Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class


Such a thing, like a track, has long been firmly entered the life of girls. And what is gaining popularity, it is necessary to somehow develop and diversify. Thus appeared long heights, resembling half-boots, tracks, moccasins, with a sewed solid sole, kapron tracks, woolen, with decor and without. In short, various options for one thing - even debt. Today we knit tracks on two knitting needles.

Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class

Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class

Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class

Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class

Knit beautiful tracks

Woolen "Semilles" - a real find for cool seasons. They can be worn both at home and on the street, putting on top of thin socks. And the method of knitting tracks on 2 spokes is suitable for beginner needlewomen.

The finished tracks on 2 spokes will look like this:

Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class

For further work, take a woolen yarn (no more than 200 g), comfortable needles, bow to the desire and time.

We start knitting by typing 30 kettops. From the first to the sixth row knit only the "face", that is, facial loops. At the same time, we do not forget to exclude 2 edge (extreme) loops, one of which is removed, and the other is written by "invalid" (invalid).

From the seventh to twenty-second row we use the front surface as the main style of mating. The first, third and further - the front rows, the second, fourth and others are invalid.

Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class

Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class

From the twenty-third forty, the first row work with the heel. To eliminate this part of the track, you need to perform 19 hinges "face", and the following two loops are combined and squeeze the facial (combined "facial).

Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class

After that, the work turns over. The following 9 loops knit the involves, the last 2 "combined" invalid (as well as the combined "facial).

Turn the knit again. Check out 9 hinges "face", follow the next pair of "combined" facial. Thus, the above two rows (24 and 25) are repeated, while there are no ten loops on the spokes ("combined" loops reduce their number).

Article on the topic: Knitted sleeveless Women's knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions of work for full women with photos and videos

In the forty-second row from the "braid" side heel, we recruit 10 kettops. Then the product turns over.

Forty-third row: 20 kettles "face", 10 loops of another side part knit also. Total we had 30 facial hinge.

From forty-fourth to seventy fourth row knit facial smooth.

From seventy-fifth rows begin to reduce : 7 facial fit, then 3 "combined" facial, 10 simply "face", again 3 "combined" facial, 7 ordinary facial.

Slaves on two knitting knitting: knitting beautiful slippers from soft material with video and photo by master class

Series number 76. Fully consists of invalous looping.

Scheme seventy seventh row is as follows: 6 "face", 3 "combined" facial, 8 facial, again 3 "combined", the series ends as well as started - 6 facial.

Series number 78. Fully repeats the schema of the number 76.

Seventy ninth row : 5 facial, 3 "combined", 6 "face", again 3 "combined", 6 facial.

Eightied row , as and 76 with 78 - Pouring.

Row number 81. : 4 "face", 3 "combined" - repeat this couple twice, and the row itself completes 4 facial.

82 row - Pouring.

Series number 83: 3 "face", 3 "combined" facial, then 2 "combined" and again 3 "combined", finish 3 facial. We have 9 kettops.

Following, 84 row : 9 "Exchanges", the tenth loop is confused from the "Spit" (from both of them should be scored 18 on both sides).

The eighty fifth row looks like this: 4 "face", 3 "combined", 3 facial, and the 4th to raise from the "face".

Series number 86. Repeats the scheme 84th, the scheme of the series 85 and 87 also coincide.

While all the loops scored from the "brass" will not be accumulated, repeat the ranks number 84 and №85. When there are 9 loops on the spokes - they must be closed.

Video on the topic

We recruit loops from the side:

"Combined" facial loop:

"Combined" Inful:

Several ways to close sang:

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