What to do if a gas column falls out?


What to do if a gas column falls out?

Gas heating columns are apparers with sufficient reliability and with neat operation in accordance with the instructions and, with proper care, it may be for quite a long time. However, all devices can sooner or later break, fail and require repair. Specialists advise the repair of gas speakers to trust the professionals of this case.

What to do if a gas column falls out?

Gas speakers - heating devices with sufficient reliability and, with proper and proper care, can be served quite a long time.

However, some breakdowns can be learned to determine and eliminate the arrival of specialists with their own hands.

About what can be breakdowns, what a wick, thermocouple, a faint and what to do if the gas column goes out, will be described below.

What to do if the gas column goes out

The main reason for the shooting of fire in the sparky column can be low or the complete absence of it in the ventilation channel. One of the most common causes is a tightly closed plastic window. There is no inflow of air, and therefore the column overheats and the thermal protection relay of the gas column from overheating is triggered. If when opening the window or door after 10-15 minutes, the column is lit and does not go out, then the reason for the swelling lies precisely in the overheating of the column.

What to do if a gas column falls out?

The most common cause of the lack of thrust in the gas column is a tightly closed window.

Provided that the chimney can be clogged with products that are obtained after combustion or if a foreign object hit it, the protection system and gas starts to work automatically in the water heater. How to check the presence or absence of thrust in chimney? It is enough to open the window and attach a lit match or palm to the chimney hole. In the presence of traction, the flame will deviate, and the palm you will feel the blow.

How to eliminate a malfunction? The answer is simple: clean the chimney and ventilation channel. This can help with the company whose specialists will arrive at your request and make your chimney.

Another reason to sweat the flame of the gas burner may be the process of discharging the supply elements. If your column has automatic ignition from generators or batteries, then you will have to replace them with new, after checking the "Turning on / off" key.

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Repair of the waterstorm of the gas column

What to do if a gas column falls out?

The absence of cold water or its weak pressure is another reason why the gas column is turned off.

The next reason why your gas column is turned off is the absence of water or its weak head. If you open a crane with cold water and see an insufficient pressure, as in a hot water crane, then the reason in the entire water supply system.

Provided that the pressure of the cold water will be stronger than hot, it means that the reason lies in the water node of your aggregate. The cause of the problem may be clogging filters at the entrance of the node or in the deformation of the membrane. The reason may wage and clogged the pipes of hot water. If you have additional filters of deep water purification, then when they are clogged, water pressure may decrease similarly.

How to eliminate a malfunction when the gas column goes out?

The first thing you can do is rinse the filters yourself or replace them with new ones. The second is to cause communal service specialists to determine the absence of water pressure in your system. Experts will help you either rinse the pipes, or clean the column from combustion products and from the soot. Also, it may be necessary to replace the membrane on the water node.

What to do if a gas column falls out?

Discharged ignition batteries can also be the reason why the gas column does not ignite.

There are often cases when the gas column is lit and immediately goes away. The solution to this problem is to regulate hot and cold water. There is no need to dilute hot water cold, as this leads not only to the fading of the flame, but also is the incorrect operation of the gas column. To adjust the flow of cold water, it is necessary to reduce its supply in the tap by turning the valve.

The problem is when the gas column turns on with cotton and swells, can be caused by the absence of thrust, zero gykler and other parts of the column, due to the strong gas flow, and also due to the discharge of the ignition batteries. It is easy to guess how to eliminate the above problems: replace batteries, clean the chimney, call specialists to eliminate breakage.

Repair of gas burner with automatic protection system

More complex reasons for the extracting of the gas column with an automatic protection system will be described below.

What to do if a gas column falls out?

To repair the gas column, it is necessary to clearly represent how the protection system nodes work.

In gas columns with an automatic gas protection system in the stall, it should be burned continuously, even regardless of the position of the handle, the valve of cranes and water mixers. The simplest system of automatic protection of the gas columns consists of three elements: thermocouples, thermal stuff, electromagnetic valve. It goes out the wick of the gas column in cases of triggering elements of protection or when the thermocouple or clogging is malfunction.

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If the automation elements fails to evaluate their inoperativeness, the process is when the spinner of the gas column goes out after the gas control knob has stopped to hold the gas control knob. To carry out repair work, it is necessary to clearly imagine how protection system nodes work.

Device and principles of the thermocontractor, thermocouples and valve

Thermocouples are two cooked conduit from aluminum and chrome. The thermocouple is used to power the electromagnetic valve. She can very rarely fail. A narrow place at the exit of the housing has a central conductor. The conductor is isolated, but still it can be wipe and therefore the column can go out.

What to do if a gas column falls out?

The thermocouple very rarely fails and it may also be the reason why the gas column goes out.

If the contact is violated in places of welding thermocouple, it is impossible to restore it, since the current generator passes in the place of the spike. Thermocouple is recommended to replace the new one.

The electromagnetic valve is a coil of copper wire. Inside it places a metallic cylinder - solenoid. It is mechanically connected with the valve overlapping gas flow in the burner.

When heating the thermocouple, it produces a current that, passing through the coil, creates a magnetic field, it retracts the solenoid into the coil. The solenoid is mechanically connected to the valve, and therefore the valve is shifted, respectively, the gas enters the stobble.

Provided that the gas does not light up, the thermocouple cools and the current is not produced. The solenoid becomes at the starting position, and the gas supply to the stobble stops. In this way, safety is ensured in the operation of gas columns. If the wick does not burn, sometimes the wind can blow it or the gas is not supplied to the stall, then when the water is discovered, the gas will not be supplied to the burner.

The thermal stitch is a bimetallic plate. When the temperature is reached in the place where the thermal power assistant 90˚С is installed, the plate is bent and the solenoid power supply circuit is broken through the rod. The thermal consistency itself connects to the scheme of the terminals mechanically. Due to the complexity of its design and poor-quality operating conditions, it can break.

Methods for eliminating a breakdown of an automatic protection system

What to do if a gas column falls out?

A dus of the stamp eventually can be clogged by soot, in consequence of which the flame becomes insufficient and the fire may not light up and extinct.

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Repair of the gas column and thermal protection relay

In order to check the health of the thermal stuff, it is necessary to remove the terminals from it, then shorten them with each other with a metal object, such as, for example, a clip.

If your gas column starts to function normally, without overheating, then the malfunction is eliminated. Before purchasing the thermal stitch, you can temporarily leave the clips, subject to the restriction of its touch with metal parts and if the unit is superimposed.

Checking the solenoid valve column

If the help of the clips did not help, check whether the electromagnetic valve works, which has a resistance of about 0.2 ohms. Check it with the following method: fed to winding a voltage with a capacity of 20-30 mV at a current of 100 mA. This mode is easily created by any finger battery or battery and a resistor per 100 m. Fit your wick and remove your hand from the gas adjustment knob. Fitil must continue to burn. When the battery is disconnected, the flame must be ground. Eah These conditions are observed, it means that the electromagnetic valve is modeled. Hence the conclusion: the thermocouple is broken. If you fail to find a short circuit or bad contacts, the thermocouple is recommended to be replaced.

Repair faded

What to do if a gas column falls out?

Try to clean the air supply hole and a thin wire loop, your scatter must earn again.

Sometimes with the time of the dune, the stamp can be clogged with soot, while the flame becomes insufficient and the fire may not light up and get out. Gas accumulates, and an explosion may occur. It is necessary to urgently clean the stall.

It may be that the burner of the stobble is lit by half yellow, but should burn blue. This happens because of the lack of oxygen in the mixture of gases. Scoot is released, which settles on the heat exchanger. In this case, cleaning of the hole in the stall for supplying oxygen in the burner from dirt is required.

To remove the stall, you need to unscrew the nut, which fixes the tube, supplying the gas, and unscrew the two extreme screws. Next, the plank is given on itself and lifts up. The jackler must be clamped in the stall of the tube, when it is released it falls. Clean the air supply hole and a thin wire loop - your scatter must earn again.

The most important thing in the elimination of the problem is when the spinner of the gas column goes out, fail the thermocouple and other details of your burner, to be extremely attentive. If you are not sure about your abilities and cannot directly troubleshoot, contact the specialists. With gas to joke dangerous!

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