Plaid with snowflakes crochet


Plaid with snowflakes crochet. Very beautiful fabulous plaid linked crocheted from separate hexagonal motifs with white snowflakes on a blue background. The motifs with snowflakes are connected to each other in the process of knitting the last row of columns without an insert with air loop. The knitting scheme of motifs can also be used to knit covers, shawl or rug.

Plaid with snowflakes crochet

Plaid with snowflakes crochet

Original application of motive with snowflakes for decorating children's blouse.

Plaid with snowflakes crochet

Plaid with snowflakes crochet

You will need a hook and yarn - woolen, semi-wool, acrylic, or cotton, two colors (white and contrastful dark) for knitting plaid.

Plaid with snowflakes crochet

Hexagonal motif symptoms with snowflake. Knitting motive starts from the center, from the chain of six air loops. Next, knit only 6 rows according to the scheme.

Plaid with snowflakes crochet

Plaid with snowflakes crochet

Plaid with snowflakes crochet

Plaid with snowflakes crochet

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