Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)


Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Not always a young family with a child has the opportunity to acquire such a living space that they would like. But do not be upset, because in each case you can come up with various outlets from the situation.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Now we will try to consider the most difficult version of the settlement, namely a one-room apartment. In this case, it will be necessary on one territory to consider the details so that all the inhabitants of the living spaces are comfortable.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Main goals

The initial task will be a project of the room and an approximate placement of furniture. Since in one-room apartments usually not so much space, you will have to think through everything so that it is as comfortable and comfortable for everyone. In the same time, the room should not be oversaturated furniture and other decor objects.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Functional arrangement

There is no doubt that this method will be most effective, because if we think over each of the possible zones in the apartment and build them comfortable - in this case, we can easily achieve good results that were planned initially.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Sleeping area for adults

A fairly important part of the apartment, especially for a young family. It needs to be equipped in such a way that it is not only cozy, but also to create maximum conditions for good long sleep.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

For a family with a child, it will be very important to provide two separate beds, while most likely, adults will have to do without a large double bed for saving space. In such cases, the bed-sofa or furniture-transformer will be optimally.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

As an option, the question with the place will greatly solve the bed-cabinet, which is very popular for apartments with a small square. It is very convenient and at any time can transform into a sleeping place, and vice versa, free the space for other needs.

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Children's zone

This is a very important point, because here too, a lot of items will be placed.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

To begin with, it will go about a children's bed, which must be present. To save space, as an option, you can take a children's angular sofa or two-storey option if you have two children.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

In addition to the bedroom, in this part of the apartment there should be at least a minimal gaming area where the child will be able to carry out his leisure.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

To the toys do not roll all over the apartment, buy a beautiful color "boxes" from the fabric, where it will be possible to fold everything without any problems. Thus, it will be possible to maintain purity and order.

Kitchen interier

If you are the owner of a one-room apartment with a kitchen, consider that you are very lucky. Then there is a separate room that can be issued at your own desire.

But not everyone has such a planning option, and sometimes in one large room have to come up with an even zone for the kitchen.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

In the process of the kitchen planning, it is important to consider the maximum convenience to work in it, because if you have a small child, it will take a lot of time, so everything will be needed in the kitchen quickly.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

An important point will be the option of the conditional section of the zone if it is located in the total part of the apartment. Often resort to the zoning method using a bar counter or sofa. It looks stylish enough and modern.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Living room

This is the part of the apartment where you can relax and relax after a heavy working day, chat with relatives and loved ones, or spend time in a circle of friends.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Of course, it will need to enter into a common interior somewhere, and if it is competently thought out, there is a chance to combine a part of the children's zone and living room.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)


Also a fairly important moment, because here it will be necessary to create the most working and relaxed atmosphere.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Often, in the absence of free space and space, this zone is made in the area of ​​the windowsill. By the way, there is quite convenient and a lot of daylight. And if under the window still think over a small bedside table or something, where you can add the paper and the stationery attributes, it will become even more comfortable.

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Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Separation of space

Now we go to the most important - options for separating space on functional zones. This can be done with the help of various methods, and here are some of the most popular solutions.

Partitions, Podiums, Ceilings

It is one of the easiest and most affordable methods with which you can achieve the desired result. In such cases, use the variant of multi-level ceilings and the correct lighting.

Another option is to make a beautiful podium that would separate one of the zones (bedroom, children's or living room). Moreover, not to disappear useful place, build a storage system or toys. Some even manage to put a full-fledged bed there, which can be easily removed when necessary.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

It is possible to make a plasterboard partition, which is optionally equipped with through niches and shelves. Here is the main secret - do not bring it to the ceiling, because the effect of lightweight space is preserved.

If you have the ceilings high enough you can come up with another interesting way out of the situation - this is the so-called second floor. In this case, a full-fledged conventional one-bedroom apartment can be released, which will have clearly formed zones. Very often on the second floor there is a sleeping room or an office.

Finishing materials for visual zoning

Do not believe, but the finishing materials can also participate in the process of the visual section of the room on the zone. Here the main thing is that the color policy is harmonized with each other and looked in the overall interior of the premises.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Using in practice looks like this: the children's zone and corner can be painted in bright colorful tones and smoothly move into the living room or bedroom, which will be performed in a separate color.

In the same way, you can beat the floor covering, but not to carry out different pieces of material, take advantage of conventional carpets that will act as an accent material for each of the zones.

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One of the most popular and budget options for the separation of zones, which will harmoniously be signed in the interior of your apartment. It is best to choose transparent curtains that will be lightweight and air. They will be able to become not only a tool for separating space, but also an excellent stylish designer solution for beautiful design.

Harmonic and Sliding Shirma

Perhaps the most important advantage of the screen is its mobility and simplicity to use. In a one-room apartment, this will be a great way to disconnect one piece of apartment from the other.


It can be unambiguously argued that when choosing furniture for a one-room apartment in which a young family and a child will live, it must be extremely functional and oversized. Before making a purchase, it is worth drawing an approximate location of the items and their size on a piece of paper. Thus, you can imagine a future project.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of a two-room and three-bedroom apartment

We looked at a hardenable option when you need to place absolutely all zones in one room. In the case of two-room or three-room apartments, the situation will be a little simpler, because space and place is much more.

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Interior of the apartment for a young family with a child: Options for arrangement of furniture in the rooms (39 photos)

Speaking about the interior of premises for a young family and a child, you can note the following useful recommendations that in the future to use for registration.

  1. Children's preferably to do in bright colorful colors. You can use the option of thematic design for a boy or a girl. For these purposes, it is desirable to allocate one of the rooms, because the children need space and freedom of action.
  2. In the bedroom it is better to pick up calm gentle tones that will contribute to a good sleep and rest.
  3. The living room can be made in natural beige colors. As an option to decorate the room, make one attractive colorful wall that will serve as an accent moment.

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