Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom


If you like plants, you should supplement your interior with houseplants. They will decorate the interior, create a special atmosphere and bring practical benefits. As you know, indoor plants purify and moisturize air. You need to choose a room plant depending on your own preferences and the room in which it will be placed. Each room has special conditions, and they must be suitable for the selected plant.

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Kitchen plants

Choosing plants for the kitchen, do not forget that there are strong temperature differences, which can withstand not every plant. It is recommended to choose plants unpretentious in care. It is recommended to choose compact flowers with large leaves so that they can be easily cleansed from dust and fat. Do not place plants near the stove - from a strongly hot air plant can perish. Do not place the sinks to avoid water and detergent on the leaves.

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Plants can be placed on the shelves or on the windowsill. If you decide to choose a large plant, then it can be put on the floor. For the kitchen it is recommended to choose ivy, cissor, cactus, ficus of Benjamin. On the windowsill, it is recommended to place a violet or orchid. Not only a beautiful, but also a useful plant will be a pen, mint or dill. You can grow on your own on the windowsill spices for your dishes.

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Plants for the living room

Pick up the plant for the living room is much simpler, because it is a spacious room without specific conditions. If the room is large, then you can choose large plants, it will be better to watch outdoor real trees, they are recommended to be placed near the sofa. It is worth choosing a coffee tree, orange, lemon, ficus, bonsai or palm tree. In the living room, the plant becomes one of the main elements of the interior, so it is important that it matches the style. In the interior of the style there must be green elements.

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Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Please note: the pot must also approach the overall interior style.

For a living room, an excellent solution will be the curly plants that will decorate the wall or furniture. Flowers, such as orchids, decorative roses, gerbera, azaleas are suitable for the living room. Most plants are suitable for the living room, it is important to accommodate them correctly. If the plant needs daylight, then it must be placed on the windowsill. Also, plants can be placed on the coffee table, shelves and on the floor.

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Bathroom Plants

It is possible to place houseplants in the bathroom, although such a solution remains a novelty for many. Plants in the bathroom clean the air will decorate the interior, and help create a relaxing atmosphere.

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Choosing plants for the bathroom should be remembered that this room with high humidity. There is no lighting in the bathroom, so it is necessary to choose discharge plants. It is important to take into account the size of the room. For a large bathroom, it is possible to choose outdoor plants. For a little, it is recommended to choose a wing plant or miniature, which can be placed on the shelves or in the suspended pots. Ficus, alocation, indoor fern, aloe, drazes are suitable for the bathroom.

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Tip: Plant in the bathroom can be semi, if it allows the area, near the sink or on the furniture, or in the hanging baskets.

When choosing a room plant, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for care. Do not forget that any plant needs regular care.

Plants in the bathroom. Ideas for a new setting (1 video)

Decorative plants for different rooms (7 photos)

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

Indoor plants in the interior: for kitchen, living room and bathroom

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