Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless


Comfort and comfort consist of details, so only one is needed or a tasteless thing to spoil even the best design. For example, a mat, bought on sale or boring curtains, or blinds. Our article will help you avoid mistakes in the future or correct design errors that you can already be . Below you will see the top 10 tasteless things in the house.

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Inscriptions on the walls

Different quotes on the walls within the framework make the interior as tasteless.

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

"Animals" prints

True CITC style connoisseurs often use in their works of animal prints, but in the usual interior of the apartment to make it properly very difficult, since there is a high probability that you will have a house that looks like a bar and circus.

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Brick in the interior

Wallpaper with brick imitation, non-standard brick laying by a fear or other pattern only spoils the interior.

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless


The arches are very popular in many homes and apartments of any size. However, not all arches are equally beautiful. Designers remind us that the arch is good for the apartments of a large square.

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Tip! Choose the arches, the shape of which is similar to the form of windows.

Remember that the arches that are too large for compact apartments do not look stylish, but are a real blessing.


Huge shutters on the windows have long been time to leave in the past. Once they were very popular. But in modern apartments they are useless. It is difficult to clean them from dust, and they visually reduce the area of ​​the room.

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Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Massive combinations of curtains

Massive curtain combinations also enter the list of things that can be interior tasteless. Yes, once they were in the trend and enjoyed popular, but it was many years. However, trends have changed very much. Now minimalism and simplicity in the trend. In addition, it is extremely difficult to care for multi-layer curtains, and they are strongly "weighing" space.

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Tip! Do not "bother" with curtains. Today, designers prefer organic fabrics and argue that there is only one rule in the window design: the simpler, the better. And the curtains must be two times wider windows.

Wall stickers

Decorative stickers have long been in the blacklist in many designers. In most cases, they look inappropriate and cheapens the interior.

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Good alternative - paintings and posters. However, many designers warn that these things should take at least 2/3 of the square if you decide to hang them on the wall above the bed or over the sofa. This is the only way to keep the balance and proportions.

Little carpet

The wrong size carpet - causes the proportions of the room seem incorrect.

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Tip! The carpet should be under the furniture. Make sure the front legs of the furniture are on the carpet so that it does not twist and not moved. Otherwise, the carpet will make your interior tasteless.

By the way, many designers are also recommended to get rid of rugs, which are usually located near the toilets. Get rid of such a rug right now, if you have it, because this mat is a true behavior. An excellent replacement will be a rectangular rug near the bathroom.

Wall-mounted decor

It is no secret that the wall decor can decorate the interior. But most often it is he spoils him. For example, decorative plates brought from vacation or tasteless paintings.

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Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Sculptural stucco and bas-reliefs

These are quite expensive elements, but also completely tasteless. In ordinary small apartments, they look as ridiculous.

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

10 basic rules how not to spoil elegance in the house (1 video)

Things in the interior who are considered tasteless (11 photos)

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

Top 10 things in the house that are considered tasteless

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