Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior


Blue color is a universal and expressive shade, which is easily embodied in the interiors of different stylistic directions. Popular designers believe that thanks to their wide range, this tone was No. 1 in 2020.

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Blue palette - a combination of shades

Blue has a large number of different shades that can be blond and dark, warm and cold. The palette of this color includes:

  • light blue;
  • sapphire;
  • gray blue;
  • ultramarine;
  • Saturated blue;
  • cobalt;
  • purple blue;
  • turquoise blue;
  • dark blue.

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Today you do not need to be an experienced colorist to find these shades worthy combination. Blue tone is perfectly combined with white, beige, blue, red, yellow, orange, gold, emerald, gray and black flowers. The most popular triple combinations include:

  1. White with gold and blue.
  2. White, red and blue.
  3. White, gray and blue.

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Therefore, to embody this shade in the interior is very simple, regardless of the destination of the room.

Important! You can not use blue in small rooms, it eats the room space and overloads the interior.

Where can I use blue color?

Blue color can be used in any room, thanks to a saturated color you can create an original, but at the same time a cozy interior. Modern designers recommend using this shade to create:

  • living room - you can add blue furniture and decor to this room, but the finish is better to do in beige tones;
  • Kitchen - Combined White-Blue Wall Decoration, Cobalt Upholstered Furniture and Ultramarine Decor will be an excellent solution for this room;
  • Bedrooms - ceiling of sky blue with saturated blue floor, velor bed of cornflower and picturesque paintings will create a non-trivial, but romantic interior;
  • Children's for a boy - you can make this maritime room, pick up the wallpaper in the blue stripe, put a sapphire sofa with niches and add a pirate decor (lifebuoy, ship, steering wheel);
  • Bathroom - In this room, it is better to make a trim from a dark blue tile, combining it with a gray or turquoise color, for beauty you can make ultramarine backlight on the ceiling.

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Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Important! It is better not to put blue furniture in the hallway, it is rude and not aesthetically looks in these rooms.

Sapphire finish

When creating a blue interior, you need to know several rules, otherwise the design can be gloomy. Several tips:

  1. It is impossible to make a ceiling in blue, it is not only eating the square in the room, but will put on his head.
  2. When finishing the walls, it is better to combine blue with lighter shades, then the interior will be interesting and comfortable.
  3. The floor can be performed in one blue tone, it will turn out to be stylish and practical.

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Important! It is better not to paint the ceiling and walls of water-level blue paint, it's visible on it all the sublifting and traces, otherwise the surface will have to be painted every six months.

Blue furniture

Today, velor and velvet soft furniture, which looks spectacular in the interior. Therefore, in the hall you can put a blue sofa, a bedroom - a dairy bed with a blue tip in the style of "Chanel", and in the kitchen Sapphire corner. Also on sale you can find slides for the hall, complex kitchens, wardrobes and children's in blue tone.

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Blue decor

To beautifully decorate the interior in the bedroom, living room or baby, you can use blue curtains with garters, quilted bedspreads in a cage, ultramarine pillows, chandeliers, carpets, paintings, outdoor vases, figurines and photo frames.

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Blue color only entered the fashion, it is a unique shade, with which you can create a unique style and homemade comfort in any house!

BLUE COLOUR. Best combination with blue in the interior (1 video)

Blue shades in a modern interior (7 photos)

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

Trends 2020: Blue shades in the interior

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