How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?


Soft toys - joyful fun for any modern child. You can play with them, sleep in an embrace, trust your child secrets. At the same time, when the teddy animals become too much, because of the impossibility of compact storage, they begin to cause inconvenience to parents. In the article, we will tell about the options for storing toys in the child's room capable of solving this problem.

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

Making boxes home for toys

One of the easiest and most requiring costs of storing soft toys is to fold them into a wooden / plastic box. For these purposes, suitable:

  • Ordinary linen baskets - due to compactness and ability to save space. They can be put on each other and when they need to separate one part of the toys from the other.
  • Foldable fabric baskets with a metal frame from rings. An excellent option for compact premises - if older children. The design will not allow the child to be injured if it will wear around the room. In the collected form, the basket almost does not occupy a place. It is recommended to approach the choice of the product with care - when the hole occurs in the tissue, you can accidentally hurt the sharp edge of the wire.
    How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?
  • Containers with dense plastic lids. The hygienic option is preferable if small children live in the apartment. The lid will retain soft animals and fairy-tale characters from dust, and also prevents the possible occurrence of mold in the case of high humidity.

On a note. If you need to teach the baby to fold toys in the same place, put the box to the low shelf of the cabinet or any other easily accessible place. Buy on the bottom Special dividers and teach the child to put each teddy beast in his "mink". The advice will allow you to preserve many nerve cells while cleaning, in addition, the child does not have to pour all the contents of the box to the floor when he wants to get a specific toy.

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

Place toys at the wall

  • Little baskets on the walls. The option is suitable for a nursery in a country house. Small baskets made of metal or rope mesh are attached to the walls and their favorite soft toys of the child are inserted into them. Of course, the basket should be placed on the level of children's growth.
  • Three or four elastic cords stretched from floor to ceiling. Thus keep sports balls, but he is remarkable and in the case when the toy army has grown to indecent sizes.
  • Holder pockets for the bathroom. Small soft animals will fit perfectly in pockets for bathroom facilities. The holder can be hung on a hook for clothes or doors.
    How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?
  • Alley. Hang in the room the usual clothesline and place toys on special hooks on it.
  • Hammocks for teddy beasts. Similar hammocks are made easily from an old header or piece of fabric. They create a truly fabulous atmosphere in the interior.
    How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?
  • Original infant bag. If the toys have accumulated in the nursery, lost the relevance, they can be turned into the inner packing of the homemade punch-bag and make a child's place to read fairy tales with it.

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How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

On a note. Parents are advised to regularly check the condition of the soft toys of the son or daughter and regularly erase them or clean. After all, young children almost always slightly slump toys and drag them into the mouth.

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

Store toys "On then"

It happens that distant relatives of the baby give him a gift toys, which are not yet suitable for him by age. Save them to the future will help a dense package of plastic from which to remove all air - with a vacuum cleaner and intended for this valve.

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

Organization and storage of children's toys (1 video)

Storage of soft toys (8 photos)

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

How to organize storing soft toys in a nursery?

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