothly and silently.

This is possible due to the presence of aluminum and bearings between them. The choice of design is completely dependent on the features of the room, which must be glazed, and from the wishes of its owner.

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