Hares and rabbits from hay and straw


Hares and rabbits from hay and straw are a continuation of publication on the topic of creating Easter and New Year's crafts from natural materials of cockerels and chicken from hay and straw. You can create an Easter hare or rabbit with your own hands together with children, they will certainly like this work. To implement this idea, Handmade you will need this or straw, which can be purchased at the pet store. Briquettes of dry grass are sold as feed for rabbits.

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

For work, we will need the following materials:

  • hay or straw - briquette dry grass (feed for rabbits from pet store),
  • twine, jute or strong thread of green,
  • Glue moment or thermopystole with hot glue,
  • Artificial eyes or black bugs,
  • Silk or satin ribbons,
  • Felt or fleece orange and green - for carrot (optional).

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

Getting to work. We form two balls from dry grass (larger size for the body and small bunny or rabbit for the head), fix the round shape of green thread, jute or twine.

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

We form long ears:

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

We form more than 5 balls - for the paws and the tail.

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

We connect the details - insert into the recesses and fix glue.

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

That's ready for our bunny. Printe eyes, spout and teeth. We decorate a bow from the tape and hand it with a carrot from felt.

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

And now I propose to view a video with a master class to create an Easter bunny:

Handmade ideas from dry grass, hay and straw for inspiration:

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

Hares and rabbits from hay and straw

Article on the topic: Pillows knitted with spokes pattern

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