Round and square crochet motifs with schemes


Round and square crochet motifs with schemes

Friends, in this selection of knitting ideas, I bring to your attention round and square crochet motifs with schemes.

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Round and square crochet motifs with schemes

Several round options.

Round and square crochet motifs with schemes

Asterisk and couple squares.

Round and square crochet motifs with schemes

Unusual and at the same time simple motifs.

Round and square crochet motifs with schemes

From these would be excellent products.

Round and square crochet motifs with schemes

The top motive looks like a butterfly, and the middle of the snowflake.

Round and square crochet motifs with schemes

An example of a triangular motive in the middle.

Round and square crochet motifs with schemes

Pentagon motif and options in shape resembling flowers.

Round and square crochet motifs with schemes

Hexagonal motif and round varieties.

Video master classes

Finally, I want to share with you a selection of 59 master classes for knitting crochet motifs. Playlist is very good, I recommend to view.

Article on the topic: Round coquette crochet: master class with schemes for children's dress

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