How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos


The hood is one of the elements of clothing, performing decorative and protective functions. It can be both an independent part of clothing and sololy knitted with a throat. The scheme, how to tie a hood with knitting needles, simple, knitter of any level will not be difficult to cope with this task.

The easiest way to knit the hood is in the manufacture of a hood separately from the main product and its subsequent stroke into the neck. To do this, you need to tie a web in the form of a rectangle of the required size. Screw the number of loops of the neck of the transfer and back Do not forget to add loops planks if it is available . The length of the rectangle will be equal to the two heights of the head - it is perpendicular from the shoulder line to the head of the head, add 4-5 cm to the freedom of movement. By sticking the item of the desired size, close the loops. Sew a knitted canvas, aligning short sides. Insert a hood in the neck.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Please note that the hood pattern may differ from the ground product pattern.

For a little princess

Master class "How to knit a hood from the hinge of the neck" Consider on the example of children's blouses.

Through the throat of the product to score loops. Thread stretching for both slices of the last row loops of the neck of the neck. On this operation it is convenient to use the hook, Then the loops gradually move to the needles for circular knitting.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Peel two rows in a circle - facial and invalid. The first and last two loops do the leaven to obtain a finishing plank at the front edge of the hood.

The neckline of the shelf is more than the backs, so to prevent the hood pulling down in the finished form, continue to knit short-range rows to align these sections.

The execution of this reception is to check the number of not until the end, in this model, insert the first 6 facial loops after the bar, knitting to flip and start knitting from the reverse side of the wrong loop, again knit turning over. So continue five more rows. The sixth row to lie in a circle completely and in each of the six rows to make the loops at one at the end and beginning of the row after and in front of two plane loops.

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How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

From the seventh row, it is already included in the work of 12 loops. Knit three rows in two directions, turning the knitting, not forgetting about the loop planks at the beginning of the row. The tenth row lend entirely in a circle. After a tenth row, start to prick 16 loops in two directions.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Through three rows, in the fourteenth, again to make a number in a circle, to penetrate two more rows and go to knit only circular rows. Thus, moving in a circle from one edge to another, at the same time raise both sides of the hood.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Finish knitting on the required length and close the last row.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Combining the hood parts by the front sides inside by hooking the columns without a nakid.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Give the shape of a hood, having sipped it through the napkin iron.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Variety of hood

For those who are only mastering the rims on the knitting needles, the MK is presented for beginners on a simple carriage model.

As a sample, a mini-model fit in which a short scarf of the cappite goes into a hood.

For the scarf - the foundations of the hood - dial 30 loops (for knitting it is better to take a pair number of loops). The first row to tie the rubber band alternately one facial, one inequate. In the second row, perform holes under the loop of the buttons, performing the scale after two facial, acclaimed with one loop. Slit, alternating this rapport, to the end of the row. The third and the next rows knit with a rubber band one on one.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

In total, there is 45 cm with a rubber band. From the side loops of one of the long sides to start making a hood. To do this, retreat from the edges of 4 cm for slats, dial on the spokes on the side line of the loop strip. Discover the loops right behind the moster, without stretching the thread through them.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

The first row on the scored loops to check the alternately one facial and nakid, but only crossed so that there are no holes Thus, by increasing the number of hinges on the spokes twice.

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How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

To penetrate the needy length - this is the height of the head to the top - and split all the loops into three parts with the same number of loops. To do this, you will need two more additional needles. If the scored amount of loops is not divided into three, then the "extra" loops move to the central needle.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Next start knitting. Peel the loop left and central parts. The last loop of the central knitting needles and the first loop of the right spokes to penetrate one facial loop, finish a row, turning knitting.

This way of unscrewing the hood is borrowed from the classic knitting method of the weed heel.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Now knit loops from the central needles, but the last loop to tie with the first loop of the left knitting needles, turn the knit again.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Repeat operations until the central needle loops remains.

How to tie a hood knitting needles: scheme and MK for beginners with video and photos

Close the remaining central loops and sew buttons to the bar.

Video on the topic

Video, how to knit a hood knitting needles, you can see here:

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