Why is the water from the boiler the smell of hydrogen sulfide?


Why is the water from the boiler the smell of hydrogen sulfide?

The question of what smell of water from the boiler is far from idle, it concerns not only unpleasant sensations for the sense of smell. In the household appliance, Hemobacterium Legionella is breeding, dangerous for a person. The emergence of gas is the indicator of the process of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Boiler device.

Cunning of sulfurodor

It is called sulfur hydrogen, sulfur hydride, hydrogen sulfide. H2S hydrogen sulfide formula. This is one of the dangerous gases, which has an unpleasant sharp smell of rotten eggs. More precisely, rotting eggs, in which sulfur-containing proteins are decomposed, highlight H2S. As far as it is unfavorable for living organisms, one can judge such an example. The Black Sea is warm, but plankton and fish is not very rich. The reason has long been found out: at a depth of 200 m of the sea contain a lot of hydrogen sulfide.

Why is the water from the boiler the smell of hydrogen sulfide?

Summer scheme.

Herry plant in nature and the economy is much more than writing about it in textbooks. Numerous complaints about the formation of sulfur hydrogen are associated with the use of electrical heaters. Sulfurium hydrogen dissolves badly, the user immediately feels the presence of H2S flutter molecules in the air coming out of water. The problem also in that, the smell appears again and again, even after chlorination of the boiler. Moreover, he does not pass by itself, without effort from the user, on the contrary, the situation is exacerbated.

If the plumbing or well does not contain sulfur hydride, then where the smell appears in such quantities in a boiler? The answer is one: in the electrical heater, H2S synthesis occurs from those connections that are available. Who or what plays the role of a chemical laboratory - experts sometimes make it difficult to give an unambiguous answer. The "starting mechanism" for the reactions of hydrogen sulfide can serve as a water heater, chemicals, microscopic hemobacteria.

Disinfection of water sources

In each source of water consumption, a medium is created for microorganisms that are visible only under the microscope. They cause green "bloom" and other processes, worsening the quality of drinking water supply. Chemical and bacteriological analyzes of centralized supply systems are carried out in the planned mode of the doctors of hygiene and epidemiology centers. For a certain fee, they conduct research of water sources according to the statements of organizations and citizens.

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Why is the water from the boiler the smell of hydrogen sulfide?

Chemical analyzes of water supply systems produce physicians of hygiene centers and epidemiology periodically.

The CGIE will recommend funds to disinfect water wells, pools, and drinking water tanks. Instead of chlorine lime, instant tablets are currently applied. They also contain chlorine in their composition, but not so aggressive, as a mixture of hypochlorite and calcium chloride. For processing a mine well in rural areas, one tablet is enough, the artesian well will need three pills of a highly efficient means.

After any processing and settling, the entire system should be rinsed and pumping. You can send samples again for tests in CGIE, spend the duration of the hydrogen sulfide test.


  1. Turn on the crane and leave for 5 min. So that the fluid flows.
  2. Put a clean plastic bottle and fill it up to half.
  3. Close and shakely shake several times.
  4. Open the lid and sniff the air from the bottle.
  5. If there is sulfur hydrogen, the smell will be felt immediately.
  6. After a three-time repeat procedure, the sulfur hydride in the air is not allocated, it means that it is not.

How to protect the electrical heater from H2S

If the composition of the water is not the cause of sinic, then it should be searched in the contents of the boiler. When they do not use for a long time, do not turn on the network, develop and multiply bacteria, as in any capacity or natural recess with standing water. In electrical heaters, a chemical-physical process can also occur between magnesium anode and water, as a solution of electrolyte substances and non-electrolytees (chlorides, sulfates, carbonates). You can solve the sulfide problem by replacing the anode from one metal to another, also providing protection against corrosion. On this issue should be asked for help from specialists.

If hot water has the smell, you should pay attention to its temperature.

Why is the water from the boiler the smell of hydrogen sulfide?

If hot water has an unpleasant odor, it is worth paying attention to its temperature.

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Serobacterium Legionella breeds if:

  • Supported "Comfortable" for chemobacteria temperature 50 ° C;
  • Not used all the volume of hot liquid;
  • In the tank there are zones where fresh portions of water do not come.

Prevention and control of hemobacteria:

  1. Include an electrical heater at a temperature of 70 ° C and higher at least once a month;
  2. Disassemble and clean the heater, remove the scale.
  3. Rinse it for cleaning from bacteria and their livelihoods.
  4. Disinfection the water heater solution of sodium hypochlorite (sold separately, is part of bleaching). It will eliminate the smell.

Attention! Rapid water temperature up to 90 ° -100 ° C is dangerous! On this issue, you need to consult with the manufacturer's masterroom master or another competent person.

Another possible reason for the appearance of hydrogen sulfide is associated with a filter incorrectly connected to sewage. It can be dangerous, cause infectious disease. With a long-term stroke of water and overgrowing the filter with a bacterial layer, too, an unpleasant smell occurs. In case of similar situations, it is necessary to disinfect the filter with sodium hypochlorite. Uncomplicated manipulations with affordable cleaning substances and the temperature control of the boiler will reduce the danger that the smell is smell from it for family health.

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