Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes


Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Friends, I bring to your attention a selection of fabulously beautiful napkins, ringed with crochet, as well as schemes for them. In my opinion, knitting napkins is truly the top of the mastery of hook. This is beauty, subtlety of work, while all products are light.

These air snowflakes from the fabric, a kind of incarnation of flight and ease. Napkins perfectly complement any interior, make it so home. And of course, this is an excellent basis - a motive for knitting large elements, such as bedspread or, say, tablecloth. In addition, sit down and start knitting a napkin - this is a wonderful way to relax and get a charge of a good mood.

Beautiful and simple blue crochet napkin for table

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

I will begin the selection of such a wonderful openwork napkin.

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes


Oddly enough, it is a landfill for beginners, and pedestal professionals. You can learn to knit and create masterpieces. For example, for beginners, small napkins are perfectly suitable for creating their first product. Well, the fact that it is interesting to knit them, allows you to carry a beginner needlewoman.

Beautiful classic round crochet napkin

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Beautiful sample with a crochet knitted in a fuel technique.

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes


Knitting technique is also honed from the fact that in napkins practically the entire arsenal of all sorts of loops is used. These are the semi-solids, and air loops, and the columns with Nakidami, and many others. It gives a good skill, and teaches in the schemes.

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I also want to draw attention to the fact that these products also have a different form. Here you can mention classic round napkins that knit in a circle.

Beautiful openwork crochet napkin with floral patterns

The awesome napkin crochet - I was conquered with my grace! Knitting diagram below.

You can lay such a napkin on the table or put a vase with flowers on it.

When knitting napkins with crochet very often use the method of using motifs. The motifs are square, round, triangular. There are also more complex polyhedra, such as hexagonal, but they are rarely used.

In addition to the above, there is also a wide variety of knitting techniques of napkins. For example, Irish lace. Or Bruges Lace - Belgian technique. Creativity in knitting napkins is like art. Only creates the master with the help of paints and brushes, but with the help of yarn and hook.

Ladnenko, I squeezed something. Further, see the selection of samples of various napkins. They are combined one - they are bound by crochet. All photos are increasing. Just click on the image of the mouse. Successes to you in knitting! And come in more often. I always have something interesting for you.

Knitting circuits increase!

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

That began to have such a wonderful simplest option. Beautiful crochet napkin - stunning pattern geometry!

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

But this beautiful round napkin crochet will feel good on the table. In general, it is necessary to recognize that Japanese options are considered the most exquisite from all. In this selection they are also presented.

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Here is a good sample of a beautiful round napkin with crochet - the central web is of particular interest here.

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

And this napkin has a very similar structure to the coral.

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Beautiful classic crochet napkin, similar to snowflake.

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Pineapple patterns in a beautiful crochet napkin.

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Beautiful round crochet napkin with peak pattern.

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Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Knit a napkin tablecloth

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

Beautiful square napkin crocheted from motifs can turn into a fairly large tablecloth for the table. The advantage of the squares is that they can be combined and obtained in the end a large canvas.

Simple and beautiful crochet napkins with knitting schemes

These are the options. This is certainly not all that could be shown. But bring patience, we are not in a hurry anywhere. So?

How to starch the knitted napkin

After reading the multiple napkin guides, I came to the conclusion that they are hopelessly outdated. In all of them, it is proposed to cook a hubber from starch, only that's why such difficulties? It is much easier and faster to dug a napkin in a wall-mounted glue, which consists of starch, not giving yellowness. It is guided quickly, not visible after drying. Ideal, in my opinion.

Clean the solution more and make a napkin into it, I give her time to dry and now in front of you an excellent copy, smooth, without failures and twists. The wallpaper glue easily turns into the water, so do not be afraid to spoil the product.

Video Master Class - Simple Round Napkin Crochet

In conclusion, I want to show a simple and clear master class from Anna Andrienko to knit a simple crochet wipe for beginners. There is nothing complicated in the lesson, just what is needed for a beginner.

I hope these knitting schemes of beautiful wipes crochet you liked and you will take something to work! Well, I have everything today ... a pleasant needlework!

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