Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen


Sleefish - a great option of clothing that is practical at all times of the year. He hides the minor flaws of the figure, the waist and hips significantly decrease. This element of clothing is suitable for any style. Especially appreciated by handmade, they are expensive and stylish. Sleeveless needles will be a great gift or simply a gift.

Creating beautiful clothes

Before the incarnation of beautiful clothes, select the pattern. With special care you need to choose a thread for knitting. The needles also deserve attention, because all the beauty of the model depends on them.

Very interesting to knitting needles, vests and sleeves are obtained simply stunning. Let's start with the knitting of the vest.

For work, you need yarn, knitting needles three, hook for binding parts. Threads should be natural!

Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

The main pattern will be in the form of a flower, which is repeated, cones and petals. Calculate the main pattern of seven repetitive elements: 17 p. + 15 p. + 15 p. + 15 p. + 15 p. + 15 p. + 15 p. + Leave three edges with two sides. On the needles to dial one hundred thirteen loop. The next step must be associated with ordinary elastic bands ten rows.

Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

Features: Will with the working loops in this pattern, and the pattern knits facial hinges. The scar knits alternately: facial looping and two pieces of loops, sticking together by the facial left, two loops to prickly comply with the facial right and one facial. Need air hinges: seven loopes alternate facial hinges and nakida.

Gray cells will be addresses, just need to close the pattern from the side of the pattern, and they do not affect the total number of loops.

The bumps to tie with five pieces of double columns acclaimed together.

With the subsequent eleventh row, it is necessary to encourage the pattern. Now knit six pattern columns. From the seventh pillar from each sides, close two hinges.

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Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

On the pattern elements to reduce to four pieces. Remove the central and two pieces of side.

Now knit the neck. In seven rows, remove excess loops: after fourteen catering, split knitting into two halves and close the loops from the middle, forming the neck. From the very beginning of work, the amount of looping was odd, which means on the one hand, close two hinges.

Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

Knit the neck is needed on both sides and close one loop in four rows. Now you need to look at the drawing and check two more rows with the pattern, and then peel fifteen rows of inside. From the sixteenth row, we divide all the loops into three parts and close the three stages.

Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

To create a back to dial one hundred thirteen loops. Knit with an invalion and make a rutter from the pattern. Knit in the same way as the previous part, only without throat.

Details to collect and sew it is necessary from the face. Connect with a hook, starting with the bottom of the product.

Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

Exactly so copp shoulder.

Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

For the fastening of the throat, you need to sculpt the hinges on the knitter in a circle.

Release the four rows of elastic, the fifth row close, just not tightening the work. So do and for huvers. Lovely vest ready!

Knitting vertex

Sleeping fit in a similar way. Excellent pastime is knitting needles. Such an occupation will help relax and prepare a good gift to a friend. The knitting process itself does not require serious ability to work with the needles, the main desire and perseverance.

To create such a vertex, you will need yarn, circular needles at number six.

The principle of operation is the same as in the previous article, but some nuances know does not hurt. Often, large women wear sleeveless, so you need to do a beautiful neckline for them. He is slightly fitting and makes it proportional. On the neck you need to wear a beautiful long decoration, and the image is ready!

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Basic rules of mating

Elastic: alternating an insoluble and facial loop. Spit pattern knit twenty hinges plus twelve. The pigtail is repeated from the first row to the thirtieth.

Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

For the back of the product, score loops from size, for example, size for 48 size is one hundred four loops. Tie eleven centimeters with a rubber band, and then distribute the loops. On the edge part of two to eight loops on both sides. After the stern sixty centimeters from the gum of the middle, that is, forty-four loops closed. This is the throat. Edges carry. In order for the neck of the area, it is necessary in each row inside two loops shoot.

Before knits as a back, and the throat with the neckline.

Sleeveless knitting needles: how to tie a stylish vest in a photo and video from experienced craftsmen

To raise such a cut, as in the photo, you need to check twelve and a half centimeters, and then medium ten pieces of loops. Next to knit separate parties. For a bevel, to restore loops from the waist in every fourth row and to repeat sixteen. And six times to repeat in every sixth row. We reduce the right to the second and the third loot before the edge, and in the left after it.

When assembling, the shoulders are first connected, and then the sides. From the side to leave twenty-five centimeters for the armor. They will score eighty-two loops on it and tie with a rubber band in six centimeters. Bake for the throat to tie straight and reverse loops with a rubber band in six centimeters. Need a hundred sixty-one loop.

Thanks to such a clear master classes, novice needlewomen learned how to tie the needles with the needles.

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