Liquid spacing for walls - what is it?


Today, the construction materials market presents a huge variety of solutions for the treatment of walls with putty, which differ in composition, properties and types.

Liquid spacing for walls - what is it?

Liquid spacure

By virtue of a long list of advantages, a liquid putty is special attention. This substance is relatively recently appeared on the market and many are not familiar yet. So let's consider the same, what is so good such a putty for the walls, and how to use it in the work.

What is a putty in liquid form?

Liquid spacing for walls - what is it?

Liquid spacure for wall decoration

A liquid spacing solution is a substance, by its consistency resembling sour cream. In the composition of the solution there are different additives complicated in their chemical composition, which improve all the quality of the material relative to other familiar substances on the decoration of the walls. It is hardly possible to knead such a solution with your own hands, since cooking technology requires the use of factory specialized equipment.

If you still decide to use such a new-fashioned material in our repair, you can buy it in an absolutely ready form in a construction store.

In order to buy the right solution, it is necessary to inhibit what kind of varieties there are and for what works are suitable.

Please note that after opening the factory packaging with a solution, it can be used for several months, but under the condition of storage of a substance in a tightly closed container, with the provision of air failure.

Varieties of material

Liquid spacing for walls - what is it?

Putty for wall decoration

Due to the fact that this substance is manufactured using different additions, the purpose of each species of the solution is strictly individually.

So, putty in liquid form happens:

  1. Latexova

Latex solutions are best suited for finishing and processing small gaps and seams on plasterboard sheets. The remedy needs to be sprayed with a thin layer due to the fact that it has a fine-grained structure. Latex mix - an indispensable assistant when finishing arched openings and niches.

  1. Acrylic

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Acrylic material can be used for both internal and outdoor decoration. With it, you can align a concrete surface, close significant damage on plasterboard sheets. Such a solution is characterized by speed of drying - it is enough to 4-7 hours, depending on the density of the coating.

  1. Facade

The facade putty is distinguished by its moisture resistance, therefore the design covered with its help is not subject to mold and the development of fungus. Such a substance is great for performing work in wet premises, as well as to reconstruct damage on buildings facades.

Liquid spacing for walls - what is it?

Wall decoration in spacure apartments

Speaking about the varieties of material, it is worth paying attention to manufacturers who offer the highest quality material at an affordable price (see Table).

Recommended layer thickness (mm)1-70.2-2one
Consumption (kg / m2)1.2-1.60.8-1,21-1.6
Adhesion in a day (kg / cm3)7.five6.
Scope of applicationday of external and interior wall decorationFor internal works and processing sheets of plasterboardFor internal and external work, as well as processing wooden surfaces
Features of the materialQuickly gaining strengthIt has snow-white color, perfectly polished and convenient for work.Allows you to produce a high-quality finish of premises with high levels of humidity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Liquid spacing for walls - what is it?

Finishing with liquid putty do it yourself

As we have already spoken, such substances are filled with various artificial ingredients, which allow the use of such a consistency during finishing not only walls, but also:

  • wooden structures;
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • plastic;
  • become;
  • aluminum;
  • polyester, etc.

Also, due to the high content of polymers, the remedy does not come into contact with moisture and other aggressive environments. This allows the use of material for processing walls indoors, as well as for processing building facades.

Liquid spacing for walls - what is it?

Wall decoration in the room

Putty in liquid form has such advantages:

  1. The substance spreads well on the surface of the wall, penetrating even into the smallest irregularities and cracks. This allows you to apply a solution with a minimum thin layer, and reduces the amount of material consumed, saving your financial investments.
  2. Easy spreading on the surfaces also helps when creating an ideal wall, even working on large areas. Due to this feature, a liquid putty can be attributed to the category of self-leveling masses.
  3. The speed of drying the solution allows to reduce the time costs for finishing work.
  4. After its drying, the material is not covered with cracks and does not appear, it is distinguished by a long life cycle, strength and moisture resistance.

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I would like to note that due to its high technical characteristics, such material is used not only in construction work, but also when repairing machines, and this area, as you know, requires a much higher quality material.

Unfortunately, such an ideal material still has one minus - high cost. But, compared with a dry or pasty mixture, putty in the liquid consistency in the power to compensate for its high cost to a more resistant and qualitative property.

How to work with liquid putty?

Wall decoration

Processing the surface of a liquid putty, you can use the mechanical way with the paintopult, or perform the work itself.

Before applying the solution onto the walls, it is necessary to degrease the surface and remove the remnants of garbage and dust from it.

Subsequent performance of work does not require adherence to special technology. For quality work, it will be enough for you to familiarize yourself with the instruction that the manufacturer has shown to a container with a solution. It will not be superfluous during the purchase of a solution to consult with the seller.

Liquid spacing for walls - what is it?

Wall decoration with liquid putty

After applying the solution when the wall is faster, it will be necessary to process using sandpaper shallow grain.

We hope that from the above information you made sure that the liquid solution for putting the walls is an excellent analogue with old-fashioned pasty or dry mixtures. Although such a substance is expensive, but it is worth it.

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