Venetian wall masks


Venetian wall masks

When creating classic interiors, Venetian masks on the wall will be the final stroke. The tradition of using masks as a wall decor came from the last century from Italy.

Today, the Venetian mask on the wall, if you do not meet in every home, you can probably be seen in the apartment of those owners who appreciate the beauty and elegance of the environment.

  • Initially, Venetian masks were widely used in Venice on the annual carnival. It is not known when this tradition originated, but all residents of Venice participated in street gulyans: and simple poor and people of high classes.
  • Masks helped the latter to remain incognito on the streets and merge with the crowd, having fun and walk on a par with commoners, remaining unrecognized. Thus, there was a lot of destinies, a lot of marriages were created among the Venetians of that time.
  • In Italy, the 15th century was even a special profession - Mastery. By the way, the masks themselves did not have divisions on the estate affiliation and price: they all looked and cost almost the same.

Venetian masks can be divided into two main categories: classic and comedy. This natural division allows us to choose suitable models of masks to decorate the house.

The most famous Venetian masks were the faces of the heroes of the street comedy del Arte: Colombin, Harlequin, Pierrot. And the most recognizable - Dzanni - a half mask, devoid of expensive jewelry with a long curved bowl, resembling the beak of the colon bird.

Classic Venetian masks: Cat, Volo, Venetian lady. The most massal of them is Volto, which is the most neutral, simply by copying the main features of the human face and remaining simultaneously faceless.

The popularity of Venetian carnival jewelry grew and they began to apply not only in a carnival night, but also to decorate at home. So masks "swore" on the wall, and received worldwide distribution as a refined decor.

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Venetian wall masks are currently manufactured from various materials: metal, plastic, pressed cardboard, tin and lead alloys, bronze and even porcelain. The choice here depends mostly, from the financial capabilities of the buyer.

Venetian masks do it yourself

A variety of materials are used as decor: silk, fur, veil, colored feathers, precious stones, pearls, glass, crystal and gold.

Depending on the fame of the manufacturer, materials used and decorating technologies, prices for these products will also be different. But the mask can be done manually, if you are sure to handle such work.

Venetian wall masks are considered popular, manufactured by Papier-Masha technology. Perhaps, each of us did not come across such technology of work with his hands, starting almost from kindergarten.

The principle of manufacturing is as follows: The basis of the future mask layers is superimposed with a waste paper and a bandage impregnated with glue. The basis, in turn, we make, say, from clay for creativity, alabasra and the like of the sustainable materials.

Quite interesting crafts for home decoration you can get using this technique.

  • The layers can be several dozen, depending on the complexity of the configuration of the future product and the desired thickness. After the mask is formed, it is separated from the base and dries in a natural way.
  • It is necessary to give mask enough time to succeed, otherwise, as a result of further finishes, it can deform and lose the form, and this is not very beautiful.
  • Then the resulting "semi-finished product" is covered with paints or enamel and decorated with appliant means. First, it is better to brand the mask with light paint. On a bright basis, further decorations are better visible, and the decor itself is not lost.

The final stage of the finish is the coating of a ready mask lacquer. You can use sequins to add a brightness product. If you are first engaged in manufacturing a mask in Paper-Masha technology, it is better to refuse to use too complex patterns for decoration.

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Mask is ready. The cost of consumables is small, compared to a similar purchase, but its value is incomparably higher.

First, a well-made author's mask will be not only an unusual and prestigious element of the wall decor, but also emphasize the sophistication of the owner's style.

If there is no desire to make a venetian mask with their own hands, it can be purchased in the stores of souvenir products or specialized decor salons.

According to the materials of the site

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